
<Jun 17, 2011 12:05:00 AM CST> <Critical> <EmbeddedLDAP> <BEA-171522> <An error occurred while initializing the Embedded LDAP Server. The exception thrown is java.lang.ClassCastException: com.octetstring.vde.backend.BackendRoot cannot be cast to com.octetstring.vde.backend.standard.BackendStandard. This may indicate a problem with the data files for the Embedded LDAP Server. If the problem is with the data files and it can not be corrected, backups of previous versions of the data files exist in /app/oracle/base_domain/servers/AdminServer/data/ldap/backup.> 
<Jun 17, 2011 12:05:00 AM CST> <Critical> <WebLogicServer> <BEA-000362> <Server failed. Reason:

There are 1 nested errors:

java.lang.ClassCastException: com.octetstring.vde.backend.BackendRoot cannot be cast to com.octetstring.vde.backend.standard.BackendStandard




chown -R dmadmin:root /app/oracle/base_domain
