




'* ******************************************************* *   
'*    程序名称:basComm.bas   
'*    程序功能:在VB中利用API进行串口通信   
'*    作者:lyserver   
'*    联系方式:http://blog.csdn.net/lyserver   
'* ******************************************************* *   
Option Explicit   
Option Base 0   
Private Declare Function CreateFile Lib "kernel32" Alias "CreateFileA" (ByVal lpFileName As String, ByVal dwDesiredAccess As Long, ByVal dwShareMode As Long, ByVal lpSecurityAttributes As Long, ByVal dwCreationDisposition As Long, ByVal dwFlagsAndAttributes As Long, ByVal hTemplateFile As Long) As Long 
Private Declare Function ReadFile Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hFile As Long, lpBuffer As Any, ByVal nNumberOfBytesToRead As Long, lpNumberOfBytesRead As Long, ByVal lpOverlapped As Long) As Long 
Private Declare Function WriteFile Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hFile As Long, lpBuffer As Any, ByVal nNumberOfBytesToWrite As Long, lpNumberOfBytesWritten As Long, ByVal lpOverlapped As Long) As Long 
Private Declare Function CloseHandle Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hObject As Long) As Long 
Private Const GENERIC_READ = &H80000000   
Private Const GENERIC_WRITE = &H40000000   
Private Const OPEN_EXISTING = 3   
Private Const INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE = -1   

Private Declare Function GetCommState Lib "kernel32" (ByVal nCid As Long, lpDCB As DCB) As Long 
Private Declare Function SetCommState Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hCommDev As Long, lpDCB As DCB) As Long 
Private Declare Function SetCommTimeouts Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hFile As Long, lpCommTimeouts As COMMTIMEOUTS) As Long 
Private Declare Function SetupComm Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hFile As Long, ByVal dwInQueue As Long, ByVal dwOutQueue As Long) As Long 
Private Declare Function PurgeComm Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hFile As Long, ByVal dwFlags As Long) As Long 
Private Const PURGE_TXABORT = &H1     ' Kill the pending/current writes to the comm port.   
Private Const PURGE_RXABORT = &H2     ' Kill the pending/current reads to the comm port.   
Private Const PURGE_TXCLEAR = &H4     ' Kill the transmit queue if there.   
Private Const PURGE_RXCLEAR = &H8     ' Kill the typeahead buffer if there.   
Private Type DCB   
        DCBlength As Long 
        BaudRate As Long 
        fBitFields As Long 'See Comments in Win32API.Txt   
        wReserved As Integer 
        XonLim As Integer 
        XoffLim As Integer 
        ByteSize As Byte 
        Parity As Byte 
        StopBits As Byte 
        XonChar As Byte 
        XoffChar As Byte 
        ErrorChar As Byte 
        EOFChar As Byte 
        EvtChar As Byte 
        wReserved1 As Integer 'Reserved; Do Not Use   
End Type   
Private Type COMMTIMEOUTS   
        ReadIntervalTimeout As Long 
        ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier As Long 
        ReadTotalTimeoutConstant As Long 
        WriteTotalTimeoutMultiplier As Long 
        WriteTotalTimeoutConstant As Long 
End Type   

Private Declare Function SafeArrayGetDim Lib "oleaut32.dll" (ByRef saArray() As Any) As Long 

Sub Main()   
    Dim hComm As Long 
    Dim szTest As String 
    hComm = OpenComm(1)   
    If hComm <> 0 Then 
        SetCommParam hComm   
        SetCommTimeOut hComm, 2, 3   
        szTest = "123" 
        WriteComm hComm, StringToBytes(szTest)   
        szTest = BytesToString(ReadComm(hComm))   
        Debug.Print szTest   
        CloseComm hComm   
    End If 
End Sub 

Function OpenComm(ByVal lComPort As Long) As Long 
    Dim hComm As Long 
    hComm = CreateFile("COM" & lComPort, GENERIC_READ Or GENERIC_WRITE, 0, 0, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, 0)   
        OpenComm = 0   
        OpenComm = hComm   
    End If 
End Function 

Sub CloseComm(hComm As Long)   
    CloseHandle hComm   
    hComm = 0   
End Sub 

Function ReadComm(ByVal hComm As Long) As Byte()   
    Dim dwBytesRead As Long 
    Dim BytesBuffer() As Byte 
    ReDim BytesBuffer(4095)   
    ReadFile hComm, BytesBuffer(0), UBound(BytesBuffer) + 1, dwBytesRead, 0   
    If dwBytesRead > 0 Then 
        ReDim Preserve BytesBuffer(dwBytesRead)   
        ReadComm = BytesBuffer   
    End If 
End Function 

Function WriteComm(ByVal hComm As Long, BytesBuffer() As Byte) As Long 
    Dim dwBytesWrite   
    If SafeArrayGetDim(BytesBuffer) = 0 Then Exit Function 
    WriteFile hComm, BytesBuffer(0), UBound(BytesBuffer) + 1, dwBytesWrite, 0   
    WriteComm = dwBytesWrite   
End Function 

Function SetCommParam(ByVal hComm As Long, Optional ByVal lBaudRate As Long = 9600, _   
        Optional ByVal cByteSize As Byte = 8, Optional ByVal cStopBits As Byte = 0, _   
        Optional ByVal cParity As Byte = 0, Optional ByVal cEOFChar As Long = 26) As Boolean 
    Dim dc As DCB   
    If hComm = 0 Then Exit Function 
    If GetCommState(hComm, dc) Then 
        dc.BaudRate = lBaudRate   
        dc.ByteSize = cByteSize   
        dc.StopBits = cStopBits   
        dc.Parity = cParity   
        dc.EOFChar = cEOFChar   
        SetCommParam = CBool(SetCommState(hComm, dc))   
    End If 
End Function 

Function SetCommTimeOut(ByVal hComm As Long, Optional ByVal dwReadTimeOut As Long = 2, _   
        Optional ByVal dwWriteTimeOut As Long = 3) As Boolean 
    Dim ct As COMMTIMEOUTS   
    If hComm = 0 Then Exit Function 
    ct.ReadIntervalTimeout = dwReadTimeOut '读操作时,字符间超时   
    ct.ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier = dwReadTimeOut '读操作时,每字节超时   
    ct.ReadTotalTimeoutConstant = dwReadTimeOut '读操作时,固定超时(总超时=每字节超时*字节数+固定超时)   
    ct.WriteTotalTimeoutMultiplier = dwWriteTimeOut '写操作时,每字节超时   
    ct.WriteTotalTimeoutConstant = dwWriteTimeOut '写操作时,固定超时(总超时=每字节超时*字节数+固定超时)   
    SetCommTimeOut = CBool(SetCommTimeouts(hComm, ct))   
End Function 

Function SetCommBuffer(ByVal hComm As Long, Optional ByVal dwBytesRead As Long = 1024, _   
        Optional ByVal dwBytesWrite As Long = 512) As Boolean 
    If hComm = 0 Then Exit Function 
    SetCommBuffer = CBool(SetupComm(hComm, dwBytesRead, dwBytesWrite))   
End Function 

Sub ClearComm(ByVal hComm As Long, Optional ByVal InBuffer As Boolean = True, Optional ByVal OutBuffer As Boolean = True)   
    If hComm = 0 Then Exit Sub 
    If InBuffer And OutBuffer Then '清空输入输出缓冲区   
    ElseIf InBuffer Then '清空输入缓冲区   
        PurgeComm hComm, PURGE_RXABORT Or PURGE_RXCLEAR   
    ElseIf OutBuffer Then '清空输出缓冲区   
        PurgeComm hComm, PURGE_TXABORT Or PURGE_TXCLEAR   
    End If 
End Sub 

Function StringToBytes(ByVal szText As String) As Byte()   
    If Len(szText) > 0 Then 
        StringToBytes = StrConv(szText, vbFromUnicode)   
    End If 
End Function 

Function BytesToString(bytesText() As Byte) As String 
    If SafeArrayGetDim(bytesText) <> 0 Then 
        BytesToString = StrConv(bytesText, vbUnicode)   
    End If 
End Function 

Function Byteslen(bytesText() As Byte) As Long 
    If SafeArrayGetDim(bytesText) <> 0 Then 
        Byteslen = UBound(bytesText) + 1   
    End If 
End Function 
'* ******************************************************* *
'*    程序名称:basComm.bas
'*    程序功能:在VB中利用API进行串口通信
'*    作者:lyserver
'*    联系方式:http://blog.csdn.net/lyserver
'* ******************************************************* *
Option Explicit
Option Base 0
Private Declare Function CreateFile Lib "kernel32" Alias "CreateFileA" (ByVal lpFileName As String, ByVal dwDesiredAccess As Long, ByVal dwShareMode As Long, ByVal lpSecurityAttributes As Long, ByVal dwCreationDisposition As Long, ByVal dwFlagsAndAttributes As Long, ByVal hTemplateFile As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function ReadFile Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hFile As Long, lpBuffer As Any, ByVal nNumberOfBytesToRead As Long, lpNumberOfBytesRead As Long, ByVal lpOverlapped As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function WriteFile Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hFile As Long, lpBuffer As Any, ByVal nNumberOfBytesToWrite As Long, lpNumberOfBytesWritten As Long, ByVal lpOverlapped As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function CloseHandle Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hObject As Long) As Long
Private Const GENERIC_READ = &H80000000
Private Const GENERIC_WRITE = &H40000000
Private Const OPEN_EXISTING = 3

Private Declare Function GetCommState Lib "kernel32" (ByVal nCid As Long, lpDCB As DCB) As Long
Private Declare Function SetCommState Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hCommDev As Long, lpDCB As DCB) As Long
Private Declare Function SetCommTimeouts Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hFile As Long, lpCommTimeouts As COMMTIMEOUTS) As Long
Private Declare Function SetupComm Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hFile As Long, ByVal dwInQueue As Long, ByVal dwOutQueue As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function PurgeComm Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hFile As Long, ByVal dwFlags As Long) As Long
Private Const PURGE_TXABORT = &H1     ' Kill the pending/current writes to the comm port.
Private Const PURGE_RXABORT = &H2     ' Kill the pending/current reads to the comm port.
Private Const PURGE_TXCLEAR = &H4     ' Kill the transmit queue if there.
Private Const PURGE_RXCLEAR = &H8     ' Kill the typeahead buffer if there.
Private Type DCB
        DCBlength As Long
        BaudRate As Long
        fBitFields As Long 'See Comments in Win32API.Txt
        wReserved As Integer
        XonLim As Integer
        XoffLim As Integer
        ByteSize As Byte
        Parity As Byte
        StopBits As Byte
        XonChar As Byte
        XoffChar As Byte
        ErrorChar As Byte
        EOFChar As Byte
        EvtChar As Byte
        wReserved1 As Integer 'Reserved; Do Not Use
End Type
        ReadIntervalTimeout As Long
        ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier As Long
        ReadTotalTimeoutConstant As Long
        WriteTotalTimeoutMultiplier As Long
        WriteTotalTimeoutConstant As Long
End Type

Private Declare Function SafeArrayGetDim Lib "oleaut32.dll" (ByRef saArray() As Any) As Long

Sub Main()
    Dim hComm As Long
    Dim szTest As String
    hComm = OpenComm(1)
    If hComm <> 0 Then
        SetCommParam hComm
        SetCommTimeOut hComm, 2, 3
        szTest = "123"
        WriteComm hComm, StringToBytes(szTest)
        szTest = BytesToString(ReadComm(hComm))
        Debug.Print szTest
        CloseComm hComm
    End If
End Sub

Function OpenComm(ByVal lComPort As Long) As Long
    Dim hComm As Long
    hComm = CreateFile("COM" & lComPort, GENERIC_READ Or GENERIC_WRITE, 0, 0, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, 0)
        OpenComm = 0
        OpenComm = hComm
    End If
End Function

Sub CloseComm(hComm As Long)
    CloseHandle hComm
    hComm = 0
End Sub

Function ReadComm(ByVal hComm As Long) As Byte()
    Dim dwBytesRead As Long
    Dim BytesBuffer() As Byte
    ReDim BytesBuffer(4095)
    ReadFile hComm, BytesBuffer(0), UBound(BytesBuffer) + 1, dwBytesRead, 0
    If dwBytesRead > 0 Then
        ReDim Preserve BytesBuffer(dwBytesRead)
        ReadComm = BytesBuffer
    End If
End Function

Function WriteComm(ByVal hComm As Long, BytesBuffer() As Byte) As Long
    Dim dwBytesWrite
    If SafeArrayGetDim(BytesBuffer) = 0 Then Exit Function
    WriteFile hComm, BytesBuffer(0), UBound(BytesBuffer) + 1, dwBytesWrite, 0
    WriteComm = dwBytesWrite
End Function

Function SetCommParam(ByVal hComm As Long, Optional ByVal lBaudRate As Long = 9600, _
        Optional ByVal cByteSize As Byte = 8, Optional ByVal cStopBits As Byte = 0, _
        Optional ByVal cParity As Byte = 0, Optional ByVal cEOFChar As Long = 26) As Boolean
    Dim dc As DCB
    If hComm = 0 Then Exit Function
    If GetCommState(hComm, dc) Then
        dc.BaudRate = lBaudRate
        dc.ByteSize = cByteSize
        dc.StopBits = cStopBits
        dc.Parity = cParity
        dc.EOFChar = cEOFChar
        SetCommParam = CBool(SetCommState(hComm, dc))
    End If
End Function

Function SetCommTimeOut(ByVal hComm As Long, Optional ByVal dwReadTimeOut As Long = 2, _
        Optional ByVal dwWriteTimeOut As Long = 3) As Boolean
    If hComm = 0 Then Exit Function
    ct.ReadIntervalTimeout = dwReadTimeOut '读操作时,字符间超时
    ct.ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier = dwReadTimeOut '读操作时,每字节超时
    ct.ReadTotalTimeoutConstant = dwReadTimeOut '读操作时,固定超时(总超时=每字节超时*字节数+固定超时)
    ct.WriteTotalTimeoutMultiplier = dwWriteTimeOut '写操作时,每字节超时
    ct.WriteTotalTimeoutConstant = dwWriteTimeOut '写操作时,固定超时(总超时=每字节超时*字节数+固定超时)
    SetCommTimeOut = CBool(SetCommTimeouts(hComm, ct))
End Function

Function SetCommBuffer(ByVal hComm As Long, Optional ByVal dwBytesRead As Long = 1024, _
        Optional ByVal dwBytesWrite As Long = 512) As Boolean
    If hComm = 0 Then Exit Function
    SetCommBuffer = CBool(SetupComm(hComm, dwBytesRead, dwBytesWrite))
End Function

Sub ClearComm(ByVal hComm As Long, Optional ByVal InBuffer As Boolean = True, Optional ByVal OutBuffer As Boolean = True)
    If hComm = 0 Then Exit Sub
    If InBuffer And OutBuffer Then '清空输入输出缓冲区
    ElseIf InBuffer Then '清空输入缓冲区
    ElseIf OutBuffer Then '清空输出缓冲区
    End If
End Sub

Function StringToBytes(ByVal szText As String) As Byte()
    If Len(szText) > 0 Then
        StringToBytes = StrConv(szText, vbFromUnicode)
    End If
End Function

Function BytesToString(bytesText() As Byte) As String
    If SafeArrayGetDim(bytesText) <> 0 Then
        BytesToString = StrConv(bytesText, vbUnicode)
    End If
End Function

Function Byteslen(bytesText() As Byte) As Long
    If SafeArrayGetDim(bytesText) <> 0 Then
        Byteslen = UBound(bytesText) + 1
    End If
End Function

