Reading List for Computer Vision Newbie

之前有给学弟写过一个Computer Vision方面初学者的Reading List。联想到自己当年也是一步一步不知深浅地踩出来,中间走了不少弯路,遂决定将这份Reading List重新写一下,加入最近新看的一些文章和书,还望能给计算机视觉新手提供帮助。


1. On Computer Vision: 

(1) David Marr, "Vision"
David Marr is really a legend in both computer vision and computational neuroscience. Although he died in 1982 in only 35 years old, his theory still have great influence in today's vision research. You do not have to read every detail of this book, but just to find out how great research is and how new ideas are sparkled by interdisciplinary research.

(2) Richard Szeliski, "Computer Vision: Algorithms and Applications"
This is the best review I have ever read on current Computer Vision. You can find its latest draft and supplementary materials on its website. It's reader-friendly, self-contained, comprehensive and most importantly, it's written in 2010. You can easily find recent achievements in different sub-areas in computer vision from this book.

Remember that only reading is NOT enough, try to google the related codes and implement the algorithms in OpenCV or Matlab, otherwise you cannot fully understand them.

2. On Research Methods:

(1) How to Do Research at the MIT AI Lab:
This article is a good guide before you start to pursue your PhD, and it's worth being read more than once. A rectified version of Chinese translation can be found at my technical blog: 

(2)  You and Your Research (Richard Hamming) 
"All kinds of things you may be thinking of in research: motivation, luck, intellectual ability, age (fame and early success), working conditions, commitment and passion, courage, open-mindedness, selling your work; and also possible impediments to success — I suggest you try to summarize each point while reading, as it contains a lot of pieces." quoted from

3. On Biological Vision and Mathematics 

(1) David Hubel, "Eye, Brain and Vision",
Almost all the breakthrough methods in computer vision area are on the mathematical models of biological vision system. So it's good to learn some of them. This book is a good beginner's book on human vision system. 

(2)  H. G. Adrian. "What Does the Honeybee See and How Do We Know?: A Critique of Scientific Reason",
An interesting reading on bee vision. You can find that  despite its low resolution and poor ability in shape and pattern recognition, bee's vision system is proved to be an effective system for places recognition and navigation. 

(3) Basic Mathematics in Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning: Very interesting reading
  --Chinese blog:, has a series of article called "机器学习中的数学"
  --Chinese blog:, on google china blog, there's a series of artical called "数学之美"
以上Reading List只是我的个人推荐,欢迎补充。
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