本篇是 创建游戏内核(13)的续篇,其中涉及到的网格绘制知识请参阅D3D中网格模型的运用。
在处理蒙皮网格模型时,框架变换的使用只不过是使网格模型产生动画的一种方法。因为一个蒙皮网格模型就是一个单一的网格模型(并非由多个网格模型组成),需要改变框架比便进行顶点的变形。修改框架变换矩阵最简单的方法就是使用一种称之为关键桢(key frame)的技术。
只需要在那些帧之间进行插值计算便可以产生平滑的动画,插值(interpolating)是一种计算两个数值之间,随时间变化的过渡数值的方法。这里使用的关键桢形式是矩阵关键桢(matrix key framing),因为使用的是D3DX矩阵对象,所以使用这种格式的关键桢会十分容易。比如说,有两个矩阵mat1和mat2,分别表示开始和结束的矩阵,他们之间的时间距离表示为time_length,同时当前的时间表示为time(其范围从0到length),计算插值矩阵,就像下面代码所示:
DWORD time_length, time;
D3DXMATRIX mat_inter; // 最终的插值矩阵
// 计算插值矩阵
mat_inter = mat1 + ((mat2 - mat1) / time_length) * time;
要绘制网格,必须在网格定义和显示器之间搭设一道桥梁。为什么不使用MESH对象处理渲染呢?原因在于内存使用(memory usage),如果要反复使用相同的网格,该怎么办?解决的办法就是使用OBJECT对象。
DWORD time;
DWORD time;
D3DXVECTOR3 pos_inter;
struct S_SCALE_KEY
DWORD time;
D3DXVECTOR3 scale;
D3DXVECTOR3 scale_inter;
DWORD time;
D3DXMATRIX matrix;
D3DXMATRIX mat_inter;
public :
char * m_name;
char * m_frame_name;
S_FRAME* m_frame;
BOOL m_is_loop;
BOOL m_is_linear;
DWORD m_num_position_keys;
S_POSITION_KEY* m_position_keys;
DWORD m_num_rotate_keys;
S_ROTATE_KEY* m_rotate_keys;
DWORD m_num_scale_keys;
S_SCALE_KEY* m_scale_keys;
DWORD m_num_matrix_keys;
S_MATRIX_KEY* m_matrix_keys;
S_ANIMATION* m_next;
// Constructor, initialize member data.
m_name = NULL;
m_frame_name = NULL;
m_frame = NULL;
m_is_loop = FALSE;
m_is_linear = TRUE;
m_num_position_keys = 0;
m_num_rotate_keys = 0;
m_num_scale_keys = 0;
m_num_matrix_keys = 0;
m_position_keys = NULL;
m_rotate_keys = NULL;
m_scale_keys = NULL;
m_matrix_keys = NULL;
m_next = NULL;
// Destructor, release resource.
delete[] m_name; m_name = NULL;
delete[] m_frame_name; m_frame_name = NULL;
delete[] m_position_keys; m_position_keys = NULL;
delete[] m_rotate_keys; m_rotate_keys = NULL;
delete[] m_scale_keys; m_scale_keys = NULL;
delete[] m_matrix_keys; m_matrix_keys = NULL;
delete[] m_next; m_next = NULL;
// Update current frame's transformed matrix.
void Update(DWORD time, BOOL is_smooth)
unsigned long key_index;
DWORD time_diff, time_inter;
D3DXMATRIX matrix, mat_temp;
D3DXVECTOR3 vector;
if (m_frame == NULL)
return ;
// Update rotation, scale, and position keys.
if (m_num_rotate_keys != 0 || m_num_scale_keys != 0 || m_num_position_keys != 0)
// update rotation matrix
if (m_num_rotate_keys != 0 && m_rotate_keys != NULL)
// find the key that fits this time
key_index = 0;
for (unsigned long i = 0; i < m_num_rotate_keys; i++)
if (m_rotate_keys[i].time <= time)
key_index = i;
break ;
// If it's the last key or non-smooth animation, then just set the key value.
if (key_index == m_num_rotate_keys - 1 || is_smooth == FALSE)
quat = m_rotate_keys[key_index].quat;
// calculate the time difference and interpolate time
time_diff = m_rotate_keys[key_index + 1].time - m_rotate_keys[key_index].time;
time_inter = time - m_rotate_keys[key_index].time;
// Get the quarternion value
// Interpolates between two quaternions, using spherical linear interpolation.
D3DXQuaternionSlerp(&quat, &m_rotate_keys[key_index].quat,
&m_rotate_keys[key_index+1].quat, ( float )time_inter / time_diff);
// combine with the new matrix
// builds a rotation matrix from a quaternion.
D3DXMatrixRotationQuaternion(&mat_temp, &quat);
D3DXMatrixMultiply(&matrix, &matrix, &mat_temp);
// update scale matrix
if (m_num_scale_keys != 0 && m_scale_keys != NULL)
// find the key that fits this time
key_index = 0;
for (unsigned long i = 0; i < m_num_scale_keys; i++)
if (m_scale_keys[i].time <= time)
key_index = i;
break ;
// If it's the last key or non-smooth animation, then just set the key value.
if (key_index == m_num_scale_keys - 1 || is_smooth == FALSE)
vector = m_scale_keys[key_index].scale;
// calculate the time difference and interpolate time
time_inter = time - m_scale_keys[key_index].time;
// get the interpolated vector value
vector = m_scale_keys[key_index].scale +
m_scale_keys[key_index].scale_inter * ( float )time_inter;
// combine with the new matrix
D3DXMatrixScaling(&mat_temp, vector.x, vector.y, vector.z);
D3DXMatrixMultiply(&matrix, &matrix, &mat_temp);
// update translation matrix
if (m_num_position_keys != 0 && m_position_keys != NULL)
// find the key that fits this time
key_index = 0;
for (unsigned long i = 0; i < m_num_position_keys; i++)
if (m_position_keys[i].time <= time)
key_index = i;
break ;
// If it's the last key or non-smooth animation, then just set the key value.
if (key_index == m_num_position_keys - 1 || is_smooth == FALSE)
vector = m_position_keys[key_index].pos;
// calculate the time difference and interpolate time
time_inter = time - m_position_keys[key_index].time;
// get the interpolated vector value
vector = m_position_keys[key_index].pos +
m_position_keys[key_index].pos_inter * ( float )time_inter;
// combine with the new matrix
D3DXMatrixTranslation(&mat_temp, vector.x, vector.y, vector.z);
D3DXMatrixMultiply(&matrix, &matrix, &mat_temp);
// set the new matrix
m_frame->m_mat_transformed = matrix;
// update matrix keys
if (m_num_matrix_keys != 0 && m_matrix_keys != NULL)
// find the key that fits this time
key_index = 0;
for (unsigned long i = 0; i < m_num_matrix_keys; i++)
if (m_matrix_keys[i].time <= time)
key_index = i;
break ;
// If it's the last key or non-smooth animation, then just set the matrix.
if (key_index == m_num_matrix_keys - 1 || is_smooth == FALSE)
m_frame->m_mat_transformed = m_matrix_keys[key_index].matrix;
// calculate the time difference and interpolated time
time_inter = time - m_matrix_keys[key_index].time;
// set the new interpolation matrix
matrix = m_matrix_keys[key_index].mat_inter * ( float ) time_inter;
m_frame->m_mat_transformed = m_matrix_keys[key_index].matrix + matrix;
public :
char * m_name;
S_ANIMATION* m_animation;
unsigned long m_time_length;
// Constructor, initialize member data.
m_name = NULL;
m_animation = NULL;
m_next = NULL;
m_time_length = 0;
// Destructor, release resource.
delete[] m_name; m_name = NULL;
delete m_animation; m_animation = NULL;
delete m_next; m_next = NULL;
// Find animation set in animation set link list which match specified name.
S_ANIMATION_SET* Find_Set( char * name)
// return first instance if name is NULL
if (name == NULL)
return this ;
// compare names and return if exact match
if (m_name != NULL && !strcmp(name, m_name))
return this ;
// search next in list
if (m_next != NULL)
S_ANIMATION_SET* anim_set;
if ((anim_set = m_next->Find_Set(name)) != NULL)
return anim_set;
return NULL;
// Update all animations in current animation set.
void Update(DWORD time, BOOL is_smooth)
S_ANIMATION* anim = m_animation;
while (anim != NULL)
if (m_time_length == 0)
// If time length of the animation set is zero, just use first frame.
anim->Update(0, FALSE);
else if (time >= m_time_length && anim->m_is_loop == FALSE)
// If time beyonds max time length of the animation set and is not loop animation, use last frame.
anim->Update(time, FALSE);
// Now, update animation usually.
anim->Update(time % m_time_length, is_smooth);
anim = anim->m_next;
protected :
GRAPHICS* _graphics;
MESH* _mesh;
S_ANIMATION_SET* _animation_set;
BOOL _use_billboard;
unsigned long _start_time;
void _Update_Frame(S_FRAME* frame, D3DXMATRIX* matrix);
void _Draw_Frame(S_FRAME* frame);
public :
BOOL Create(GRAPHICS* graphics, MESH* mesh = NULL);
void Free();
void Enable_Billboard(BOOL enable = TRUE);
void Attach_To_Object(OBJECT* object , char * frame_name = NULL);
void Move( float x_pos, float y_pos, float z_pos);
void Move_Rel( float x_add, float y_add, float z_add);
void Rotate( float x_rot, float y_rot, float z_rot);
void Rotate_Rel( float x_add, float y_add, float z_add);
void Scale( float x_scale, float y_scale, float z_scale);
void Scale_Rel( float x_add, float y_add, float z_add);
D3DXMATRIX* Get_Matrix();
float Get_X_Pos();
float Get_Y_Pos();
float Get_Z_Pos();
float Get_X_Rotation();
float Get_Y_Rotation();
float Get_Z_Rotation();
float Get_X_Scale();
float Get_Y_Scale();
float Get_Z_Scale();
BOOL Get_Bounds( float * min_x, float * min_y, float * min_z, float * max_x, float * max_y, float * max_z, float * radius);
void Set_Mesh(MESH* mesh);
MESH* Get_Mesh();
void Set_Animation(ANIMATION* animation, char * name = NULL, unsigned long start_time = 0);
char * Get_Animation_Name();
void Reset_Animation(unsigned long start_time = 0);
void Update_Animation(unsigned long time, BOOL is_smooth = TRUE);
BOOL Animation_Complete(unsigned long time);
void Update();
BOOL Render();
// Constructor, initialize member data.
_graphics = NULL;
_mesh = NULL;
_animation_set = NULL;
// Destructor, release resource.
// Create an object with specified mesh object.
BOOL OBJECT::Create(GRAPHICS* graphics, MESH* mesh)
if ((_graphics = graphics) == NULL)
return FALSE;
_mesh = mesh;
Move(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
Rotate(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
Scale(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
return TRUE;
// Release resource.
void OBJECT::Free()
_graphics = NULL;
_mesh = NULL;
_animation_set = NULL;
// Enable or disable billboard.
void OBJECT::Enable_Billboard(BOOL enable)
// Attach another object's transformed matrix to current object.
void OBJECT::Attach_To_Object(OBJECT* object , char * frame_name)
if ( object == NULL || object ->_mesh == NULL)
S_FRAME* frame = object ->_mesh->Get_Frame(frame_name);
if (frame == NULL)
_pos.Set_Combine_Matrix_2( object ->_pos.Get_Matrix());
// Move object to new world position with specified relative value.
void OBJECT::Move( float x_pos, float y_pos, float z_pos)
_pos.Move(x_pos, y_pos, z_pos);
// Move object to new world position which is specified by new relative
// value and current position.
void OBJECT::Move_Rel( float x_add, float y_add, float z_add)
_pos.Move_Rel(x_add, y_add, z_add);
// Rotate around x, y, z, axis with specified degree.
void OBJECT::Rotate( float x_rot, float y_rot, float z_rot)
_pos.Rotate(x_rot, y_rot, z_rot);
// Rotate around x, y, z, axis which is specified with new relative
// degree and current rotation value.
void OBJECT::Rotate_Rel( float x_add, float y_add, float z_add)
_pos.Rotate_Rel(x_add, y_add, z_add);
// Build scaling matrix.
void OBJECT::Scale( float x_scale, float y_scale, float z_scale)
_pos.Scale(x_scale, y_scale, z_scale);
// Build scaling matrix with specified value and current scaling value.
void OBJECT::Scale_Rel( float x_add, float y_add, float z_add)
_pos.Scale_Rel(x_add, y_add, z_add);
// Get current world transform matrix.
return _pos.Get_Matrix();
// Set mesh to current object.
void OBJECT::Set_Mesh(MESH *mesh)
_mesh = mesh;
// Get current object's mesh.
MESH* OBJECT::Get_Mesh()
return _mesh;
// Set animation set with specified name and start time.
void OBJECT::Set_Animation(ANIMATION* animation, char * name, unsigned long start_time)
_start_time = start_time;
if (animation == NULL)
_animation_set = NULL;
_animation_set = animation->Get_Animation_Set(name);
// Get the name of animation set.
char * OBJECT::Get_Animation_Name()
if (_animation_set == NULL)
return NULL;
return _animation_set->m_name;
// Reset start time of animation set.
void OBJECT::Reset_Animation(unsigned long start_time)
_start_time = start_time;
// Get x coordinate of current obejct.
float OBJECT::Get_X_Pos()
return _pos.Get_X_Pos();
// Get y coordinate of current obejct.
float OBJECT::Get_Y_Pos()
return _pos.Get_Y_Pos();
// Get z coordinate of current obejct.
float OBJECT::Get_Z_Pos()
return _pos.Get_Z_Pos();
// Get current rotation value which rotate around x axis.
float OBJECT::Get_X_Rotation()
return _pos.Get_X_Rotation();
// Get current rotation value which rotate around y axis.
float OBJECT::Get_Y_Rotation()
return _pos.Get_Y_Rotation();
// Get current rotation value which rotate around z axis.
float OBJECT::Get_Z_Rotation()
return _pos.Get_Z_Rotation();
// Get current scale value which around x axis.
float OBJECT::Get_X_Scale()
return _pos.Get_X_Scale();
// Get current scale value which around y axis.
float OBJECT::Get_Y_Scale()
return _pos.Get_Y_Scale();
// Get current scale value which around z axis.
float OBJECT::Get_Z_Scale()
return _pos.Get_Z_Scale();
// Get bound coordinate and radius after scale.
BOOL OBJECT::Get_Bounds( float *min_x, float *min_y, float *min_z, float *max_x, float *max_y, float *max_z,
float *radius)
if (_mesh == NULL)
return FALSE;
// Get bound box coordiante and radius.
_mesh->Get_Bounds(min_x, min_y, min_z, max_x, max_y, max_z, radius);
// scale bounds
float x_scale = _pos.Get_X_Scale();
float y_scale = _pos.Get_Y_Scale();
float z_scale = _pos.Get_Z_Scale();
if (min_x != NULL) *min_x *= x_scale;
if (min_y != NULL) *min_y *= y_scale;
if (min_z != NULL) *min_z *= z_scale;
if (max_x != NULL) *max_x *= x_scale;
if (max_y != NULL) *max_y *= y_scale;
if (max_z != NULL) *max_z *= z_scale;
if (radius != NULL)
float length = ( float ) sqrt(x_scale * x_scale + y_scale * y_scale + z_scale * z_scale);
(*radius) *= length;
return TRUE;
// Update world tranform matrix.
void OBJECT::Update()
// Update all animations in current animation set.
void OBJECT::Update_Animation(unsigned long time, BOOL is_smooth)
if (_animation_set)
// reset all frames's transformed matrices to original matrices
// update all animations in current animation set
_animation_set->Update(time - _start_time, is_smooth);
// Judge whether animation has completed.
BOOL OBJECT::Animation_Complete(unsigned long time)
if (_animation_set == NULL)
return TRUE;
if ((time - _start_time) >= _animation_set->m_time_length)
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
// Render all meshes in this object.
D3DXMATRIX matrix;
// error checking
if (_graphics == NULL || _mesh == NULL || _mesh->Get_Root_Frame() == NULL || _mesh->Get_Root_Mesh() == NULL)
return FALSE;
// update the object matrix
// update the frame matrices
_Update_Frame(_mesh->Get_Root_Frame(), &matrix);
// copy frame matrices to bone matrices
// draw all frame meshes
return TRUE;
// Update transformation matrix of all frames, call recursively.
void OBJECT::_Update_Frame(S_FRAME *frame, D3DXMATRIX *matrix)
// return if no more frames
if (frame == NULL)
return ;
// calculate frame matrix based on animation or not
if (_animation_set == NULL)
D3DXMatrixMultiply(&frame->m_mat_combined, &frame->m_mat_original, matrix);
D3DXMatrixMultiply(&frame->m_mat_combined, &frame->m_mat_transformed, matrix);
// update child frames
_Update_Frame(frame->m_child, &frame->m_mat_combined);
// update sibling frames
_Update_Frame(frame->m_sibling, matrix);
// Draw all meshes in frames which under current specified frame, call recursively.
void OBJECT::_Draw_Frame(S_FRAME *frame)
S_MESH_LIST* list;
S_MESH* mesh;
D3DXMATRIX mat_world;
if (frame == NULL)
return ;
if ((list = frame->m_mesh_list) != NULL)
// draw all meshes in this frame
while (list != NULL)
// see if there's a mesh to draw
if ((mesh = list->m_mesh) != NULL)
// generate the mesh if using bones and set world matrix
if (mesh->m_num_bones && mesh->m_skin_mesh)
void * src_ptr;
void * dest_ptr;
// lock the source and destination vertex buffers
mesh->m_mesh->LockVertexBuffer(D3DLOCK_READONLY, ( void **) &src_ptr);
mesh->m_skin_mesh->LockVertexBuffer(0, ( void **) &dest_ptr);
// perfrom skinned mesh update
mesh->m_skin_info->UpdateSkinnedMesh(mesh->m_matrices, NULL, src_ptr, dest_ptr);
// unlock vertex buffers
// set object world transformation
_graphics->Get_Device_COM()->SetTransform(D3DTS_WORLD, _pos.Get_Matrix());
// set the world transformation matrix for this frame
D3DXMatrixMultiply(&mat_world, &frame->m_mat_combined, _pos.Get_Matrix());
_graphics->Get_Device_COM()->SetTransform(D3DTS_WORLD, &mat_world);
// loop through materials and draw the mesh
for (DWORD i = 0; i < mesh->m_num_materials; i++)
// don't draw materials with no alpha (0.0)
if (mesh->m_materials[i].Diffuse.a != 0.0f)
_graphics->Get_Device_COM()->SetTexture(0, mesh->m_textures[i]);
// enabled alpha blending based on material alpha
if (mesh->m_materials[i].Diffuse.a != 1.0f)
_graphics->Enable_Alpha_Blending(TRUE, D3DBLEND_SRCCOLOR, D3DBLEND_ONE);
// draw mesh or skinned mehs
if (mesh->m_skin_mesh != NULL)
// disable alpha blending based on material alpha
if (mesh->m_materials[i].Diffuse.a != 1.0f)
// next mesh in lsit
list = list->m_next;
// draw child frames and sibling frames
protected :
long _num_animations;
S_ANIMATION_SET* _animation_set;
public :
S_ANIMATION_SET* Get_Animation_Set( char * name = NULL);
void Free();
// Constructor, initialize member data.
_num_animations = 0;
_animation_set = NULL;
// Destructor, free resource.
// Free resource.
void ANIMATION::Free()
delete _animation_set;
_animation_set = NULL;
_num_animations = 0;
// Get animation set which match specified name.
S_ANIMATION_SET* ANIMATION::Get_Animation_Set( char * name)
if (_animation_set == NULL)
return NULL;
return _animation_set->Find_Set(name);
Test for class OBJECT.
#include "Core_Global.h"
#pragma warning(disable : 4996)
// Defines class APP which public inherits from class APPLICATION.
class APP : public APPLICATION
private :
GRAPHICS _graphics;
MESH _mesh;
OBJECT _object;
public :
BOOL Init();
BOOL Shutdown();
BOOL Frame();
// Initialize graphics, set display mode, set vertex buffer, load texture file.
BOOL APP::Init()
D3DXMATRIX mat_view;
// initialize graphics
if (! _graphics.Init())
return FALSE;
// set display mode for graphics
if (! _graphics.Set_Mode(Get_Hwnd(), TRUE, FALSE, 400, 400, 16))
return FALSE;
// disable D3D lighting
// set perspective projection transform matrix.
_graphics.Set_Perspective(D3DX_PI/4.0f, 1.33333f, 1.0f, 1000.0f);
// create and set the view matrix
&D3DXVECTOR3(0.0, 50.0, -150.0),
&D3DXVECTOR3(0.0, 50.0, 0.0),
&D3DXVECTOR3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0));
_graphics.Get_Device_COM()->SetTransform(D3DTS_VIEW, &mat_view);
// load mesh
if (! _mesh.Load(&_graphics, "warrior.x"))
return FALSE;
// create object to draw
if (! _object.Create(&_graphics, &_mesh))
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
// Release all d3d resource.
BOOL APP::Shutdown()
return TRUE;
// Render a frame.
BOOL APP::Frame()
D3DXMATRIX mat_world;
// clear display with specified color
_graphics.Clear_Display(D3DCOLOR_RGBA(0, 128, 0, 255));
// begin scene
if (_graphics.Begin_Scene())
// rotate object along x-axis, y-axis.
_object.Rotate(( float ) (timeGetTime() / 2000.0), ( float ) (timeGetTime() / 1000.0), 0);
// draw object
// end the scene
// display video buffer
return TRUE;
int PASCAL WinMain(HINSTANCE inst, HINSTANCE, LPSTR cmd_line, int cmd_show)
APP app;
return app.Run();