




explicit CreatureAI(Creature* creature) : m_creature(creature) {}


// Called if IsVisible(Unit *who) is true at each *who move, reaction at visibility zone enter

virtual void MoveInLineOfSight(Unit *) {}

// Called for reaction at enter to combat if not in combat yet (enemy can be NULL)

virtual void EnterCombat(Unit* /*enemy*/) {}

// Called for reaction at stopping attack at no attackers or targets

virtual void EnterEvadeMode() {}

// Called at reaching home after evade

virtual void JustReachedHome() {}

// Called at any heal cast/item used (call non implemented)

virtual void HealBy(Unit * /*healer*/, uint32 /*amount_healed*/) {}

// Called at any Damage to any victim (before damage apply)

virtual void DamageDeal(Unit * /*done_to*/, uint32 & /*damage*/) {}

// Called at any Damage from any attacker (before damage apply)

// Note: it for recalculation damage or special reaction at damage

// for attack reaction use AttackedBy called for not DOT damage in Unit::DealDamage also

virtual void DamageTaken(Unit * /*done_by*/, uint32 & /*damage*/) {}

// Called when the creature is killed

virtual void JustDied(Unit *) {}

// Called when the creature kills a unit

virtual void KilledUnit(Unit *) {}

// Called when the creature summon successfully other creature

virtual void JustSummoned(Creature* ) {}

virtual void SummonedCreatureDespawn(Creature* /*unit*/) {}

// Called when hit by a spell

virtual void SpellHit(Unit*, const SpellEntry*) {}

// Called when spell hits creature's target

virtual void SpellHitTarget(Unit*, const SpellEntry*) {}

// Called when the creature is target of hostile action: swing, hostile spell landed, fear/etc)

virtual void AttackedBy(Unit* attacker);

// Called when creature is spawned or respawned (for reseting variables)

virtual void JustRespawned() {}

// Called at waypoint reached or point movement finished

virtual void MovementInform(uint32 /*MovementType*/, uint32 /*Data*/) {}

// Called at text emote receive from player

virtual void ReceiveEmote(Player* /*pPlayer*/, uint32 /*text_emote*/) {}

// Called when creature attack expected (if creature can and no have current victim)

// Note: for reaction at hostile action must be called AttackedBy function.

virtual void AttackStart(Unit *) {}

// Is unit visible for MoveInLineOfSight

virtual bool IsVisible(Unit *) const { return false; }

// Called when victim entered water and creature can not enter water

virtual bool canReachByRangeAttack(Unit*) { return false; }

// Called at World update tick

virtual void UpdateAI(const uint32 /*diff*/) {}


以CreatureAI为基类,派生出了PetAI、CreatureEventAI、GuardAI、ReactorAI、AggressAI、TotemAI和NullCreatureAI 7类基本AI。Creature的AIM_Initialize()函数,对AI进行初始化,根据Creature的类型选择不同的AI。值得提出的是,Mangos还支持ScriptAI,对于非宠物类的生物支持扩展脚本AI。Mangos的脚本系统我还没有怎么看,有空研究下。


