Writing Solid Code Steve Maguire (0)

Writing Solid Code Steve Maguire (0)


Steve Maguire is a

renowned software engineer and author of software engineering topics. He is the author of two books on software development, Writing Solid Code and Debugging the Development Process.

Maguire attended the University of Arizona where he earned with a degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering though most of his work has been withcomputer software. Maguire's professional work spans two nations, Japan and the United States.

In the late 1970s, Maguire was active in developing software developer tools and application utilities for the Processor Technology and NorthStar users' groups. He also authored a few video games. He went on to develop valFORTH in 1982. He also wrote an award-winning FORTH development system for Atariprogrammers that aided development of high-quality graphics applications and video games.

Maguire went to work for Microsoft in 1986, working on cutting-edge Macintosh applications. He was involved with the development of the Mac version ofMicrosoft Excel and led development of Microsoft's Intel/Macintosh cross-development system. He was, in fact, the driving force behind having Microsoft adopt a cross-platform shared code strategy.

In 1993, Maguire wrote Writing Solid Code, a guide for writing robust and bug-free C code. In 1993, Writing Solid Code won the Software Development Jolt Productivity Award[1] and awards from the Society for Technical Communication.

While with Microsoft, Maguire was often called upon to help rescue troubled projects. His experience in helping these projects recover led directly to his authorship of Debugging the Development Process, a guide which helps project leads—and developers alike—manage their projects and enjoy their work.Debugging the Development Process won the 1994 Jolt Productivity Award.[1]

Maguire lives in Cincinnati, Ohio, with his wife, Beth. He is an Executive Vice President for Storm Development, a website development company. They shared their home with two Airedale terriers, Abby and Duncan.



大师写过两本书 《Writing solid code》 《Debugging the development process》 可惜啊,先能找到中文版的两本书,已经被翻译的面目全非,凑合着看。。书名是在是恶心坏了。。

《编程精粹---Microsoft 编写优质无错C程序秘籍》《微软研发:制胜策略》


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