The Year of Dragon

The Year of Dragon



Task 1 Warm up: Chinese Zodiac (Shengxiao)

1)    Can you recite the Chinese Zodiac in order? What are they?

2)    In which year were you born according to the Chinese Zodiac? Is this your favorite animal among the 12 animals in Chinese Zodiac? Why? What personality do you think this animal represents?

3)    What Zodiac year are these years: 1949, 1978, 1992, 2000, 2012, and 2050?



Task 2 Learn some Spring Festival idioms


2012 will be year of Dragon. It will be a good idea to pick up a few lines for making wishes. Please match the Chinese idioms with the English translation.








Wishing You Prosperity!



May All Your Wishes Come True!



The Country Flourishes And People Live In Peace!




Wishing You Every Success!




Everything Goes Well!




Promoting To A Higher Position!



Business Flourishes!


Safe Trip Wherever You Go!



Peace All Year Round!




Money And Treasures Will He Plentiful!




Treasures Fill The Home!



Harmony Brings Wealth!


Task 3 Follow up discussion:


1)    What are the most popular entertaining activities in your hometown during Spring Festival?


2)    Suppose you plan to rent a booth at the flower fair during Spring Festival, what kind of business would you like to run? Please talk about the details about the business in groups. (The kind of business, the target consumer, the place to run your business, where you can get the products, the budget to start the business)


3)    Present your business ideas to your classmates. We will vote for the best idea.



Task 4 Handling requests/complaints


Situation 1: It is Spring Festival Eve. Your next door neighbor is still singing Karaoke loudly after the count down of the Lunar New Year. You are quite tired and really need some sleep, but the loud noise is preventing you from falling asleep. It is almost 2 AM when you finally decide to call your neighbor and make a complaint.



Handling a Complaint

Handling a Request

1. Greeting

1. Greeting

2. Reason for calling

2. Reason for calling

3. Apology

3. Explanation of difficulties

4. Explanation of the problem

4. Solution

5. Solution

5. Close

6. Another apology


Situation 2: It is Spring Festival Eve. After singing Karaoke for a long time, you feel quite thirsty and want to have some drinks. Unluckily, there isn’t any water left in the water dispenser. You decide to make a phone call to the water delivery company and request them to deliver a bottle of water to your apartment.



