BULATS Speaking Test useful phrases

I think that covers everything.
… and that is all I can think of to say on the topic.


Starting the Part Three roleplay meeting
Hi. Thanks for coming to see me today. I’m… I’d like to ask you some questions about…, if
that’s okay.
Introducing your questions
I (also) have a question about…/ Can I (also) ask you about…?
Another thing I wanted to ask was…
My final question…


Starting your Part Two presentation
I’d like to/ I’m going to talk/ speak about…
I’m going to give a short presentation about…


Ending the roleplay meeting
Thank you for all the information.
I’ll check with my boss and get back to you in the next couple of days./ I’m seeing some
other companies this afternoon and I’ll make a choice then.
Giving your opinion on the Part Three discussion question
I (really) think that…
In my (honest) opinion
