爱惜自己, 不要轻易放弃

爱惜自己, 不要轻易放弃
1. Eat Junk
    Last year, at least 400,000 Americans managed to kill themselves based almost solely on what they ate. Heart disease is the country's number one killer and, while some of that comes from genetics, most of it's due to the fat-laden, sugar-heavy junk we put in our bodies.

2. Smoke
    Tobacco-related illnesses are America's number two killer, and the most preventable. Just one cigarette will immediately increase your blood pressure and decrease the circulation to your extremities.

3. Watch TV
    Not only is television entertaining, it can keep us on the couch for hours at a time several days per week. The average American spends a full 9 years of his life glued to the boob tube, years that could otherwise be spent exercising.

4. Stress Out
    Creating more stress in your life is a great way to invite all kinds of diseases to attack the body. When you're chronically stressed, the adrenal glands are forced to work overtime and eventually exhaust themselves, inhibiting the immune system.

5. Drink a Lot
    The occasional drink of alcohol, especially wine, can be beneficial to your health, many studies suggest. But if you're looking to do yourself in, overdo the two-drink-per-day limit and imbibe heartily. Besides alcoholism of course, too much booze causes liver damage, diabetes and is the root cause of nearly 100,000 deaths per year.

6. Drive a Lot
    If people wanted to increase their chance of surviving 'til a ripe old age, they'd fly everywhere. Driving kills more people aged 1 to 35 than anything else, a statistic that could drop to near zero if everyone just stayed home.

7. Dumb Down Your Brain
    Alzheimer’s, the degenerative brain disease attacks almost everyone who lives long enough, though mind games and puzzles are known to ward off the effects.

8. Ignore the Doctor
    It's a good tactic if early disease detection and important medical consultation are going to get in the way of your Tommy Lee lifestyle.

9. Sacrifice Sleep
    Inadequate sleep (less than 7 or 8 hours a night) has been tied to many different health problems, including obesity, diabetes and cancer. Mental fatigue is also as big of a risk factor for vehicular accidents as alcohol.

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