Ubuntu: How to install Libreoffice

Ubuntu: How to install Libreoffice
Here is the tutorial for how to install libreoffice in ubuntu instead of open office..

In terminal type the following for download.

cd Desktop

wget http://download.documentfoundation.org/libreoffice/testing/LO_3.3.0-beta1_Linux_x86_install-deb_en-US.tar.gz

Exatract and save.


sudo dpkg -i ~/Desktop/en-US/DEBS/*.deb

After installation

sudo dpkg -i ~/Desktop/en-US/DEBS/desktop-integration/libreoffice3.3-debian-menus_3.3-9526_all.deb

Goto Applications->Office
Ubuntu: How to install Libreoffice_第1张图片
1. Libre office 3.3 Writer
2. Libreoffice 3.3 Calc
Ubuntu: How to install Libreoffice_第2张图片
You can use libreoffice and openoffice. Removing open office not necessary

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