
隆重为大家介绍css 框架的后起之秀:Elastic CSS Framework ,该框架的项目地址:http://elasticss.com/
,与BluePrint等框架的不同,Elastic CSS框架允许设定自由宽度的区域,这样对于设计应用程序类的人就比较适用了,像960等css框架并不能很好的利用宽屏大显示器的空白区域,这个Elastic框架就是用在这种场景下的。下面是官方的区别介绍:

What are the differences between Elastic and other frameworks
Elastic CSS Framework defines a declarative language to make layouts, for example: two-columns, fixed-column, column. Other frameworks use more cryptic names like col1of3 or e30

Most frameworks are based on a grid system(Blueprint, 960gs, Tripoli). Elastic CSS Framework is a freestyle framework you can mix and nest any number of columns, you can even mix any number of columns, fixed-columns, and elastic-columns

Elastic CSS Framework provides a set of helper classes, to accomplish hard things by pure CSS like: same-height, full-width, and vertical-center

Elastic CSS Framework is designed so you can mix classes to accomplish complex layouts, recent frameworks are doing this too (OOCSS)

Elastic CSS Framework does not impose any rule on the size of your layout, subpixel rounding problems come to the game, Elastic provides a predictable, and consistent method to deal with this,(OOCSS has a method for subpixel rounding too) But both frameworks have taken different approaches to this problem.

Elastic has integrated clearfix, so there is no need to do clearfix manually when making a layout. Most other frameworks require that the developer handle this, making it more difficult to change, and learn

Elastic clearfix method is not intrusive, it does not require extra markup, and don’t use overlfow:hidden to accomplish it. So you can position relative or absolute like if your where not using clearfix at all.

Some frameworks require that the developer use a class ‘last’, to let the framework know that a block is ended, Elastic handles this situation automatically, making it easier to learn and code.

Many frameworks are designed to make fixed with layouts, others to make liquid layouts, and some recent frameworks are offering mixed solutions. Elastic lets you to handle liquid, fixed, and elastic layouts, and even mix this techniques in the same layout.

Elastic is the first framework to provide a set of snippets to event make development faster in the form of snippets, currently there is a bundle for gedit, textmate and coda.

Elastic is not designed only for page layouts, you can layout widgets, and complex web-based applications too, and use it almost in anything related to html.


