Problem Statement
Desertification (the process of good land turning into desert) is a severe problem on Bob's island. Bob's island is a rectangular grid of cells. You are given a vector <string> island that shows the current state of Bob's island. The j-th character of the i-th element of island is 'D' if cell in row i, column j of the grid is desert and is 'F' if this cell is forest.
The desert spreads each year as follows:
- If a cell is desert, it remains desert forever.
- If a cell is forest and it is adjacent to at least one desert cell (in one of the four orthogonal directions), it becomes desert after one year.
- Otherwise the cell remains forest for another year.
vector <string>, int
Method signature:
int desertArea(vector <string> island, int T)
(be sure your method is public)
island will contain between 1 and 10 elements, inclusive.
Each element of island will contain between 1 and 10 characters, inclusive.
Each character in island will be 'D' or 'F'.
Each element of island will contain the same number of characters.
T will be between 1 and 1,000,000,000, inclusive.
记得当时写了遍历,如果一个是沙漠则把周围的都设置为沙漠,这样牵涉到一个问题,循环到某年时候遇到的可能是刚刚变成沙漠的,因此需要每次用一个Vector<string> 记录新的。
其实对每一个来计算在其T距离内有没有沙漠即可,复杂度 O(n^4)不过数据很小可以过
int r = land . size (); int c = land [ 0 ]. size ();
int cnt = 0 ;
REP ( i , r ) REP ( j , c ) {
if ( land [ i ][ j ] == 'D' ) { cnt ++; continue ;}
bool tag = false ;
REP ( x , r ){
if ( tag ) break ;
REP ( y , c ){
if ( land [ x ][ y ]== 'D' && abs ( x - i )+ abs ( y - j )<= T ){
tag = true ; break ;
if ( tag ) cnt ++;
return cnt ;
Problem Statement
John is playing with balls. All of the balls are identical in weight and considered to have a zero radius. All balls are located on the same straight line and can move only along this line. If a ball rolling to the right and a ball rolling to the left at the same speed collide, they do not change speed, but they change direction.
You are given vector <int> x. x[i] is the initial position of the i-th ball. John decides the direction for each ball (right or left) with equal probability. At time 0, he rolls the balls in the chosen directions simultaneously at a speed of one unit per second. Return the expected number of bounces between all balls during T seconds (including those collisions that happen exactly at T seconds).
vector <int>, int
Method signature:
double expectedBounces(vector <int> x, int T)
(be sure your method is public)
There is no friction. Each ball continues rolling at the same speed forever.
Your return value must have an absolute or relative error less than 1e-9.
x will contain between 1 and 12 elements, inclusive.
Each element of x will be between 0 and 100,000,000, inclusive.
All elements of x will be distinct.
T will be between 1 and 100,000,000, inclusive.
public :
double expectedBounces ( vector < int > x , int T )
int n = x . size (); int ans = 0 ;
sort ( x . begin (), x . end ());
REP ( i ,( 1 << n )){
int mask = 1 ;
vector < int > vec ( n );
for ( int k = 0 ; k < n ; k ++, mask <<= 1 ){
if ( mask & i ) vec [ k ] = x [ k ] + T ;
else vec [ k ] = x [ k ] - T ;
for ( int a = 0 ; a < n ; a ++)
for ( int b = a + 1 ; b < n ; b ++){
if ( vec [ a ]>= vec [ b ]) ans ++;
return double ( ans )/( 1 << n );
Problem Statement
You are given six integers, minx, maxx, miny, maxy, minz and maxz. Return the number of triplets of integers (x,y,z) that satisfy the following three conditions:
- x is between minx and maxx, inclusive.
- y is between miny and maxy, inclusive.
- z is between minz and maxz, inclusive.
- x * y = z
int, int, int, int, int, int
long long
Method signature:
long long countTriplets(int minx, int maxx, int miny, int maxy, int minz, int maxz)
(be sure your method is public)
maxx will be between 1 and 1,000,000,000, inclusive.
maxy will be between 1 and 1,000,000,000, inclusive.
maxz will be between 1 and 1,000,000,000, inclusive.
minx will be between 1 and maxx, inclusive.
miny will be between 1 and maxy, inclusive.
minz will be between 1 and maxz, inclusive.
The problem asks about the number of triplets of integers (x, y, z), such that
x1 ≤ x ≤ x2
y1 ≤ y ≤ y2
z1 ≤ z ≤ z2
and x * y = z
Let's look at a special case of the problem. Given a fixed x0. Calculate the number of integer triplets (x0, y, z), such that
y1 ≤ y ≤ y2
z1 ≤ z ≤ z2
and x0 * y = z
The conditions on z will derive the following conditions on y.
z1 ≤ x0 * y ≤ z2
z1/x0 ≤ y ≤ z2/x0
ceil(z1/x0) ≤ y ≤ floor(z2/x0)
Another condition on y is y1 ≤ y ≤ y2. So, max(y1, ceil(z1/x0)) ≤ y ≤ min(y2, floor(z2/x0)) are the only limiting conditions on y and z, because any value of y in this range will give a valid (x0, y, z) triplet.
The number of candidate values to y is: min(y2, floor(z2/x0))-max(y1, ceil(z1/x0))+1, provided that the result of the subtraction is not negative. i.e.: the interval is not empty.
minz = max ( minz , x * x + 1 );
if ( minz > maxz ) return 0 ;
miny = max ( miny ,( minz + x - 1 )/ x );
maxy = min ( maxy , maxz / x );
return max ( 0 , maxy - miny + 1 );
class ProductTriplet
public :
long long countTriplets ( int minx , int maxx , int miny , int maxy , int minz , int maxz )
int64 ans = 0 ;
for ( int64 i = minx ; i <= maxx && i * i < maxz ; i ++)
ans += cacl ( i , miny , maxy , minz , maxz );
for ( int64 i = miny ; i <= maxy && i * i < maxz ; i ++)
ans += cacl ( i , minx , maxx , minz , maxz );
for ( int64 i = max ( minx , miny ); i <= min ( maxx , maxy ) && i * i <= maxz ; i ++)
if ( i * i >= minz ) ans ++;
return ans ;
首先计算出x<sqrt(z) 然后y<sqrt(z) 最后x==y
注意cacl 中首先要更新minz至少为x*x+1保证x<y;
关键是想到x*y=z直接枚举会超时,但是分别枚举x,y 均在sqrt(z) 之内可以完成
int x = x1 , y = y1 ;
int64 ans = 0 ;
while ( x <= x2 && y <= y2 && x * y <= z2 ){
int low = ( z1 + x - 1 )/ x ;
int high = z2 / x ;
low = max ( y , low );
high = min ( y2 , high );
if ( high >= low ) ans +=( high - low + 1 );
x ++;
if ( high - low < 100 )
swap ( x , y ), swap ( x2 , y2 );
return ans ;
int64 cacl ( int x1 , int x2 , int y1 , int y2 , int z ){
if ( z == 0 ) return 0 ;
int x = x1 , y = y1 ;
int64 ans = 0 ;
while ( x <= x2 && y <= y2 && x * y <= z ){
if ( x > y ){
swap ( x2 , y2 ); swap ( x , y );
int k = z / x ;
int low = max ( 1 , y );
int high = min ( y2 , k );
if ( high >= low ) ans +=( high - low + 1 );
x ++;
return ans ;
class ProductTriplet
public :
long long countTriplets ( int minx , int maxx , int miny , int maxy , int minz , int maxz )
int64 ans = cacl ( minx , maxx , miny , maxy , maxz );
return ans - cacl ( minx , maxx , miny , maxy , minz - 1 );
/*return cacl(minx,maxx,miny,maxy,minz,maxz2);*/
一种使用cacl函数,计算1 ~maxz的可用对数,然后减去1~(minz-1)的可用对数即可
->100 的时候交换x和y,这是基于此时枚举y值可能更有效率而来的。
在计算ceil(x) 时候有点技巧 low = (z-1+x)/x;