

A binding is a logical link between two devices at the application layer.



       Binding is all about connecting an endpoint on this node to one or more endpoints on other nodes.

      Binding in ZigBee allows an endpoint on one node to be connected, or  “ bound ”  to one or more endpoints on another node.


      Binding is unidirectional, in that the switch is bound to the light, but the light isn’t bound to the switch.




再看zigbee specification上的说明:

        Binding: This is the creation of a unidirectional logical link between a source endpoint/cluster identifier pair and a destination endpoint, which may exist on one or more devices.


1、这种逻辑连接是不同应用之间的逻辑连接,这个应用大多数在不在同一个设备上(有可能在同一个设备           上)。

2、这里多次提及多endpoint。endpoint是用于标识不同的应用,所以也说明了是不同应用之间的逻辑连接是         通过绑定实现的。

       这里我们看到还是在zigbee specification中的定义最为清晰。所以大家查找资料的时候还是要对应起来看,这样才能便于理解。
