
  • Name:iTileMaps
  • Author:KleMiX
  • Code Repository:
  • Last Update:2014-05-06
  • Compatible with:
  • Platform:IOS
  • API Language:
  • Website:
  • Company:


iTileMaps is powerfull tile map creation tool. No need to change anything in your game because it uses popular tmx file format.



iTileMaps is powerfull tile map creation tool. Works with any 2D game genre, whether it’s RPG or sidescroller or anything else. Specifically designed for iOS it allows creating maps very fast wherever you are. No need to change anything in your game because it uses popular tmx file format and works well with Tiled.


  • Simple and popular xml-based format – tmx
  • Orthogonal and isometric map editing
  • Custom objects for per pixel precision placement
  • Custom properties for tiles, layers, objects or map
  • Time saving editing tools like clone and recent tiles
  • Can automatically manage high and standart definition maps (for iPhone 4 Retina)
  • Ability to export created map directly to your game
  • Send created maps by e-mail
  • Import maps from internet, e-mail or another application
  • Draws slower when in idle state, means higher battery life
  • Rotation and flipping of tiles


Youtube link

More info:

  • Webpage
  • AppStore link
  • Free compact version - iPhone only


Limitations (for advanced users):

  • Hexagonal maps are not supported
  • Only 1 tileset can be used per layer
  • Tileset info is saved in single file with map, no external tileset info supported
  • Images cannot be saved in map file, only externally
  • Layer data must be in gzip/zlib compression encoded with base64
