本文内容概要:详细描述了在goAhead 2.5上如何实现文件上传(上传文件)到服务器端的功能。
宿 主 机:window XP;
虚 拟 机:ubuntu9.10;
使用html form即表单提交文件上传请求,web服务器核心处理接收客户端Post过来的文件数据(注意post的是二进制数据),最后,web服务器把接收到文件数据以二进制格式写到服务器本端存储系统。
<!- Copyright (c) Go Ahead Software Inc., 1999-2010. All Rights Reserved. ->
<!-- del by gyr 2011.10.15
<title>ASP Test Page</title>
<title> new document </title> <!-- add by gyr 2011.10.15 -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/style/normal_ws.css" type="text/css">
<% language=javascript %>
function uploadFileSubmit()
// alert(document.getElementById("document.softupdate"));
<h1>ASP / JavaScript™ Test</h1>
<h2>Expanded ASP data: <% aspTest("Peter Smith", "112 Merry Way"); %></h2>
<% var z; \
for (z=0; z<5; z=z+1) \
{ \
if (z<=2) \
write(z+" is less than 3<br>"); \
else if (z==3) \
write(z+" is equal to 3<br>"); \
else \
write(z+" is greater than 3<br>"); \
} \
<!-- added start for test upload file by gyr 2011.10.15 -->
<h1>GoForm upload file test</h1>
<form id="softupdate" action=/goform/formUploadFileTest method=POST enctype="multipart/form-data">
Select file: <td> <input id="fileupload" type="file" name="fileupload" size=60 value=""> </td>
<td> <input id="fileuploadsubmit" type="submit" name="update" value="update" onClick="uploadFileSubmit()"> </td>
<!-- added end for test upload file by gyr 2011.10.15 -->
其中,enctype参数用来设置表单的MIME编码方式,在进行文件(或同时包含文本框)上传时,必须将其属性设置为"multipart/form-data";formUploadFileTest 是web服务器定义的一个处理函数,用于把web服务器接收到的上传文件数据写到存储系统。
在goAhead-2.5的源码main.c中增加文件上传form的处理函数:formUploadFileTest (),代码如下:
/******************************************************************************/ /* * for test html upload file to web server * add by gyr 2011.10.15 */ static void formUploadFileTest(webs_t wp, char_t *path, char_t *query) { FILE * fp; char_t * fn; char_t * bn = NULL; int locWrite; int numLeft; int numWrite; printf("\n...................formUploadFileTest...................\n\n"); a_assert(websValid(wp)); websHeader(wp); fn = websGetVar(wp, T("filename"), T("")); if (fn != NULL && *fn != '\0') { if ((int)(bn = gstrrchr(fn, '/') + 1) == 1) { if ((int)(bn = gstrrchr(fn, '\\') + 1) == 1) { bn = fn; } } } printf("fn=%s, bn=%s .......\n", fn, bn); websWrite(wp, T("Filename = %s<br>Size = %d bytes<br>"), bn, wp->lenPostData); if ((fp = fopen((bn == NULL ? "upldForm.bin" : bn), "w+b")) == NULL) { websWrite(wp, T("File open failed!<br>")); } else { locWrite = 0; numLeft = wp->lenPostData; while (numLeft > 0) { numWrite = fwrite(&(wp->postData[locWrite]), sizeof(*(wp->postData)), numLeft, fp); if (numWrite < numLeft) { websWrite(wp, T("File write failed.<br> ferror=%d locWrite=%d numLeft=%d numWrite=%d Size=%d bytes<br>"), ferror(fp), locWrite, numLeft, numWrite, wp->lenPostData); break; } locWrite += numWrite; numLeft -= numWrite; } if (numLeft == 0) { if (fclose(fp) != 0) { websWrite(wp, T("File close failed.<br> errno=%d locWrite=%d numLeft=%d numWrite=%d Size=%d bytes<br>"), errno, locWrite, numLeft, numWrite, wp->lenPostData); } else { websWrite(wp, T("File Size Written = %d bytes<br>"), wp->lenPostData); } } else { websWrite(wp, T("numLeft=%d locWrite=%d Size=%d bytes<br>"), numLeft, locWrite, wp->lenPostData); } } websFooter(wp); websDone(wp, 200); }
3.1 http://blog.csdn.net/reille/article/details/6871827 本博客转载的文章
3.2 http://www.hackchina.com/r/57970/v2.1.1-_-web-_-upload.htm__html 前端实现参考
3.3 http://www.hackchina.com/r/57970/v2.1.1-_-LINUX-_-upldForm.c__html 服务器端实现参考