四极管:Windows CE 休眠唤醒全面解析(基于2440平台)

Windows CE 休眠唤醒全面解析(基于2440平台)(1)

Windows CE 休眠唤醒全面解析(基于2440平台)

Windows CE 作为一个广泛应用于移动便携设备上的操作系统,提供了完善的电源管理的功能。其中,休眠唤醒便是一个重要的功能。那么,休眠唤醒是什么原理呢,这首先要从硬件说起。这里呢,我就拿用自己得最熟练的三星平台的2440 CPU为例来和大家探讨一下。

首先看2440 Datasheet 里关于休眠部分的描述


The block disconnects the internal power. So, there occurs no power consumption due to CPU and the internal logic except the wake-up logic in this mode. Activating the SLEEP mode requires two independent power sources. One ofthe two power sources supplies the power for the wake-up logic. The other one supplies other internal logics ,including CPU, and should be controlled for power on/off. In the SLEEP mode, the second power supply source forthe CPU and internal logics will be turned off. The wakeup from SLEEP mode can be issued by the EINT[15:0] or by RTC alarm interrupt.

上面这段话大意就是,当CPU进入休眠模式后,整个CPU系统会进入低功耗模式,只有当外部中断0-15中任意一个中断被触发,或者实时时钟中断被触发时,系统才会被唤醒。我们结合2440 wince5.0 BSP中的相关部分来详细分析。

(这里说句题外话,现在市面流传着2种类型的wince5.0BSP,一种是基于三星官方发布的PQOAL结构的,另一种,是从4.2BSP升级上来的,也就是把原来4.2下的 BSP经过修改,使得能够在PB5.0下编译通过。下面我要分析的就是后者,也就是从 wince4.2下升级过来的5.0 BSP.他的结构和4.2下面的基本相同。

按我的观点,这两种BSP 无所谓好坏,只要能实现产品功能的,就是好的BSP.不过从长远来看,微软主推的是PQOAL结构的BSP,以后官方发布的5.06.0BSP,基本都是采用的这种结构。)

使得系统进入休眠的方法有很多,比如在WINCE的桌面上,点左下角的图标,然后选择挂起。或者是在应用程序或驱动中调用SetSystemPowerState函数,都可以让系统进入休眠状态。实际上,这两种方法殊途同归,最终都是要去调一个 OEM层的函数 : OEMPowerOff





VOID OEMPowerOff(void)


       volatile IOPreg *s2410IOP = (IOPreg *)IOP_BASE;

      volatile INTreg *s2410INT = (INTreg *)INT_BASE;

       volatile LCDreg *s2410LCD = (LCDreg *)LCD_BASE;   


    /* Save Current Important CPU Regs...   */



    /* LCD Controller Disable               */



       /* Stop all GPIO */



       /* Set misc register for power off */




    /* Actual Power-Off Mode Entry          */



    /* Recover Process, Load CPU Regs       */



       /* Clear GSTATUS2 register : Write 1 to clear */

       s2410IOP->rGSTATUS2 = s2410IOP->rGSTATUS2;


    /* Interrupt Clear                      */

    s2410IOP->rEINTPEND = s2410IOP->rEINTPEND;

    s2410LCD->rLCDSRCPND = s2410LCD->rLCDSRCPND;

    s2410LCD->rLCDINTPND = s2410LCD->rLCDINTPND;

    s2410INT->rSUBSRCPND = s2410INT->rSUBSRCPND;

    s2410INT->rSRCPND    = s2410INT->rSRCPND;

    s2410INT->rINTPND    = s2410INT->rINTPND;





       RETAILMSG(1,(TEXT("-- Exit OEMPOWER."r"n")));

       RETAILMSG(1,(TEXT("s2410INT->rINTMOD = 0x%x "r"n"), s2410INT->rINTMOD));

       RETAILMSG(1,(TEXT("s2410INT->rINTMSK = 0x%x "r"n"), s2410INT->rINTMSK));




调用 CPULCDOff函数,关闭背光。

调用 ConfigStopGPIO,设置各IO休眠后的状态

调用 ConfigMiscReg,设置 CPU上的 Misc寄存器。

接下来,调用 CPUPowerOff。。。。。。。

注意看程序里的注释:Actual Power-Off Mode Entry


其实,这个函数的具体实现是用汇编语句来写的,所以在搜索的时候,文件的类型得选择 *.*,而不是 .c,.cpp,*.h等,

我们终于在 WINCE500"PLATFORM"SMDK2410"KERNEL"HAL"ARM"fw.s中找到了这个函数的实现,当然,都是汇编写得 :(          


Windows CE 休眠唤醒全面解析(基于2440平台)(2)



; 1. Save register state and return address on the stack.


    stmdb   sp!, {r4-r12}                  

    stmdb   sp!, {lr}



    ; 2. Save MMU & CPU Registers to RAM.







; 6. Set external wake-up interrupts (EINT0-2: power-button and keyboard).




如果你在这里成功设置了某个IO 作为中断功能的话,那么系统在休眠后就可以通过人为触发这个中断来实现唤醒CPU(注意,是唤醒CPU,而不是唤醒Wince 系统).这里教大家个小窍门,我们完全可以不在这个语句下面来写汇编语句来实现设置外部唤醒中断的功能(谁让咱是汇编菜鸟呢)。而是在之前的 ConfigStopGPIO里,写C的程序来完成同样的功能。当然,你得保证你设置的那个IO的状态在进入休眠前没有被改变 :)






       ldr     r4, =vCLKCON

       ldr     r5, =0x7fff8            ; Power Off Mode



; Sometimes it is not working in cache mode. So I modify to jump to ROM area.


       ldr          r6, =0x92000000        ; make address to 0x9200 0020

       add        r6, r6, #0x20        ;

       mov     pc, r6                        ; jump to Power off code in ROM



       b       SelfRefreshAndPowerOff


       ALIGN   32                      ; for I-Cache Line(32Byte, 8 Word)


SelfRefreshAndPowerOff          ; run with Instruction Cache's code

       str     r1, [r0]          ; Enable SDRAM self-refresh

       str          r3, [r2]          ; MISCCR Setting

       str     r5, [r4]          ; Power Off !!

       b       .


这段代码的意义,就是把     0x7fff8 这个32位数送到CLKCON寄存器里,这样就使得CPU进入了休眠的模式



; Sometimes it is not working in cache mode. So I modify to jump to ROM area.


       ldr          r6, =0x92000000        ; make address to 0x9200 0020

       add        r6, r6, #0x20        ;

       mov     pc, r6                        ; jump to Power off code in ROM





1 把对应的GPIO设置为中断功能

2 明确外部中断触发条件,比如我们把这个唤醒用的中断源所对应的IO接到一个按键上,希望通过按下按键来实现唤醒。那么就得明确,当按下这个按键时,IO口上的电平会发生什么样的变化。

3 设置EXTINTn寄存器,按照按键按下时IO电平的变化条件来设置。比如当按下按键时,IO口上的电平会发生从高到低的变化,那么我们就设置对应的EXTINTn,使得中断触发条件为Falling edge trigeerde,即下降沿触发。

这三点都注意了,那么你会发现,当系统休眠后,按下这个按键,CPU就会被唤醒,消耗电流一下子就变大了。。。但是,这仅仅是唤醒了CPU,还没有使得WINCE系统恢复起来,那么要恢复WINCE 系统,要怎么做呢??

首先,通过看CPU Data Sheet






由上图可以看出,当系统发生由SLEEPNORMAL的切换时,中间要经过一个 RESET的过程,这个过程称之为 Power On Reset,2440 CPU的寄存器中,专门有一个用来判断发生Reset原因的寄存器GSTATUS2

       也就是说,当CPU Reset后,这个寄存器里的值是会保留的。那么,就可以通过读取这个寄存器里的值,来判断究竟是什么原因发生的CPU Reset了。

       说了这么多,无非是为了明确一点,当CPU被外部中断唤醒时,相当于发生了Power Reset的过程。那么唤醒CPU,就类似于给CPU做了一个 硬件复位,不过GSTATUS2里会保存一个数值,来表明Reset的原因。另外,Power On Reset后,在之前Sleep过程中保存下来的RAM里的系统数据是不会丢失的,我们要做的唤醒系统,就是把这些数值恢复到他原来的地址里去。


那么当CPU 唤醒之后,它运行的第一段程序是什么呢?这点很重要,因为唤醒=Power Reset,那么Reset CPU之后,运行第一段程序自然就是Bootloader了,那么我们看看,Bootloader里是怎么处理的。




    ;1)The code, which converts to Big-endian, should be in little endian code.

    ;2)The following little endian code will be compiled in Big-Endian mode.

    ; The code byte order should be changed as the memory bus width.

    ;3)The pseudo instruction,DCD can't be used here because the linker generates error.



    b   ResetHandler    ; 0x00 Reset

    b   .               ; 0x04 Undefined

    b   .               ; 0x08 Supervisor

    b   .               ; 0x0c Prefetch Abort

    b   .               ; 0x10 Data Abort

    b   .               ; 0x14 Reserved

    b   .               ; 0x18 IRQ

b   .               ; 0x1c FIQ

在这里,如果是Reset复位,那么就会跳转到0地址,也就是ResetHandler    去执行。


      ldr     r0, = GPFCON

      ldr     r1, = 0x55aa     

      str     r1, [r0]


    ldr r0,=WTCON       ;watch dog disable

    ldr r1,=0x0        

    str r1,[r0]


    ldr r0,=INTMSK

    ldr r1,=0xffffffff ;all interrupt disable

    str r1,[r0]


    ldr r0,=INTSUBMSK

    ldr r1,=0x7ff       ;all sub interrupt disable

    str r1,[r0]


    ldr     r0, = INTMOD

    mov r1, #0x0        ; set all interrupt as IRQ (not FIQ)

    str     r1, [r0]


    ; configure GPIO pins

    bl Port_Init



    ldr r0,=CLKDIVN

    ldr r1,=0x7     ; 0x0 = 1:1:1 , 0x1 = 1:1:2    , 0x2 = 1:2:2 , 0x3 = 1:2:4, 0x4 = 1:4:4, 0x5 = 1:4:8, 0x6 = 1:3:3, 0x7 = 1:3:6


    str r1,[r0]

    ; delay

    mov     r0, #DELAY

5   subs    r0, r0, #1

    bne     %B5


    ; MMU_SetAsyncBusMode FCLK:HCLK= 1:2

    ands r1, r1, #0x2

    beq %F1

    mrc p15,0,r0,c1,c0,0

    orr r0,r0,#R1_nF:OR:R1_iA

    mcr p15,0,r0,c1,c0,0



    ;To reduce PLL lock time, adjust the LOCKTIME register.

    ldr r0,=LOCKTIME

    ldr r1,=0xffffff

    str r1,[r0]

    ; delay

    mov     r0, #DELAY

5   subs    r0, r0, #1

    bne     %B5


    ;Configure MPLL

    ldr r0,=MPLLCON         

    ldr r1,=((110<<12)+(3<<4)+1) ;Fin=16MHz,Fout=399MHz

;    ldr r1,=((0xf6<<12)+(0xd<<4)+0x0) ;Fin=12MHz,Fout=200MHz

    str r1,[r0]

    ; delay

    mov     r0, #DELAY

5   subs    r0, r0, #1

    bne     %B5


    ;Configure UPLL

    ldr     r0, =UPLLCON         

    ldr     r1, =((60<<12)+(4<<4)+2) ;Fin=16MHz, Fout=48MHz

;  ldr     r1, =((0x48<<12)+(0x3<<4)+0x2) ;Fin=12MHz, Fout=48MHz

    str     r1, [r0]

    ; delay

    mov     r0, #0x200

5   subs    r0, r0, #1

    bne     %B5




; :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

;           BEGIN: Power Management

; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

      ldr       r1, =GSTATUS2           ; Determine Booting Mode

      ldr       r10, [r1]

      tst       r10, #0x2

      beq       %F2                     ; if not wakeup from PowerOffmode Skip

                                ;    MISCCR setting



      LED_ON 0xc

     str r10, [r1]                      ; Clear Test


;     B .



      ldr        r1, =MISCCR         ; MISCCR's Bit 17, 18, 19 -> 0

      ldr       r0, [r1]                ; I don't know why, Just fallow Sample Code.

      bic       r0, r0, #(3 << 17)      ; SCLK0:0->SCLK, SCLK1:0->SCLK, SCKE:L->H

      str       r0, [r1]


      ; Set memory control registers

      add        r0, pc, #SMRDATA - (. + 8)

      ldr       r1, =BWSCON ; BWSCON Address

      add       r2, r0, #52       ; End address of SMRDATA


      ldr       r3, [r0], #4

      str r3, [r1], #4

      cmp       r2, r0

      bne loop10


      mov r1, #256


      subs r1, r1, #1              ; wait until the SelfRefresh is released.

      bne loop11



      ldr          r2, =0x201000                               ; offset into the RAM

      add        r2, r2, #0x30000000                            ; add physical base

      mov     pc, r2                                               ; & jump to StartUp address




      b .


      b       %F3                                          ; if wakeup from PowerOff mode

                                                       ;       goto Power-up code.

; Watchdog reset


      tst           r10, #0x4                            ; In case of the wake-up from Watchdog reset,

                                                              ;      go to SDRAM start address(0x3000_0000)

      b            %F4                                          ; If not wakeup from Watchdog reset,

;     beq        %F4                                          ; If not wakeup from Watchdog reset,

                                                              ;      goto Normal Mode.


      mov       r0, #4

      str       r0, [r1]                               ; Clear the GSTATUS2. Because same code is located in memory address.


      ; Set memory control registers

      ldr       r0, =SMRDATA

      ldr       r1, =BWSCON ; BWSCON Address

      add       r2, r0, #52       ; End address of SMRDATA


      ldr       r3, [r0], #4

      str r3, [r1], #4

      cmp       r2, r0

      bne loop0


      mov r1, #256


      subs r1, r1, #1              ; wait until the SelfRefresh is released.

      bne loop1


      ldr          r2, =0x201000                               ; offset into the RAM

      add        r2, r2, #0x30000000                            ; add physical base

      mov     pc, r2                                               ; & jump to StartUp address

      b .


; Case of Power off reset


      ldr        r1, =MISCCR         ; MISCCR's Bit 17, 18, 19 -> 0

      ldr       r0, [r1]                ; I don't know why, Just fallow Sample Code.

      bic       r0, r0, #(3 << 17)      ; SCLK0:0->SCLK, SCLK1:0->SCLK, SCKE:L->H

      str       r0, [r1]

; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

;           END: Power Management

; :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::



    ; Configure memory controller

    ;ldr    r0,=SMRDATA

    add     r0, pc, #SMRDATA - (. + 8)

    ldr r1,=BWSCON ;BWSCON Address

    add r2, r0, #52 ;End address of SMRDATA


    ldr r3, [r0], #4   

    str r3, [r1], #4   

    cmp r2, r0     

    bne %B0







这段代码,首先通过读取 GSTATUS2 寄存器里的数值,来判断Reset的原因,我们之前提到过,如果这个值是0x2,那么就是唤醒引起的PowerReset.

ldr r1, =GSTATUS2           ; Determine Booting Mode

      ldr       r10, [r1]

      tst       r10, #0x2

      beq       %F2                     ; if not wakeup from PowerOffmode Skip

                                ;    MISCCR setting

判断GSTATUS2 里的数值是否为0x2,如果是的话,继续向下执行唤醒的恢复操作,否则就跳转到标签为2的程序段去执行。


如果二者都不是的话,那么就认为是发生了Hard Reset,那么就按照正常的步骤,去加载Wince系统。


LED_ON 0xc

     str r10, [r1]                      ; Clear Test


;     B .



      ldr        r1, =MISCCR         ; MISCCR's Bit 17, 18, 19 -> 0

      ldr       r0, [r1]                ; I don't know why, Just fallow Sample Code.

      bic       r0, r0, #(3 << 17)      ; SCLK0:0->SCLK, SCLK1:0->SCLK, SCKE:L->H

      str       r0, [r1]


      ; Set memory control registers

      add        r0, pc, #SMRDATA - (. + 8)

      ldr       r1, =BWSCON ; BWSCON Address

      add       r2, r0, #52       ; End address of SMRDATA


      ldr       r3, [r0], #4

      str r3, [r1], #4

      cmp       r2, r0

      bne loop10


      mov r1, #256


      subs r1, r1, #1              ; wait until the SelfRefresh is released.

      bne loop11



      ldr          r2, =0x201000                               ; offset into the RAM

      add        r2, r2, #0x30000000                            ; add physical base

      mov     pc, r2                                               ; & jump to StartUp address




      b .

这段程序的意义,就是恢复CPU的时钟,开启RAM的自刷新然后跳转到 RAM中的一个地址去执行,这个地址是0x32001000。那么熟悉2440 WINCE启动的朋友们应该明白了,这个地址就是BootloaderNandFlash里的数据装载完毕后,跳转执行的地址。那么在这里,跳转到0x30201000这个地址后,WINCE系统就会被装载了,也就是说WINCE的操作系统被唤醒了。(全文完)


Windows CE 休眠唤醒全面解析(基于2440平台)(3)

那么当CPU 唤醒之后,它运行的第一段程序是什么呢?这点很重要,因为唤醒=Power Reset,那么Reset CPU之后,运行第一段程序自然就是Bootloader了,那么我们看看,Bootloader里是怎么处理的。




    ;1)The code, which converts to Big-endian, should be in little endian code.

    ;2)The following little endian code will be compiled in Big-Endian mode.

    ; The code byte order should be changed as the memory bus width.

    ;3)The pseudo instruction,DCD can't be used here because the linker generates error.



    b   ResetHandler    ; 0x00 Reset

    b   .               ; 0x04 Undefined

    b   .               ; 0x08 Supervisor

    b   .               ; 0x0c Prefetch Abort

    b   .               ; 0x10 Data Abort

    b   .               ; 0x14 Reserved

    b   .               ; 0x18 IRQ

b   .               ; 0x1c FIQ

在这里,如果是Reset复位,那么就会跳转到0地址,也就是ResetHandler    去执行。


      ldr     r0, = GPFCON

      ldr     r1, = 0x55aa     

      str     r1, [r0]


    ldr r0,=WTCON       ;watch dog disable

    ldr r1,=0x0        

    str r1,[r0]


    ldr r0,=INTMSK

    ldr r1,=0xffffffff ;all interrupt disable

    str r1,[r0]


    ldr r0,=INTSUBMSK

    ldr r1,=0x7ff       ;all sub interrupt disable

    str r1,[r0]


    ldr     r0, = INTMOD

    mov r1, #0x0        ; set all interrupt as IRQ (not FIQ)

    str     r1, [r0]


    ; configure GPIO pins

    bl Port_Init



    ldr r0,=CLKDIVN

    ldr r1,=0x7     ; 0x0 = 1:1:1 , 0x1 = 1:1:2    , 0x2 = 1:2:2 , 0x3 = 1:2:4, 0x4 = 1:4:4, 0x5 = 1:4:8, 0x6 = 1:3:3, 0x7 = 1:3:6


    str r1,[r0]

    ; delay

    mov     r0, #DELAY

5   subs    r0, r0, #1

    bne     %B5


    ; MMU_SetAsyncBusMode FCLK:HCLK= 1:2

    ands r1, r1, #0x2

    beq %F1

    mrc p15,0,r0,c1,c0,0

    orr r0,r0,#R1_nF:OR:R1_iA

    mcr p15,0,r0,c1,c0,0



    ;To reduce PLL lock time, adjust the LOCKTIME register.

    ldr r0,=LOCKTIME

    ldr r1,=0xffffff

    str r1,[r0]

    ; delay

    mov     r0, #DELAY

5   subs    r0, r0, #1

    bne     %B5


    ;Configure MPLL

    ldr r0,=MPLLCON         

    ldr r1,=((110<<12)+(3<<4)+1) ;Fin=16MHz,Fout=399MHz

;    ldr r1,=((0xf6<<12)+(0xd<<4)+0x0) ;Fin=12MHz,Fout=200MHz

    str r1,[r0]

    ; delay

    mov     r0, #DELAY

5   subs    r0, r0, #1

    bne     %B5


    ;Configure UPLL

    ldr     r0, =UPLLCON         

    ldr     r1, =((60<<12)+(4<<4)+2) ;Fin=16MHz, Fout=48MHz

;  ldr     r1, =((0x48<<12)+(0x3<<4)+0x2) ;Fin=12MHz, Fout=48MHz

    str     r1, [r0]

    ; delay

    mov     r0, #0x200

5   subs    r0, r0, #1

    bne     %B5




; :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

;           BEGIN: Power Management

; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

      ldr       r1, =GSTATUS2           ; Determine Booting Mode

      ldr       r10, [r1]

      tst       r10, #0x2

      beq       %F2                     ; if not wakeup from PowerOffmode Skip

                                ;    MISCCR setting



      LED_ON 0xc

     str r10, [r1]                      ; Clear Test


;     B .



      ldr        r1, =MISCCR         ; MISCCR's Bit 17, 18, 19 -> 0

      ldr       r0, [r1]                ; I don't know why, Just fallow Sample Code.

      bic       r0, r0, #(3 << 17)      ; SCLK0:0->SCLK, SCLK1:0->SCLK, SCKE:L->H

      str       r0, [r1]


      ; Set memory control registers

      add        r0, pc, #SMRDATA - (. + 8)

      ldr       r1, =BWSCON ; BWSCON Address

      add       r2, r0, #52       ; End address of SMRDATA


      ldr       r3, [r0], #4

      str r3, [r1], #4

      cmp       r2, r0

      bne loop10


      mov r1, #256


      subs r1, r1, #1              ; wait until the SelfRefresh is released.

      bne loop11



      ldr          r2, =0x201000                               ; offset into the RAM

      add        r2, r2, #0x30000000                            ; add physical base

      mov     pc, r2                                               ; & jump to StartUp address




      b .


      b       %F3                                          ; if wakeup from PowerOff mode

                                                       ;       goto Power-up code.

; Watchdog reset


      tst           r10, #0x4                            ; In case of the wake-up from Watchdog reset,

                                                              ;      go to SDRAM start address(0x3000_0000)

      b            %F4                                          ; If not wakeup from Watchdog reset,

;     beq        %F4                                          ; If not wakeup from Watchdog reset,

                                                              ;      goto Normal Mode.


      mov       r0, #4

      str       r0, [r1]                               ; Clear the GSTATUS2. Because same code is located in memory address.


      ; Set memory control registers

      ldr       r0, =SMRDATA

      ldr       r1, =BWSCON ; BWSCON Address

      add       r2, r0, #52       ; End address of SMRDATA


      ldr       r3, [r0], #4

      str r3, [r1], #4

      cmp       r2, r0

      bne loop0


      mov r1, #256


      subs r1, r1, #1              ; wait until the SelfRefresh is released.

      bne loop1


      ldr          r2, =0x201000                               ; offset into the RAM

      add        r2, r2, #0x30000000                            ; add physical base

      mov     pc, r2                                               ; & jump to StartUp address

      b .


; Case of Power off reset


      ldr        r1, =MISCCR         ; MISCCR's Bit 17, 18, 19 -> 0

      ldr       r0, [r1]                ; I don't know why, Just fallow Sample Code.

      bic       r0, r0, #(3 << 17)      ; SCLK0:0->SCLK, SCLK1:0->SCLK, SCKE:L->H

      str       r0, [r1]

; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

;           END: Power Management

; :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::



    ; Configure memory controller

    ;ldr    r0,=SMRDATA

    add     r0, pc, #SMRDATA - (. + 8)

    ldr r1,=BWSCON ;BWSCON Address

    add r2, r0, #52 ;End address of SMRDATA


    ldr r3, [r0], #4   

    str r3, [r1], #4   

    cmp r2, r0     

    bne %B0







这段代码,首先通过读取 GSTATUS2 寄存器里的数值,来判断Reset的原因,我们之前提到过,如果这个值是0x2,那么就是唤醒引起的PowerReset.

ldr r1, =GSTATUS2           ; Determine Booting Mode

      ldr       r10, [r1]

      tst       r10, #0x2

      beq       %F2                     ; if not wakeup from PowerOffmode Skip

                                ;    MISCCR setting

判断GSTATUS2 里的数值是否为0x2,如果是的话,继续向下执行唤醒的恢复操作,否则就跳转到标签为2的程序段去执行。


如果二者都不是的话,那么就认为是发生了Hard Reset,那么就按照正常的步骤,去加载Wince系统。


LED_ON 0xc

     str r10, [r1]                      ; Clear Test


;     B .



      ldr        r1, =MISCCR         ; MISCCR's Bit 17, 18, 19 -> 0

      ldr       r0, [r1]                ; I don't know why, Just fallow Sample Code.

      bic       r0, r0, #(3 << 17)      ; SCLK0:0->SCLK, SCLK1:0->SCLK, SCKE:L->H

      str       r0, [r1]


      ; Set memory control registers

      add        r0, pc, #SMRDATA - (. + 8)

      ldr       r1, =BWSCON ; BWSCON Address

      add       r2, r0, #52       ; End address of SMRDATA


      ldr       r3, [r0], #4

      str r3, [r1], #4

      cmp       r2, r0

      bne loop10


      mov r1, #256


      subs r1, r1, #1              ; wait until the SelfRefresh is released.

      bne loop11



      ldr          r2, =0x201000                               ; offset into the RAM

      add        r2, r2, #0x30000000                            ; add physical base

      mov     pc, r2                                               ; & jump to StartUp address




      b .

这段程序的意义,就是恢复CPU的时钟,开启RAM的自刷新然后跳转到 RAM中的一个地址去执行,这个地址是0x32001000。那么熟悉2440 WINCE启动的朋友们应该明白了,这个地址就是BootloaderNandFlash里的数据装载完毕后,跳转执行的地址。那么在这里,跳转到0x30201000这个地址后,WINCE系统就会被装载了,也就是说WINCE的操作系统被唤醒了。(全文完)


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