The cmd of matlab

(CSDN好坑爹) 1233

【1】imfilter, medfilt2, ordfilt2(rder-statistic filtering 好东西)


【3】sz = get(0,'ScreenSize'); 可以获得屏幕的大小

【4】 vision工具箱太强大了

【5】wavedec2, appcoef2, detcoef2

【6】图像形态学操作,imtophat, imopen, imbothat

【7】sparse, spdiags

【8】常量eps, realmax, realmin, intmax



【11】numel, length


【13】meshgrid, freqsapce



【16】diff求导,也可以求解符号解sym x; diff(x^2, x, 2); del2

【17】log2, log

【18】rem, mod 求余


【20】记录一下自己遇到的不常用的matlab>spcrv (平滑好函数), spline

【21】 im2bw, graythresh, watershed, imimposemin

【22】cellfun(神器啊), cell2mat, getfield, fieldnames, setfield, bsxfun, blockproc, nlfilter, fieldnames

【23】rgb2ycbcr, rgb2lab, label2rgb(竟然有这种函数偷笑), applycform

【24】cat (convenient way to concatenate a cell or structure array containing numeric matrices into a single matrix)

【25】permute, repmat, cat

【26】squeeze, reshape, shiftdim

【27】setdiff, unique, intersect, ismember

【28】imregionalmax, imregionalmin, findpeaks

【29】tabulate(频率好函数), combntns, hist





【34】nargin, nargout, varargin, narginchk, 

【35】find, sub2ind, ind2sub

【36】roundn, ceil, round, floor


【38】linkage, squareform



【41】strcat, strcmp, strfind
【42】spaps, fnval, fnder (spline拟合好帮手), spline, fnplt

【43】normxcorr2, normcdf

【44】flipud, fliplr

【45】linspace, logspace


【47】polyfit, polyval, fittype, fit, lsqnonlin, lsqcurvefit, interp1, wblfit



【50】gamma, sigmf

【51】im2col, colfilt

【52】cp2tform, fitgeotrans

【53】class, cast






【59】imwarp, affine2d







【6】textscan, xlsread, xlswrite

【7】 cd, pwd, mkdir, dir dir([path '/*.tif'])(可以读取该文件下所有.tif的文件), setenv, getenv

【8】addpath, genpath(神器啊,可以产生所有该目录下文件的路径)

【9】urlread, urlwrite, regexp


【1】 imadjust, stretchlim, mat2gray


【3】im2bw, bwlabel, bwdist(这个函数挺厉害的), bwselect, regionprops, bwboundaries, bwperim






[1] disp

[2] sprintf  其中的\t可以产生horizontal tab,相当于一个大空格

[3] fprintf, clock

[4] error, assert


Figure :

[1] imshow, imagesc

[2] axis off, xlabel, ylabel

[3] drawnow

[4] imwrite, print

[5] set, get gca可以设置更多的性能

[6] rectangle

[7] load imdemos

[8] fnplt, quiver

[9] ezplot


[1] naivebayes

[2] classdef


[1] ginput

--------------------- Vision -----------------------

[1] vision.CornerDetector, detectHarrisFeatures, detectMinEigenFeatures, detectSURFFeatures.

[2] phased.CFARDetector

------- GUI --------------------------

[1] uicontrol(控件对象),uimenu(生成菜单),uicontextmenu(右键生成菜单), uipanel

[2] gcf, gca, gco, gcbf, gcbo, findobj, get, set . 获得句柄

[3] msgbox(弹出消息框)

[4] guide, guidata

---------------------- Demo ------------------------

[1]  videotrafficgmm

[2] ipexwatershed

[3] trainCascadeObjectDetector

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