


  • 1 Glossary
    • 1.1 A
    • 1.2 C
    • 1.3 E
    • 1.4 G
    • 1.5 M
    • 1.6 P
    • 1.7 S


Terms and references that you may experience in Delta3D.


Actors - An abstract notion of an object that performs some duty in a Delta3D application. Typically Actors are C++ classes, stored in a dynamic library, and are referenced by an ActorRegistry. Actors usually have an associated ActorProxy which creates a container of ActorProperties that allow for generic access to the Actor's functionality. See GameActor.

ActorComponent - A piece of functionality that is added to an Actor. Allows for functionality to be reused among different Actors without having to copy/paste source code. Beta functionality with Delta3D 2.4.0.

ActorProperty - An ActorProperty is typically created by the ActorProxy and is used generically to get and set values on an Actor. Mostly used by STAGE to modify the property values of an Actor and allow for those values to be saved in a Map.

ActorProxy - A class that is responsible for interfacing with an Actor. The ActorProxy creates ActorProperties as well as creating the Actor itself. Most Delta3D "manager" classes reference the ActorProxy, and not the Actor itself.

Application - (dtABC::Application) A high-level class, intended to be derived, which contains the basic components needed by most Delta3D projects.


Components - See ActorComponent, GMComponent


Ext Dep (External Dependencies) - The projects external to Delta3D, for which Delta3D relies on. Some of the external dependencies are required, some are optional. The external dependencies are available pre-compiled for some versions of Visual Studio, or in a source-only package. All of the external dependencies are freely available with compatible open source licenses.


GameEntryPoint - An optional method to design a Delta3D application. GameEntryPoint is a C++ abstract base class which defines an interface that is used to startup and shutdown the application. GameEntryPoint applications are compiles as dynamic libraries and require an additional executable to "run" the GameEntryPoint (GameStart).

GameManager - The class which manages many aspects of a Delta3D application. The GameManager responsibilities include loading and unloading Maps, creating Actors, managing GMComponents, and sending Messages. Required if GameActors or GMComponents are used.

GMComponent - Used to contain reusable, application-level functionality. GMComponents are added and removed to the GameManager and receive Messages from the GameManager. Typically, GMComponent is derived to handle incoming Messages.


Map - Maps are saved as .xml files in a ProjectContext and contains the data required to recreate Actors when the Map is loaded. Typically Maps are created, edited, and saved using STAGE.


Project Context - A directory containing Maps and other resources (e.g., textures, static meshes, audio files). A Project Context must be defined before a Map can be loaded.

Properties - See ActorProperty

Proxy - See ActorProxy


SDK - (Software Development Kit) With the advent of Delta3D 2.4.0, an SDK is available for use on Windows platforms, using Visual Studio 2008. The SDK Windows installer contains just about everything needed to start building Delta3D applications from scratch, without having to labor compiling the engine itself.

SimCore - (Simulation Core) "The Simulation Core repository is a library of features often required by modern 3D simulations. It is designed to help new Modeling and Simulation projects get up and running quickly. SimCore is a set of actors, components, and utilities that are designed to work in a networked simulation environment using either HLA (dtHLAGM) or client/server (dtNetGM). SimCore is a C++ development baseline that sits on top of Delta3D - it is targeted at M&S developers who don't want to build a complete framework from scratch." (Full Article)

STAGE - (Simulation Training And Game Editor) Graphical utility used to create and edit Actors in Maps.
