Nov 9, 2006
New/Changed Features
* Implemented std.typetuple.
* Implemented std.traits.
* Added .funcptr property for delegates.
* Added .tupleof property for structs and classes.
* Slicing and indexing of type tuples now supported.
* Variable declarations can now be declared with type tuples.
* Improved the statement grammar thanks to Stewart Gordon.
* Added DMD switch -v1 for D language 1.0 compatibility.
* deprecated === and !== no longer allowed
* deprecated iftype no longer allowed
* deprecated on_scope_xxxx no longer allowed
* deprecated 'l' numeric literal suffix no longer allowed
* deprecated if (v; e) no longer allowed
* deprecated instance no longer allowed
* scope can now be used for RAII declarations; use auto for type inference.
Bugs Fixed
* Fixed Bugzilla 462: invalid typeinfo usage breaks dmd compiler
* Fixed Bugzilla 469: Incorrect documentation in std.date
* Fixed Bugzilla 477: Malformed URL in documentation
* Fixed Bugzilla 484: Compiler segfault with template variadic used as a template alias
* Issues error now for Bugzilla 485: ICE-invalid with tuple. mangleof.
* Fixed Bugzilla 489: .classinfo not working with fqn
* Fixed Bugzilla 491: Create directories necessary for writing files when using -Dd and -Hd option
* Fixed Bugzilla 494: template's variadic argument can't use as type
* Fixed Bugzilla 495: ICE passing variadic arglist to another variadic template
* Incorporated Bugzilla 496: frontend: 64-bit cleanup of utf_decode
* Incorporated Bugzilla 497: frontend: 64-bit cleanup of sprintf buffer sizes
* Fixed Bugzilla 498: Signal mixins need to import
* Incorporated D/43595 suggestions
* Fixed D/43649 crash
* Fixed D.bugs/8856
* Fixed D.announce/5290
新增了std.typetuple,看过Modern C++ Design的应该都看得明白,这就是那个Typelist。前一版本还无法做到这个,下面的Bugs Fixed里提到的Bugzilla 494就是这个( http://qiezi.iteye.com/admin/show/32562) ,这一版本已经修复了。
“Added .tupleof property for structs and classes.”, Cool!,这下有办法序列化一个对象了,不过是不是太底层了些?
"# Slicing and indexing of type tuples now supported.
# Variable declarations can now be declared with type tuples."
“Added DMD switch -v1 for D language 1.0 compatibility.”