ASP.NET on Mac OS X Snow Leopard at one fell swoop using mod_mono


Enable Apache first by ticking the checkbox for Web Sharing(System Preferences > Sharing > Web Sharing)

ASP.NET on Mac OS X Snow Leopard at one fell swoop using mod_mono_第1张图片

Type in browser's address bar, then it should show:

ASP.NET on Mac OS X Snow Leopard at one fell swoop using mod_mono_第2张图片

Download then install this:

Verify on Terminal if you have installed Mono...

mono -V
...should show this:

Mono JIT compiler version 2.8 (tarball Tue Oct  5 14:16:19 MDT 2010)
Copyright (C) 2002-2010 Novell, Inc and Contributors.
 TLS:           normal
 SIGSEGV:       normal
 Notification:  Thread + polling
 Architecture:  x86
 Disabled:      none
 Misc:          debugger softdebug 
 LLVM:          supported, not enabled.
 GC:            Included Boehm (with typed GC)
Paste this in your terminal(the next swoop will still have the effect of sudo(i.e. no need to re-enter password)) :

sudo mv /Library/WebServer/Documents/index.html.en /Library/WebServer/Documents/x_index.html.en
And this(so that makes it two swoop ;-)) :

mkdir ~/swoop
cd ~/swoop
sudo ln -s /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Commands/pkg-config /usr/bin/pkg-config
curl -O
tar xzf mod_mono-2.8.tar.bz2 
cd mod_mono-2.8
sudo make install
sudo sh -c "echo '\n\nInclude /etc/apache2/mod_mono.conf' >> /etc/apache2/httpd.conf"
echo "<center><img src='PoweredByMacOSXLarge.gif'><br><% int a = 7 * 6;%><%=a%> <%=new System.Random().Next()%></center>" > /Library/WebServer/Documents/index.aspx 
sudo /usr/sbin/apachectl restart
echo 'Done'
ASP.NET on Mac OS X Snow Leopard at one fell swoop using mod_mono_第3张图片

Then refresh the in your browser, you shall be able to see the the answer to life, the universe and everything
