结合起来,就有了 T(n)=2T(n-1)+1,T(0)=1[1] ,用整体的思想来进行化简(左右两边各加1),我们不难推出总次数的显式解:T(n)=2^n-1,有了这些思想,就可以很容易的编程了:
/*gigglesun 2010/4/16 ** **The tower of hanoi problem:When given a tower of disks stacked in decreasing size **,how to transfer the entire tower to one of the other pegs,one at a time and never a **larger one onto a smaller one **/ #include <iostream> using namespace std; #define FROM 'A' #define MID 'B' #define TO 'C' int cnt = 0; void move(int diskNum,char f,char m,char t) { if(diskNum == 1) { cnt++; cout <<cnt<<"/t"<<f<<"/t->/t"<<t<<endl; } else { move(diskNum - 1,f,t,m); move(1,f,m,t); move(diskNum - 1,m,f,t); } } int main() { cout<<"Pegs are put as A/|/tB/|/tC/|"<<endl; cout<<"Input the number of disks on peg A/n"; int diskNum; cin >> diskNum; cout<<"From A to C,we should move as follows:"<<endl; cout<<"times/tfrom/t/tto"<<endl; move(diskNum,FROM,MID,TO); return 0; }
Pegs are put as A| B| C|
Input the number of disks on peg A
From A to C,we should move as follows:
times from to
1 A -> B
2 A -> C
3 B -> C
4 A -> B
5 C -> A
6 C -> B
7 A -> B
8 A -> C
9 B -> C
10 B -> A
11 C -> A
12 B -> C
13 A -> B
14 A -> C
15 B -> C
还好你够聪明:N个盘子,由于每个盘子都必须经过B,必须将A的上面N - 1个从A移到到C(T(n-1)次),再将最下面的从A移动到B(1次),由于B上的这个是最大的,你接着必须将C上的刚移到的N-1个再移回到A(T(n-1)次),移的过程中依然可以在B上歇脚(这一点很重要),才能将B上的这个盘子移到C (1次),这样你终于移完了一个盘子到C,现在接下来,你只要再将A上的这N-1个盘子从A移到C(T(n-1)次)。一次减少一个,越搬越少,全部移完就大功告成了。
同样,T(n)=T(n-1)+1+T(n-1)+1+T(n-1)=3T(n-1)+2,不难可以得出T(n)=3^n-1,算出来后你想,每个盘子“放”在A,B,C上的柱子上,一共才有3^n个可能状态,你搬了3^n-1次,加上初始的状态,你搬的过程中居然碰到了在A,B,C上的所有小盘在上,大盘在下的盘子的可能情况,oh,my god...
/*by gigglesun 2010/4/16 ** **The tower of hanoi problem:When given a tower of disks stacked in decreasing size on **A,how to transfer the entire tower to one of the other peg C through B,one at a time , **and never a larger one onto a smaller one,besides, direct moves from A to C or C to A are disallowed. **/ #include <iostream> using namespace std; #define FROM 'A' #define MID 'B' #define TO 'C' int cnt = 0; void move(int diskNum,char f,char m,char t) { if(diskNum == 1 && ((f == FROM)&&(t == TO) || (f == TO)&&(t == FROM))) { cnt++; cout <<cnt<<"/t"<<f<<"/t->/t"<<m<<endl; cnt++; cout <<cnt<<"/t"<<m<<"/t->/t"<<t<<endl; } else if (diskNum == 1) { cnt++; cout <<cnt<<"/t"<<f<<"/t->/t"<<t<<endl; } else { move(diskNum - 1,f,m,t);//从A将n - 1个从A到C move(1,f,t,m);//将A最下面的从A移到B move(diskNum - 1,t,m,f);//将C上n - 1个从C到A move(1,m,f,t);//将B最下面的从B移到C move(diskNum - 1,f,m,t);//再将A上这n - 1个从A到C } } int main() { cout<<"Input disks numbers in A:"<<endl; cout<<"Pegs are put as A/|/tB/|/tC/|"<<endl; cout<<"Input the number of disks on peg A/n"; int diskNum; cin >> diskNum; cout<<"From A to C,we should move as follows:"<<endl; cout<<"times/tfrom/t/tto"<<endl; move(diskNum,FROM,MID,TO); return 0; }
Input disks numbers in A:
Pegs are put as A| B| C|
Input the number of disks on peg A
From A to C,we should move as follows:
times from to
1 A -> B
2 B -> C
3 A -> B
4 C -> B
5 B -> A
6 B -> C
7 A -> B
8 B -> C
9 A -> B
10 C -> B
11 B -> A
12 C -> B
13 A -> B
14 B -> C
15 B -> A
16 C -> B
17 B -> A
18 B -> C
19 A -> B
20 B -> C
21 A -> B
22 C -> B
23 B -> A
24 B -> C
25 A -> B
26 B -> C
F(n)=minf(n,r)= min[2F(n - r) + T(r)]= min[2F(n - r) + 2^r - 1][2]
/*by gigglesun 2010/4/20 ** **The tower of hanoi problem:When given a tower of disks stacked in decreasing size on **A,how to transfer the entire tower to one of the other peg D through B,C,one at a time , **and never a larger one onto a smaller one,4 Pegs this time. **/ #include <iostream> #include <cmath> using namespace std; #define FROM 'A' #define MID1 'B' #define MID2 'C' #define TO 'D' int cnt = 0; //find_k的实现参考了文献[2] int find_k(int diskNum) { int k =( (sqrt(8*diskNum + 1) - 1) / 2); return k; } void ThreePegHanoi(int disNum,char from,char mid ,char to) { if(disNum == 1) { cnt++; cout <<cnt<<"/t"<<from<<"/t->/t"<<to<<endl; } else { ThreePegHanoi(disNum - 1,from,to,mid); ThreePegHanoi(1,from,mid,to); ThreePegHanoi(disNum - 1,mid,from,to); } } void FourPegHanoi(int diskNum,char from,char mid1,char mid2,char to) { int k = find_k(diskNum); if(diskNum == 1) { cnt++; cout <<cnt<<"/t"<<from<<"/t->/t"<<to<<endl; } else { FourPegHanoi(diskNum - k,from,mid2,to,mid1);//从A将上面disNum -k个碟子通过C柱和D柱移到B柱上 ThreePegHanoi(k,from,mid2,to);//将A最下面的k个从A通过C移到D FourPegHanoi(diskNum - k,mid1,from,mid2,to);//把B柱上的k个碟子通过A柱和C柱移到D柱 } } int main() { cout<<"Input disks numbers in A:"<<endl; cout<<"Pegs are put as A/|/tB/|/tC/|/tD/|"<<endl; cout<<"Input the number of disks on peg A/n"; int diskNum; cin >> diskNum; cout<<"From A to D,we should move as follows:"<<endl; cout<<"times/tfrom/t/tto"<<endl; FourPegHanoi(diskNum,FROM,MID1,MID2,TO); return 0; } /*输出结果 ** Input disks numbers in A: Peg are put as A| B| C| D| Input the number of disks on peg A 6 From A to D,we should move as follows: times from to 1 A -> C 2 A -> D 3 A -> B 4 D -> B 5 C -> B 6 A -> D 7 A -> C 8 D -> C 9 A -> D 10 C -> A 11 C -> D 12 A -> D 13 B -> A 14 B -> C 15 B -> D 16 C -> D 17 A -> D ** */
补充:曾在wiki上搜索hanoi,看到过一个Binary solutions,发现想法很巧妙漂亮,但仔细研究后感觉其给的例子有问题,找相关原始材料也很难找;我试着第一次按我的想法编辑了下这个小条目,居然能够保存,现在大家看到的那个Binary solutions的实例部分是我编辑后的结果,哈哈,提醒大家小心(wiki上像我这样的小民说不定还很多)。如果有谁实现过这个算法或有相关的资料,希望能和我交流分享下,我的邮箱gigglesun AT 163.com。
[1]concrete mathematics page1-4 second edition by Graham knuth patashnik
[2]四柱汉诺塔之初步探究 北京大学学报(自然科学版) ,第40卷,第1期,杨 楷 徐 川