#include<iostream> using namespace std; class BinHeap; class BinHeapNode { private: friend BinHeap; int key; BinHeapNode*parent; BinHeapNode*child; BinHeapNode*sibling; int degree; int maxsize; public: BinHeapNode(int num):key(num),parent(NULL),child(NULL),sibling(NULL),degree(0){} ~BinHeapNode() { } void Destory() { } };
#include"BinHeapNode.h" class BinHeap { private: BinHeapNode* head; int Degree; public: BinHeap(int num):Degree(num),head(NULL){} ~BinHeap() { Destory1(head); } void Destory1(BinHeapNode*node) { if(node!=NULL) { Destory1(node->sibling); Destory1(node->child); delete node; } } BinHeapNode* FindMinNum() { BinHeapNode *y=NULL,*p=head; int min=0x7fffffff; while(p) { if(p->key<min) { min=p->key; y=p; } p=p->sibling; } return y; } //将以y为根的二项树和以z为根的二项树合并,使z为y的父节点 void BinLink(BinHeapNode* y,BinHeapNode*z) { y->parent=z; y->sibling=z->child; z->child=y; z->degree++; } BinHeapNode*BinHeapMerge(BinHeapNode*head1,BinHeapNode*head2) { if(head1==NULL) { head1=head2; return head1; } if(head2==NULL) { return head1; } BinHeapNode*x,*node1,*node2,*node3; if(head1->degree<=head2->degree) { x=head1; node1=x->sibling; node2=head2; } else { x=head2; node1=head1; node2=head2->sibling; } node3=x; while(node1&&node2) { if(node1->degree>node2->degree) { x->sibling=node2; node2->parent=x; x=node2; node2=node2->sibling; } else { x->sibling=node1; node1->parent=x; x=node1; node1=node1->sibling; } } if(node1==NULL) { while(node2) { x->sibling=node2; node2->parent=x; x=node2; node2=node2->sibling; } } else { while(node1) { x->sibling=node1; node1->parent=x; x=node1; node1=node1->sibling; } } return node3; } void BinHeapUnion(BinHeapNode*head1,BinHeapNode*head2) { head=BinHeapMerge(head1,head2); if(head==NULL) return ; BinHeapNode *prex=NULL,*x=head,*nextx=x->sibling; while(nextx) { if(x->degree!=nextx->degree||(nextx->sibling!=NULL&&nextx->sibling->degree==x->degree)) { prex=x; x=nextx; } else if(x->key<=nextx->key) { x->sibling=nextx->sibling; BinLink(nextx,x); } else { if(prex==NULL) { head=nextx; head->parent=NULL; } else prex->sibling=nextx; BinLink(x,nextx); x=nextx; } nextx=nextx->sibling; } } void BinInsert(int x) { BinHeapNode*node=new BinHeapNode(x); node->parent=NULL; node->child=NULL; node->sibling=NULL; node->degree=0; BinHeapUnion(head,node); } BinHeapNode*ExtractMin() { BinHeapNode*x=FindMinNum(); BinHeapNode*p=x->child; while(p->sibling) { p=p->sibling; } BinHeapNode*q=p,*node; while(q->parent) { q->sibling=q->parent; q=q->parent; } q=p; while(q->sibling) { q->sibling->parent=q; q=q->sibling; } p->parent=NULL; BinHeapUnion(head,p); return x; } void BinHeapDceraseKey(BinHeapNode*x,int k) { if(k>x->key) { cout<<"error"<<endl; return ; } x->key=k; BinHeapNode*y=x; BinHeapNode* z=y->parent; while(z!=NULL&&y->key<z->key) { int temp; temp=y->key; y->key=x->key; x->key=temp; y=z; z=z->parent; } } void BinHeapDelete(BinHeapNode*node) { BinHeapDceraseKey(node,0); ExtractMin(); } void print(BinHeapNode*node) { if(node!=NULL) { print(node->sibling); print(node->child); cout<<"the key is : "<<node->key<<endl; if(node->parent!=NULL) { if(node->parent->sibling==node) cout<<"the node: "<<node->key<<" is the sibling of: "<<node->parent->key<<endl; else cout<<"the node: "<<node->key<<" is the child of: "<<node->parent->key<<endl; } else cout<<"the partent of "<<node->key<<" is : NULL"<<endl; } } void Print() { print(head); } };
#include"BinHeap.h" int main() { int a[7]={12,7,25,15,28,41,33}; BinHeap heap1(4),heap(4); int i; /* for(i=0;i<7;i++) { heap1.BinInsert(a[i]); } heap1.Print(); */ int b[19]={18,3,37,6,8,29,10,44,30,23,22,48,31,17,45,32,24,50,55}; BinHeap heap2(4); for(i=0;i<19;i++) { heap2.BinInsert(b[i]); } heap2.Print(); return 0; }