Using Swing Components(1)

using top-level containers (JFrame,JDialog,JApplet)
 !these facts should be kept in mind:
   !! To appear onscreen,every GUI component must be part of a containment hierarchy.A containment hierarchy is a tree of components that has a top-level container as its root.
   !! Each GUI component can be contained only once.
   !! you can optionally add a menu bar to a top-level container(positioned within the top-level container,but outside the content pane).
!top-level containers and Containment Hierachies
   !!As a rule,a standalone application with a Swing-based GUI has at least one containment hierarchy with a JFrame as its root.
   !!A Swing-based applet has at least one containment hierarchy,exactly one of which is rooted by a JApplet object.
  !Adding Compoents to the Content Pane(why the content pane???)
   !!the default content pane is a simple intermediate container that inherits from JComponent,and that uses a BorderLayout as its layout manager.
   !!customizing the content pane :setting the layout manager and adding a border.
     !!! getcontentPane method: returns a Container object,not a JComponent object.
     !!! take advantage of the content pane's JComponent features:
          !!!!typecast the return value
          !!!!create your own component to be the content pane.(our examples generally take the second approach,since it's a little cleaner.): make sure it's opaque JPanel object makes a good content pane.(layout manager!)
          !!!!add a customized component to the content pane,covering the content pane completely.
               use the top-level container's setContentPane method.for example:
                //Create a panel and add components to it.
                  JPanel contentPane = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());
                     contentPane.add(someComponent, BorderLayout.CENTER);
                   contentPane.add(anotherComponent, BorderLayout.PAGE_END);

                //Make it the content pane.
           NOTE:In most look and feels,JPanels are opaque by default.however,JPanels in the GTK+ look and feel are not initially be safe, we invoke setOpaque on all JPanels used as content panes.
!Adding a Menu Bar (importation:all top-level containers can, in theory,have a menu bar.In practice,menu bars usually appear only in frames and perhaps in applets.)
   to add a menu bar to a top-level container,you create a JMenuBar object,populate it with menus,and then call setJMenuBar.
!the root pane(manages the content pane and the manu bar,along with a couple of other containers.if you need to intercept mouse clicks or paint over multiple components)
 a glimpse at the components that a root pane provides to a frame:
   !!content pane
   !!the optional menu bar
   !!layered pane(directly contains the menu bar and content pane,and enables Z-ordering of other components you might add.)
   !!glass pane(used to intercept input events occuring over the top-level container,and can also be used to paint over multiple components)
Using Models(be owned by most noncontainer Swing components,and stored the the component's state)
   !!!flexibility in determining how data is stored and retrieved:example,spreadsheet
   !!!they mean that data isn't copied between a program's data structures and those of the Swing components.
   !!!automatically propagate changes to all intersted listeners,making if easy for the GUI to stay in sync with the data.
  !!an example:converter
  !!kinds of models:
   !!!table data models
   !!!color chooser's selection model
   !!!spinner models
   !!!slider models

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