FW: A Tester's Learning Journey

A Tester's Learning Journey

Posted by Lisa Crispin on Jun 24, 2010


全文见: http://www.infoq.com/articles/testers-learning-journey

谢谢Kevin的分享!Suggest that who take QA as a profession seriously read the full.



买了Lisa的Agile Testing, 不过还没来得及读,汗一个。




“My view is that while skills are important, attitude is everything. If you’re eager to learn, and willing to take on any activities needed to help the team deliver a good product, you have a bright future as a tester. ”


Learning Through Transitions

想起公司一个Director level的QA engineer曾经分享过他的经验,就是不断的学习,每次因为工作的变动(大或者小)就不断的去学习新的东西,而且是深入踏实的学习。很多时候大家会觉得遇到瓶颈,我想有些时候是人为的瓶颈,是自己放弃了高速的学习,因为倦怠,因为安逸,或者因为闭塞?

Personal Relationships Create Opportunities

Contributing to the Community Creates Opportunities

It Never Stops: Broadening Horizons


Take responsibility for your own professional development.

Don’t limit your learning to technical or testing skills, either.

Gain expertise on your company’s business domain so you can better help them make good choices.

Get out of your cube right now and see what you can do to help your team and your company work a little bit better. Join an online testing club, or volunteer to help with your local testing user group.

Buy a new book or start working through an online tutorial. Do something today to get a little further on your learning journey.

You’ll enjoy your job more, you’ll enjoy more fun opportunities, and you’ll make all of us proud to be your peer.



Lisa现身说法的经历让人很容易接受,而不会显得说教,让人对QA这个career也更加的充满信心。另外她反复提到的一点就是走出去并且contribute and share to others对自己的成长和发展也是很大的帮助的观点非常的认同。今天读到Alan Page blog上的一篇文章也是很有感触。

Why I Write and Speak   




