Technical English

archetype: perfect sample
Errata:勘误表; 错字
slots: An assigned place in a sequence or schedule:
a new time slot for a TV program.
a plausible guess ==likely and reasonable answer is ...貌似的,可能的
Cartesian join : 笛卡儿链接
Abbreviation==acronym 缩写
roll-out ==launch==发布:an occasion when a new product is made available for people to buy or use such as a new roll-out of windows
exemplify: to give an example of something e.g. you will need to create a JNDI context exemplified with the code below:

less use
Groupware n.局部区域网上多用户同时使用的软件(例如电子邮件, 数据库, 电话分享服务)
surefile: certain to succeed
nexus:A means of connection 连结, 关系
bit-wise,就是以位为操作对象(wise是方式的意思) 就是面向位   bit   的操作,如:&、|、^  等都是   bit-wise operators
