How I installed the Windows 7 64x C++ driver/mongoDB to work with Visual Studio 2010

I realize this is way to explicit for most but I did not want to leave out
any ingredients for this recipe. I put this together with the help of Tad
Marshall and Erik Milke without whom I would still be at sea. Thanks!

This guides assumes you are starting with a blank slate (except for MS
Visual Studio 2010). In particular it assumes:

- Python is not installed. If Python 64 bit or a version later than 2.72
is installed, you may have a problem with scons which is 32 bit and
requires 2.72 Python.
- scons is not installed.
- Boost is not installed.
- Mongodb is not installed, binaries or otherwise. We are starting from
- You are using Windows 7 x64 and Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 and want
the x64 version of mongoDB
- You want the debug version of mongoDB. I've not tried this for a
release version.
- You will be using the debug C runtime external DLLs msvcr100d.dll
and msvcp100d.dll vs. including the code itself. See the note at the very

This is not the only possible avenue; building with MS VS 2010, building
boost with bjam are alternatives, etc. But this is the way I was able to
successfully install.
*Install Python *

0. **VERY IMPORTANT**: Get the 32 bit NOT the 64 bit version. Scons uses 32
bit Python.


2. Select Windows x86 MSI Installer (2.7.2) (sig)

3. You will end up with:


4. Double click the installer. Install in C:\Python27\, accept all other

5. Add the python scripts directory (e.g., C:\Python27\Scripts) to your

Start->Control panel->System->Advanced system settings->Environmental

Select PATH in the top box "User variables for _____"
Click Edit.
Add ";C:\Python27\Scripts" to the end of the PATH variable -- the
semi-colon separates values.
Click OK, OK, OK

Be sure to restart any command prompt to get the new PATH.
*Install pywin32*

1. Download

2. You will end up with:


3. Double click. Accept all the defaults
*Install scons*

1. Download:

2. You will get:


3. Double click. Accept all the defaults
*Download and unpack mongodb source*


2. Download source -- far right column, click the "zip" link. I chose the
production release 2.0.7 -- if you use another, then your YMMV. I know that
they have included boost in later distributions but if you want to follow
this plan, stick with 2.07. This will give you:

3. Unpack it to to C:\ so you have a directory named:


4. Rename c:\mongodb-src-r2.0.7 to C:\mongodb
*Install boost*

1. Get boost 1.4.2 from:

which will get you:


I'm using WinRar, so when I double click on
mongodb-src-r2.0.7.tar.gz.tar I get:


*Don't get 1.45 or later!* According to:

"We have successfully compiled version 1.42 – you might want to try that
version or higher, but not 1.45 or later. 1.45 changed the interface to the
boost::filesystem library and we've yet to catch up."
I decided to stick with 1.4.2.

2. Unpack boost_1_42_0-1.7z to your C:\ drive so you have a directory


3. Rename C:\boost_1_42_0-1.7z to c:\boost

4. Run MS Visual Studio 64x command prompt:

Start->All Programs->Microsoft Visual Studio 2010->Visual Studio Tools->
Visual Studio x64 Win64 Command Prompt (2010)

5. cd C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\vc\

6. vcvarsall.bat

7. cd c:\boost\tools\jam\src

8. build.bat

9. mkdir c:\boost\bin

10. mkdir c:\boost\lib

11. copy C:\boost\tools\jam\src\bin.ntx86\bjam.exe c:\boost\bin

12. Steps 7 through 11 are requirements for building boost with mongodb's
buildscript (see step 14). If you skip them, it won't run (for instance,
the script assumes c:\boost\lib already exists).

13. cd c:\mongodb\buildscripts

14. buildboost64.bat

Press Enter at the four prompts.
*Build mongoDb, client and core*

0. Working in the same MS Visual Studio 64x command prompt:

1. cd c:\mongodb

2. scons --64

3. scons --dd --64 mongoclient.lib

4. scons --dd --64 core
*Setup Microsoft Visual Studio 2010*

1. Create new project.

2. Properties: Click Configuration Manager

3. Click the Active Solution Platform list, and then select the <New…>
option to open the New Solution Platform Dialog Box.

4. Select the new platform drop-down arrow, and then select x64.

5. OK, Close, OK.

6. Other properties:

Properties: Configuration Properties->Linker->Input->Additional
Dependencies add:


Properties: Configuration Properties->vc++ Directories->Include
Directories add:


Properties: Configuration Properties->Linker->General->Additional
Library Directories add:


Properties: Configuration Properties-> C/C++->Code Generation


Properties: Configuration Properties --> C/C++ ->
Preprocessor->Precprocessor Definitions add:


Properties: Configuration Properties --> C/C++ -> Advanced ->
Disable Specific Warnings

*Have fun. *

*Note*: I'm using /MDd vs. /MTd because I was struggling with linking to
the correct version of the boost library. I kept getting errors such as:

LNK1104: cannot open file 'libboost_thread-vc100-mt-sgd-1_42.lib'

Tad Marshall explained:

This variant is for statically linking against the C runtime library. You
can either tell Visual Studio to use the debug DLL version of the library
(which will use your -gd- version) or build the -sgd- version yourself. If
you build the complete set of Boost libraries it should include this one.
The code will be built to (for example) C:\boost_1_42_0\bin.v2\libs\
and will be copied to C:\boost_1_42_0\stage\lib. You can pass a set of
options on the command line to Boost's bjam.exe to build just the specific
variant that you need; see details. Ordinarily, you could download pre-built libraries from , but for Boost version 1.42 they don't
have a Visual Studio 2010 set, so for 1.42 and VC 10.0 you need to build
your own.
So, to use the debug DLL version of the library, Tad again explained:

"To use the debug DLL version of the library, [use] "Multi-threaded Debug
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2 responses

Nested Oldest
  • Therefore Therefore at Aug 27, 2012 at 3:23 am
    And add to your cpp source:

    #include "StdAfx.h"
    #include <iostream>
    #include "client/dbclient.h"

    using namespace mongo;
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  • Therefore Therefore at Aug 28, 2012 at 6:20 am
    - Show quoted text -

    That should read:

    Properties: Configuration Properties --> C/C++ -> Advanced -> Disable
    Specific Warnings


    I.e., without the "C".

    Wish I could edit posts.
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