Since I heard of MMSEG Chinese word segmentation algorithm (http://technology.chtsai.org/mmseg/) many years ago, I finally implemented it with Python as a programing practice in my team, dictionary file and character frequencies from mmseg4j project.
#!/usr/bin/python # -*- encoding: UTF-8 -*- import codecs import sys from math import log from collections import defaultdict class Trie (object): class TrieNode: def __init__ (self): self.val = 0 self.trans = {} def __init__ (self): self.root = Trie.TrieNode() def __walk (self, trienode, ch): if ch in trienode.trans: trienode = trienode.trans[ch] return trienode, trienode.val else: return None, 0 def add (self, word, value=1): curr_node = self.root for ch in word: try: curr_node = curr_node.trans[ch] except: curr_node.trans[ch] = Trie.TrieNode() curr_node = curr_node.trans[ch] curr_node.val = value def match_all (self, word): ret = [] curr_node = self.root for ch in word: curr_node, val = self.__walk (curr_node, ch) if not curr_node: break if val: ret.append (val) return ret class Dict (Trie): def __init__(self, fname): super (Dict, self).__init__() self.load(fname) def load(self, fname): file = codecs.open(fname, 'r', 'utf-8') for line in file: word = line.strip() self.add(word, word) file.close() class CharFreqs (defaultdict): def __init__ (self, fname): super (CharFreqs, self).__init__(lambda:1) self.load(fname) def load (self, fname): file = codecs.open(fname, 'r', 'utf-8') for line in file: ch, freq = line.strip().split() self[ch] = freq file.close() class MMSeg: class Chunk: def __init__ (self, words, chrs): self.words = words self.lens = map(lambda x:len(x), words) self.length = sum(self.lens) self.mean = float(self.length) / len(words) self.var = sum(map(lambda x: (x-self.mean)**2, self.lens)) / len(self.words) self.degree = sum([log(float(chrs[x])) for x in words if len(x)==1]) def __str__ (self): return ' '.join(self.words).encode('UTF-8') + \ "(%f %f %f %f)" % (self.length, self.mean, self.var, self.degree) def __lt__ (self, other): return (self.length, self.mean, -self.var, self.degree) < \ (other.length, other.mean, -other.var, other.degree) def __init__(self, dic, chrs): self.dic = dic self.chrs = chrs def __get_chunks (self, s, depth=3): ret = [] def __get_chunks_it (s, num, segs): if (num == 0 or not s) and segs: ret.append(MMSeg.Chunk(segs, self.chrs)) else: m = self.dic.match_all(s) if not m: __get_chunks_it (s[1:], num-1, segs+[s[0]]) for w in m: __get_chunks_it (s[len(w):], num-1, segs+[w]) __get_chunks_it (s, depth, []) return ret def segment (self, s): while s: chunks = self.__get_chunks(s) best = max(chunks) yield best.words[0] s = s[len(best.words[0]):] if __name__ == "__main__": dic = Dict("dict.utf8") chrs = CharFreqs("chars.utf8") mmseg = MMSeg(dic, chrs) enc = sys.getfilesystemencoding() while True: try: s = raw_input ("Test String: ") except: break print "Test Result: ", for w in mmseg.segment(s.decode(enc)): print w.encode(enc), print '\n' # -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- vim:et:ts=4