How to install DiskSim 4.0 + SSDSim(MS) in Ubuntu


DiskSim is alow-level storage simulation tool, which can generatetiming-accurate simulation result. It is developed by Greg Ganger.Current version is 4.0 and it is out in June2008.

SSDextension for DiskSim is an extensional module of DiskSim whichimplments SSD I/O Models. It is implemented by MicrosoftResearch.

Compiling DiskSim and SSD extension is very simple, but when Itried, there was some problem.
This article addresses those problems.
DiskSim does not compile in 64bit environment. Nevertry it. Even if you succeded compilation, it will not run -- justproduces segmentation fault.

DiskSim requires bison and flex, which are parser generators forparameter file parsing codes.

Step 0. Install bison and flex, if you have not installedalready.
$ sudo apt-get install bison flex

Step 1. Download and unzip.
Sources can be downloadedfrom the links above. I downloaded DiskSim 4.0 with dixtrac.
$ tar xfz disksim-4.0-with-dixtrac.tar.gz
$ cd disksim-4.0
$ unzip ../

Step 2. Apply SSD add on patch.
$ patch -p1 < ssdmodel/ssd-patch

Step 3. Append SSD model library path to dixtrac.
add these lines to dixtrac/.paths
# path tossdmodel
modify dixtrac/Makefile like this :


Step 4. Compile~~~!
$ make

Step 5. Check if it works well.
$ cd valid;./runvalid
$ chmod a+x ../ssdmodel/valid/runvalid
$ cd ../ssdmodel/valid; ./runvalid

Ok. It is all.
