using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; [RequireComponent (typeof(AudioSource))] public class MicroPhoneInput : MonoBehaviour { private static MicroPhoneInput m_instance; public float sensitivity=100; public float loudness=0; private static string[] micArray=null; const int HEADER_SIZE = 44; const int RECORD_TIME = 10; // Use this for initialization void Start () { } public static MicroPhoneInput getInstance() { if (m_instance == null) { micArray = Microphone.devices; if (micArray.Length == 0) { Debug.LogError ("Microphone.devices is null"); } foreach (string deviceStr in Microphone.devices) { Debug.Log("device name = " + deviceStr); } if(micArray.Length==0) { Debug.LogError("no mic device"); } GameObject MicObj=new GameObject("MicObj"); m_instance= MicObj.AddComponent<MicroPhoneInput>(); } return m_instance; } void OnGUI() //GUI.Label(new Rect(10,10,200,100),"loudness = "+loudness); //GUI.Label(new Rect(10,210,200,100),"Microphone.GetPosition = "+Microphone.GetPosition(null)); } public void StartRecord() { audio.Stop(); if (micArray.Length == 0) { Debug.Log("No Record Device!"); return; } audio.loop = false; audio.mute = true; audio.clip = Microphone.Start(null, false, RECORD_TIME, 44100); //22050 while (!(Microphone.GetPosition(null)>0)) { } audio.Play (); Debug.Log("StartRecord"); //倒计时 StartCoroutine(TimeDown()); } public void StopRecord() { if (micArray.Length == 0) { Debug.Log("No Record Device!"); return; } if (!Microphone.IsRecording(null)) { return; } Microphone.End (null); audio.Stop(); Debug.Log("StopRecord"); // PlayRecord(); //调试Int16[] 数据的转化与播放 //PlayClipData(GetClipData()); } public Byte[] GetClipData() { if (audio.clip == null) { Debug.Log("GetClipData audio.clip is null"); return null; } float[] samples = new float[audio.clip.samples]; audio.clip.GetData(samples, 0); Byte[] outData = new byte[samples.Length * 2]; //Int16[] intData = new Int16[samples.Length]; //converting in 2 float[] steps to Int16[], //then Int16[] to Byte[] int rescaleFactor = 32767; //to convert float to Int16 for (int i = 0; i < samples.Length; i++) { short temshort = (short)(samples[i] * rescaleFactor); Byte[] temdata=System.BitConverter.GetBytes(temshort); outData[i*2]=temdata[0]; outData[i*2+1]=temdata[1]; } if (outData == null || outData.Length <= 0) { Debug.Log("GetClipData intData is null"); return null; } //return intData; return outData; } public void PlayClipData(Int16[] intArr) { string aaastr = intArr.ToString(); long aaalength=aaastr.Length; Debug.LogError("aaalength=" + aaalength); string aaastr1 = Convert.ToString (intArr); aaalength = aaastr1.Length; Debug.LogError("aaalength=" + aaalength); if (intArr.Length == 0) { Debug.Log("get intarr clipdata is null"); return; } //从Int16[]到float[] float[] samples = new float[intArr.Length]; int rescaleFactor = 32767; for (int i = 0; i < intArr.Length; i++) { samples[i] = (float)intArr[i] / rescaleFactor; } //从float[]到Clip AudioSource audioSource = this.GetComponent<AudioSource>(); if (audioSource.clip == null) { audioSource.clip = AudioClip.Create("playRecordClip", intArr.Length, 1, 44100, false, false); } audioSource.clip.SetData(samples, 0); audioSource.mute = false; audioSource.Play(); }PlayRecord() { if (audio.clip == null) { Debug.Log("audio.clip=null"); return; } audio.mute = false; audio.loop = false; audio.Play (); Debug.Log("PlayRecord"); } public void LoadAndPlayRecord() { string recordPath ="your path"; SavWav.LoadAndPlay (recordPath); } public float GetAveragedVolume() { float[] data=new float[256]; float a=0; audio.GetOutputData(data,0); foreach(float s in data) { a+=Mathf.Abs(s); } return a/256; } // Update is called once per frame void Update () { loudness = GetAveragedVolume () * sensitivity; if (loudness > 1) { Debug.Log("loudness = "+loudness); } } private IEnumerator TimeDown() { Debug.Log(" IEnumerator TimeDown()"); int time = 0; while (time < RECORD_TIME) { if (!Microphone.IsRecording (null)) { //如果没有录制 Debug.Log ("IsRecording false"); yield break; } Debug.Log("yield return new WaitForSeconds "+time); yield return new WaitForSeconds(1); time++; } if (time >= 10) { Debug.Log("RECORD_TIME is out! stop record!"); StopRecord(); } yield return 0; } }