*** Terminating app due to uncaught exception of class '_NSZombie_NSException' libc++abi.dylib: ter

 *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception of class '_NSZombie_NSException' 
之前写了一堆,结果 按钮点错,全没有了。can i say a dirty word? FUCK!
五卅    。。。下面直接贴地址,度娘不行还是谷哥出来的
文章中的这条回复:Set a breakpoint on C++ exceptions to find where it's being thrown. 
操作:xcode左侧上部有个断点,点下,再点下面 + 。添加 exception breakpoint。 弹出框中的exception选c++。okay,再次

你可能感兴趣的:(*** Terminating app due to uncaught exception of class '_NSZombie_NSException' libc++abi.dylib: ter)