vimrc example


Example .vimrc

  1 " Modeline and Notes {
  2 "   vim: set foldmarker={,} foldlevel=0 spell:
  3 "
  4 "   This is my personal .vimrc, I don't recommend you copy it, just
  5 "   use the "   pieces you want(and understand!).  When you copy a
  6 "   .vimrc in its entirety, weird and unexpected things can happen.
  7 "
  8 "   If you find an obvious mistake hit me up at:
  9 " (many forms of communication)
 10 " }
 12 " Basics {
 13     set  nocompatible  " explicitly get out of vi-compatible mode
 14     set  noexrc  " don't use local version of .(g)vimrc, .exrc
 15     set  background =dark " we plan to use a dark background
 16     set  cpoptions =aABceFsmq
 17     "             |||||||||
 18     "             ||||||||+-- When joining lines, leave the cursor
 19     "             |||||||      between joined lines
 20     "             |||||||+-- When a new match is created (showmatch)
 21     "             ||||||      pause for .5
 22     "             ||||||+-- Set buffer options when entering the
 23     "             |||||      buffer
 24     "             |||||+-- :write command updates current file name
 25     "             ||||+-- Automatically add <CR> to the last line
 26     "             |||      when using :@r
 27     "             |||+-- Searching continues at the end of the match
 28     "             ||      at the cursor position
 29     "             ||+-- A backslash has no special meaning in mappings
 30     "             |+-- :write updates alternative file name
 31     "             +-- :read updates alternative file name
 32     syntax  on  " syntax highlighting on
 33 " }
 35 " General {
 36     filetype  plugin  indent  on  " load filetype plugins/indent settings
 37     set  autochdir  " always switch to the current file directory
 38     set  backspace =indent, eol, start " make backspace a more flexible
 39     set  backup  " make backup files
 40     set  backupdir =~/.vim/backup " where to put backup files
 41     set  clipboard +=unnamed " share windows clipboard
 42     set  directory =~/.vim/tmp " directory to place swap files in
 43     set  fileformats =unix, dos, mac " support all three, in this order
 44     set  hidden  " you can change buffers without saving
 45     " ( XXX : #VIM/tpope warns the line below could break things)
 46     set  iskeyword +=_, $, @, %, " none of these are word dividers
 47     set  mouse =a " use mouse everywhere
 48     set  noerrorbells  " don't make noise
 49     set  whichwrap =b, s, h, l, < , > , ~, [, " everything wraps
 50     "             | | | | | | | | |
 51     "             | | | | | | | | +-- "]"  Insert and Replace
 52     "             | | | | | | | +-- "["  Insert and Replace
 53     "             | | | | | | +-- "~"  Normal
 54     "             | | | | | +-- <Right> Normal and Visual
 55     "             | | | | +-- <Left> Normal and Visual
 56     "             | | | +-- "l"  Normal and Visual (not recommended)
 57     "             | | +-- "h"  Normal and Visual (not recommended)
 58     "             | +-- <Space> Normal and Visual
 59     "             +-- <BS> Normal and Visual
 60     set  wildmenu  " turn on command line completion wild style
 61     " ignore these list file extensions
 62     set  wildignore =*.dll, *.o, *.obj, *.bak, *.exe, *.pyc,
 63                     / *. jpg,*. gif,*. png
 64     set  wildmode =list: longest " turn on wild mode huge list
 65 " }
 67 " Vim UI {
 68     set  cursorcolumn  " highlight the current column
 69     set  cursorline  " highlight current line
 70     set  incsearch  " BUT do highlight as you type you
 71                    " search phrase
 72     set  laststatus =2 " always show the status line
 73     set  lazyredraw  " do not redraw while running macros
 74     set  linespace =0 " don't insert any extra pixel lines
 75                      " betweens rows
 76     set  list  " we do what to show tabs, to ensure we get them
 77               " out of my files
 78     set  listchars =tab: >-, trail: " show tabs and trailing
 79     set  matchtime =5 " how many tenths of a second to blink
 80                      " matching brackets for
 81     set  nohlsearch  " do not highlight searched for phrases
 82     set  nostartofline  " leave my cursor where it was
 83     set  novisualbell  " don't blink
 84     set  number  " turn on line numbers
 85     set  numberwidth =5 " We are good up to 99999 lines
 86     set  report =0 " tell us when anything is changed via :...
 87     set  ruler  " Always show current positions along the bottom
 88     set  scrolloff =10 " Keep 10 lines (top/bottom) for scope
 89     set  shortmess =aOstT " shortens messages to avoid
 90                          " 'press a key' prompt
 91     set  showcmd  " show the command being typed
 92     set  showmatch  " show matching brackets
 93     set  sidescrolloff =10 " Keep 5 lines at the size
 94     set  statusline =%F%m%r%h%w[%L][%{&ff}]%y[%p%%][%04l, %04v]
 95     "              | | | | |  |   |      |  |     |    |
 96     "              | | | | |  |   |      |  |     |    + current
 97     "              | | | | |  |   |      |  |     |       column
 98     "              | | | | |  |   |      |  |     +-- current line
 99     "              | | | | |  |   |      |  +-- current % into file
100     "              | | | | |  |   |      +-- current syntax in
101     "              | | | | |  |   |          square brackets
102     "              | | | | |  |   +-- current fileformat
103     "              | | | | |  +-- number of lines
104     "              | | | | +-- preview flag in square brackets
105     "              | | | +-- help flag in square brackets
106     "              | | +-- readonly flag in square brackets
107     "              | +-- rodified flag in square brackets
108     "              +-- full path to file in the buffer
109 " }
111 " Text Formatting/Layout {
112     set  completeopt " don't use a pop up menu for completions
113     set  expandtab  " no real tabs please!
114     set  formatoptions =rq " Automatically insert comment leader on return,
115                           " and let gq format comments
116     set  ignorecase  " case insensitive by default
117     set  infercase  " case inferred by default
118     set  nowrap  " do not wrap line
119     set  shiftround  " when at 3 spaces, and I hit > ... go to 4, not 5
120     set  smartcase  " if there are caps, go case-sensitive
121     set  shiftwidth =4 " auto-indent amount when using cindent,
122                       " >>, << and stuff like that
123     set  softtabstop =4 " when hitting tab or backspace, how many spaces
124                        "should a tab be (see expandtab)
125     set  tabstop =8 " real tabs should be 8, and they will show with
126                    " set list on
127 " }
129 " Folding {
130     set  foldenable  " Turn on folding
131     set  foldmarker ={, " Fold C style code (only use this as default
132                         " if you use a high foldlevel)
133     set  foldmethod =marker " Fold on the marker
134     set  foldlevel =100 " Don't autofold anything (but I can still
135                       " fold manually)
136     set  foldopen =block, hor, mark, percent, quickfix, tag " what movements
137                                                       " open folds
138     function  SimpleFoldText()  " {
139         return  getline ( v:foldstart). ' '
140     endfunction  " }
141     set  foldtext =SimpleFoldText() " Custom fold text function
142                                    " (cleaner than default)
143 " }
145 " Plugin Settings {
146     let  b:match_ignorecase =  1  " case is stupid
147     let  perl_extended_vars= 1  " highlight advanced perl vars
148                               " inside strings
150     " TagList Settings {
151         let  Tlist_Auto_Open= 0  " let the tag list open automagically
152         let  Tlist_Compact_Format =  1  " show small menu
153         let  Tlist_Ctags_Cmd =  'ctags'  " location of ctags
154         let  Tlist_Enable_Fold_Column =  0  " do show folding tree
155         let  Tlist_Exist_OnlyWindow =  1  " if you are the last, kill
156                                         " yourself
157         let  Tlist_File_Fold_Auto_Close =  0  " fold closed other trees
158         let  Tlist_Sort_Type =  "name"  " order by
159         let  Tlist_Use_Right_Window =  1  " split to the right side
160                                         " of the screen
161         let  Tlist_WinWidth =  40  " 40 cols wide, so i can (almost always)
162                                  " read my functions
163         " Language Specifics {
164             " just functions and classes please
165             let  tlist_aspjscript_settings =  'asp;f:function;c:class'  
166             " just functions and subs please
167             let  tlist_aspvbs_settings =  'asp;f:function;s:sub'  
168             " don't show variables in freaking php
169             let  tlist_php_settings =  'php;c:class;d:constant;f:function'  
170             " just functions and classes please
171             let  tlist_vb_settings =  'asp;f:function;c:class'  
172         " }
173     " }
174 " }
176 " Mappings {
177     " ROT13 - fun
178     map  < F12 >  ggVGg?
180     " space / shift-space scroll in normal mode
181     noremap  < S-space >  < C-b >
182     noremap  < space >  < C-f >
184     " Make Arrow Keys Useful Again {
185         map  < down >  < ESC > :bn< RETURN >
186         map  < left >  < ESC > :NERDTreeToggle< RETURN >
187         map  < right >  < ESC > :Tlist< RETURN >
188         map  < up >  < ESC > :bp< RETURN >
189     " }
190 " }
192 " Autocommands {
193     " Ruby {
194         " ruby standard 2 spaces, always
195         au  BufRead ,BufNewFile  *.rb,*.rhtml set  shiftwidth =2 
196         au  BufRead ,BufNewFile  *.rb,*.rhtml set  softtabstop =2 
197     " }
198     " Notes {
199         " I consider .notes files special, and handle them differently, I
200         " should probably put this in another file
201         au  BufRead ,BufNewFile  *.notes set  foldlevel =2
202         au  BufRead ,BufNewFile  *.notes set  foldmethod =indent
203         au  BufRead ,BufNewFile  *.notes set  foldtext =foldtext()
204         au  BufRead ,BufNewFile  *.notes set  listchars= tab :/ /
205         au  BufRead ,BufNewFile  *.notes set  noexpandtab
206         au  BufRead ,BufNewFile  *.notes set  shiftwidth =8
207         au  BufRead ,BufNewFile  *.notes set  softtabstop =8
208         au  BufRead ,BufNewFile  *.notes set  tabstop =8
209         au  BufRead ,BufNewFile  *.notes set  syntax =notes
210         au  BufRead ,BufNewFile  *.notes set  nocursorcolumn
211         au  BufRead ,BufNewFile  *.notes set  nocursorline
212         au  BufRead ,BufNewFile  *.notes set  guifont =Consolas: h12
213         au  BufRead ,BufNewFile  *.notes set  spell
214     " }
215     au  BufNewFile ,BufRead  *.ahk setf  ahk 
216 " }
218 " GUI Settings {
219 if  has ( "gui_running" )
220     " Basics {
221         colorscheme  metacosm " my color scheme (only works in GUI)
222         set  columns =180 " perfect size for me
223         set  guifont =Consolas: h10 " My favorite font
224         set  guioptions =ce 
225         "              ||
226         "              |+-- use simple dialogs rather than pop-ups
227         "              +  use GUI tabs, not console style tabs
228         set  lines =55 " perfect size for me
229         set  mousehide  " hide the mouse cursor when typing
230     " }
232     " Font Switching Binds {
233         map  < F8 >  < ESC > :set guifont=Consolas:h8< CR >
234         map  < F9 >  < ESC > :set guifont=Consolas:h10< CR >
235         map  < F10 >  < ESC > :set guifont=Consolas:h12< CR >
236         map  < F11 >  < ESC > :set guifont=Consolas:h16< CR >
237         map  < F12 >  < ESC > :set guifont=Consolas:h20< CR >
238     " }
239 endif
240 " }
