JAXB - Avoid converting < into < and > into > during Marshalling

In this article, let us see how to avoid converting < to &lt ; and > to &gt ; and & to &amp ; during JAXB Marshalling operation.

1. CharacterEscapeHandler creation
Create a custom Escape Handler by implementing the CharacterEscapeHandler interface as given below.

import  com.sun.xml.bind.marshaller.CharacterEscapeHandler ;

public  class JaxbCharacterEscapeHandler  implementsCharacterEscapeHandler  {

         public  void escape ( char [ ] buf,  int start,  int len,  booleanisAttValue,
                         Writer out )  throws  IOException  {

                 for  ( int i  = start ; i  < start  + len ; i ++ )  {
                         char ch  = buf [i ] ;
                        out. write (ch ) ;

2. Marshaller Code
Use the below code snippet for JAXB Marshalling operation.

Note: Please go through the basics of using JAXB Marshalling code samples before using this example

import  java.io.IOException ;
import  java.io.PrintWriter ;
import  java.io.StringWriter ;
import  java.io.Writer ;
import  javax.xml.bind.JAXBContext ;
import  javax.xml.bind.JAXBException ;
import  javax.xml.bind.Marshaller ;
import  com.sun.xml.bind.marshaller.CharacterEscapeHandler ;
import  com.sun.xml.bind.marshaller.DataWriter ;

public  class JaxbMarshaller  {

         public  static  void main ( String [ ] args )  {

                 // Note: Provide input for the below objects
                 Object jaxbObject  =  null ;  // Create the right Input object
                 String packageName  = jaxbObject. getClass ( ). getPackage ( ). getName ( ) ;  // Provide the package name of the generated classes
                 try  {
                        JAXBContext jaxbContext  = JAXBContext. newInstance (packageName ) ;
                        Marshaller marshaller  = jaxbContext. createMarshaller ( ) ;

                         // Set UTF-8 Encoding
                        marshaller. setProperty (Marshaller. JAXB_ENCODING"UTF-8" ) ;

                         // The below code will take care of avoiding the conversion of < to &lt; and > to &gt; etc
                         StringWriter stringWriter  =  new  StringWriter ( ) ;
                         PrintWriter printWriter  =  new  PrintWriter (stringWriter ) ;
                        DataWriter dataWriter  =  new DataWriter (printWriter,  "UTF-8"new JaxbCharacterEscapeHandler ( ) ) ;
                         // Perform Marshalling operation
                        marshaller. marshal (jaxbObject, dataWriter ) ;

                         System. out. println (stringWriter. toString ( ) ) ;
                 }  catch  (JAXBException e )  {
                         System. err. println ( "Error in marshalling..." ) ;
 or 直接设置属性:
                    new CharacterEscapeHandler() {
                public void escape(char[] ch, int start,int length, boolean isAttVal,
                        Writer writer) throws IOException {
                    writer.write(ch, start, length);


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