

D:\jws>jws new test
~      _                 ___
~     | \  _        _  / ___|
~     | | \ \  /\  / /( (__
~  _  | |  \ \/  \/ /  \__ \
~ | |_| |   \  /\  /  ____) )
~  \___/     \/  \/  |_____/
~ JWS 1.4.2
~ The new application will be created in D:\jws\test
~ What is the application name? [test] test
~ OK, the application is created.
~ Start it with : jws run test
~ Have fun!

D:\jws>cd test

D:\jws\test>jws ec
~      _                 ___
~     | \  _        _  / ___|
~     | | \ \  /\  / /( (__
~  _  | |  \ \/  \/ /  \__ \
~ | |_| |   \  /\  /  ____) )
~  \___/     \/  \/  |_____/
~ JWS 1.4.2
~ OK, the application is ready for eclipse
~ Use File/Import/General/Existing project to import D:\jws\test into eclipse
~ Use eclipsify again when you want to update eclipse configuration files.
~ However, it's often better to delete and re-import the project into your works
pace since eclipse keeps dirty caches...
