视频第7集的作业描述pdf及starter code的地址: 在这
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以下是本人的作业的实现部分(vector.c)和(hashset.c),用的windows操作系统,装了个minGW用make进行编译链接,可以通过vector-test, hashset-test, 和thesaurus-look的测试:
#include "vector.h" #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <assert.h> /** *Function: VectorGrow *Usage: Interal use *--------------- *Dynamic allocate memory *by double the size when the *size of memory is not enough * **/ static void VectorGrow(vector *v) { if(v->length==v->loglength) { v->loglength*=2; v->base=realloc(v->base,v->elemSize*v->loglength); } } void VectorNew(vector *v, int elemSize, VectorFreeFunction freeFn, int initialAllocation) { assert(initialAllocation>=0); if(initialAllocation==0) v->loglength=4; else v->loglength=initialAllocation; v->base=malloc(elemSize*v->loglength); v->elemSize=elemSize; v->length=0; v->freeFunc=freeFn; } void VectorDispose(vector *v) { if(v->freeFunc!=NULL) { for(int i=0;i<v->length;i++) { v->freeFunc( (char*)v->base+i*v->elemSize); } } free(v->base); } int VectorLength(const vector *v) { return v->length; } void *VectorNth(const vector *v, int position) { assert(position>=0); assert( position <v->loglength); return (char*)v->base+position*v->elemSize; } void VectorReplace(vector *v, const void *elemAddr, int position) { assert(position>=0); assert( position <(v->loglength)); memcpy( (char*)v->base+position*v->elemSize, elemAddr, v->elemSize); } void VectorInsert(vector *v, const void *elemAddr, int position) { assert(position>=0); assert( position <v->loglength); VectorGrow(v); memmove( (char*)v->base+(position+1)*v->elemSize, (char*)v->base+position*v->elemSize, v->elemSize*(v->length-position)); VectorReplace(v, elemAddr, position); v->length++; } void VectorAppend(vector *v, const void *elemAddr) { VectorGrow(v); VectorReplace(v, elemAddr, v->length); v->length++; } void VectorDelete(vector *v, int position) { assert(position>=0); assert( position <v->loglength); memmove( (char*)v->base+(position)*v->elemSize, (char*)v->base+(position+1)*v->elemSize, v->elemSize*(v->length-position-1) ); v->length--; } void VectorSort(vector *v, VectorCompareFunction compare) { assert(compare!=NULL); qsort(v->base,v->length,v->elemSize,compare); } void VectorMap(vector *v, VectorMapFunction mapFn, void *auxData) { assert(mapFn!=NULL); for(int i=0; i<v->length; i++) { mapFn( (char*)v->base+i*v->elemSize, auxData); } } static const int kNotFound = -1; int VectorSearch(const vector *v, const void *key, VectorCompareFunction searchFn, int startIndex, bool isSorted) { assert(startIndex>=0); assert( startIndex <v->length); assert(searchFn!=NULL); assert( key!=NULL); if(isSorted) { char* temp=bsearch(key, (char*)v->base+startIndex*v->elemSize, v->length-startIndex, v->elemSize, searchFn); if (temp!=NULL) return (int)( temp-(char*)v->base )/v->elemSize; } else { for(int i=0; i<v->length; i++) { if(memcmp(key, (char*)v->base+i*v->elemSize, v->elemSize)==0) return i; } } return -1; }
#include "hashset.h" #include <assert.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> /** *Function: GetHashIndex *Usage: internal use *Description: Compute the index of hashset */ static int GetHashIndex(const hashset *h, const void *elemAddr) { assert(elemAddr!=NULL); int index=h->hashFunc(elemAddr, h->bucketSize); assert(index>=0 && index<h->bucketSize); return index; } void HashSetNew(hashset *h, int elemSize, int numBuckets, HashSetHashFunction hashfn, HashSetCompareFunction comparefn, HashSetFreeFunction freefn) { assert(elemSize>0 && numBuckets>0 && hashfn!=NULL && comparefn!=NULL); h->bucketSize=numBuckets; h->elemSize=elemSize; h->count=0; h->base=malloc(elemSize*numBuckets); h->hashFunc=hashfn; h->compFunc=comparefn; h->freeFunc=freefn; char zero=0; for(int i=0; i<numBuckets*elemSize; i++) { memcpy((char*)h->base+i, &zero, sizeof(char)); } } void HashSetDispose(hashset *h) { if(h->freeFunc!=NULL) { for(int i=0;i<h->bucketSize;i++) { h->freeFunc( (char*)h->base+i*h->elemSize); } } free(h->base); } int HashSetCount(const hashset *h) { return h->count; } void HashSetMap(hashset *h, HashSetMapFunction mapfn, void *auxData) { assert(mapfn!=NULL); for(int i=0; i<h->bucketSize; i++) { if( (char*)h->base+i*h->elemSize!=NULL) mapfn( (char*)h->base+i*h->elemSize, auxData); } } void HashSetEnter(hashset *h, const void *elemAddr) { memcpy( (char*)h->base+GetHashIndex(h,elemAddr)*h->elemSize, elemAddr, h->elemSize); h->count++; } void *HashSetLookup(const hashset *h, const void *elemAddr) { int index=GetHashIndex(h,elemAddr); char zero=0; if(memcmp( (char*)h->base+index*h->elemSize, &zero, sizeof(char))==NULL) return NULL; return (char*)h->base+index*h->elemSize; }