1. CDIJoystick类用来控制遥控手柄
// DIJoystick.h: interface for the CDIJoystick class. // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #if !defined(AFX_DIJOYSTICK_H__D1950720_938F_4491_A3E3_583B1FB98E2C__INCLUDED_) #define AFX_DIJOYSTICK_H__D1950720_938F_4491_A3E3_583B1FB98E2C__INCLUDED_ #if _MSC_VER > 1000 #pragma once #endif // _MSC_VER > 1000 #pragma comment (lib, "dxguid.lib") #pragma comment (lib, "dinput.lib") #define MAXJOYBUTTONS 256 class CDIJoystick { public: CDIJoystick(); virtual ~CDIJoystick(); bool PollDevice(); // Update the device state. void SetPreferredDevice(GUID* pguid); // Set the current GUID for joystick device. void SetHWND(HWND hwnd); // The the HWND to which the joystick will be attached. bool InitDevice(void); // Initialise the Device Pointer bool InitJoystick(void); // Initialise the Joystick int HowManyButtons(void); // Find out how many buttons the attached device has bool CreateDevice(GUID *guid); // Create A Device Pointer for a GUID LPCDIDEVICEINSTANCE GetFirstJoystickID(void); // Get First Joystick Device Data For Enumerated Devices (Must be called before GetNextJoystickID() LPCDIDEVICEINSTANCE GetNextJoystickID(); // Get Next Joystick Device Data For Enumerated Devices TCHAR* GetFirstButtonName(void);// Get First Joystick Button Friendly Name For Enumerated Device (Must be called before GetNextJoystickID() TCHAR* GetNextButtonName(); // Get First Joystick Button Friendly Name For Enumerated Device bool IsJoystickLeft(void) {return m_JoyLeft;}; // Is Joystick Being Moved Left? bool IsJoystickRight(void) {return m_JoyRight;};// Is Joystick Being Moved Right? bool IsJoystickUp(void) {return m_JoyUp;}; // Is Joystick Being Moved Up? bool IsJoystickDown(void) { return m_JoyDown;}; // Is Joystick Being Moved Down? bool IsJoystickFire(void) { return m_JoyFire1;};// Has Any Fire Button Been Pressed? bool IsJoystickFire(int button) { return m_JoyFire[button%MAXJOYBUTTONS];};// Has a specific button been pressed? DIJOYSTATE2* GetJoystickStateInfo(void) {return &m_dijs;}; void RunControlPanel(void); // Run the Control Panel protected: bool Initialise(void); // Initialise Direct Input 7 void Shutdown(void); // Close down and de-allocate any memory assigned to this object. bool Enumerate_Joysticks(void); // Start Enumeration of Attached Joystick Devices TCHAR* GetDIError(HRESULT error);// Return Friendly Text to DI7 Error HR bool ReInitialise(void); // ReInitialise DI7 (Not Implemented) void ClearFriendlyButtonNames(void); // Clear Down Allocated Memory for Friendly Button Names bool AddDeviceInfo(LPCDIDEVICEINSTANCE lpddi); // Add DI7 Device Info for Enumerated Device static BOOL CALLBACK EnumDevicesProc( LPCDIDEVICEINSTANCE lpddi, LPVOID pvRef); // Callback procedure for Enumerating Attached Joystick Devices bool Acquire(bool state); // Acquire/UnAcquire the Joystick private: POSITION m_DevicePOS; // Used in CPtrList to keep track of next item. POSITION m_ButtonPOS; // Used in CPtrList to keep track of next item. bool m_EnumerationStarted; // Has enumeration started and joystick been found? DIJOYSTATE2 m_dijs; // Holds Joystick State Information GUID m_JoystickGUID; // Current Joystick GUID CPtrList m_DIJoystickList; // Contains a pointer list to Attached Joystick Devices CPtrList m_DIButtonNames; // Contains a pointer list to Button Names for selected Joystick bool m_JoyLeft; // Generic Direction, Is Joystick Moving Left bool m_JoyUp; // Generic Direction, Is Joystick Moving Up bool m_JoyDown; // Generic Direction, Is Joystick Moving Down bool m_JoyRight; // Generic Direction, Is Joystick Moving Right bool m_JoyFire[MAXJOYBUTTONS]; // Which Fire Button Has Been Pressed? bool m_JoyFire1; // Has any fire button been pressed? HCURSOR m_hCursorWait; // Wait Cursor Handle when Enumerating Feedback Effects HWND m_hwnd; // HWND to which Direct Input will be attached to. bool m_Initialised; // Has Direct Input Been Initialised? char m_buffer[256]; // A Generic buffer HINSTANCE m_hInstance; // This modules Instance LPDIRECTINPUT7 m_lpDI; // Pointer to Direct Input 7 LPDIRECTINPUTDEVICE7 m_lpDIDevice; // Pointer to Direct Input 7 Device ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Used for Force Feed Back, Not Yet Implemented ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// LPDIRECTINPUTEFFECT m_lpTriggerEffect; // For Force Feedback Effects LPDIRECTINPUTEFFECT m_lpStickyEffect; // For Force Feedback Effects LPDIRECTINPUTEFFECT m_lpResistEffect; // For Force Feedback Effects bool m_TriggerOK; BOOL m_FFAvailable; // Is device Force Feedback Compatible? GUID m_TriggerGuid; // GUID For Force Feed Back Device? }; #endif // !defined(AFX_DIJOYSTICK_H__D1950720_938F_4491_A3E3_583B1FB98E2C__INCLUDED_)
<pre name="code" class="cpp">// DIJoystick.cpp: implementation of the CDIJoystick class. // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "stdafx.h" //#include "JoystickDemo.h" #include "DIJoystick.h" #ifdef _DEBUG #undef THIS_FILE static char THIS_FILE[]=__FILE__; #define new DEBUG_NEW #endif #include "stdafx.h" #include "DIJoystick.h" #define BUFFERSIZE 16 // Set the maxmimum range to which we'll gauge the swing #define JOYMAX 10000 #define JOYMIN -10000 /* Y ^ | | X -10,000 <---*---> +10,000 | | \/ */ // Dead zone is the amount of sway the joystick can have before we start registering movement // In this case 20% #define JOYDEAD 2000 // The Saturation Point Is Where the Joystick is deemed to be at Full Swing, in this case 95% #define JOYSAT 9500 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Construction/Destruction ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CDIJoystick::CDIJoystick() { // Initialise Member Variables m_EnumerationStarted=false; m_Initialised=false; m_hInstance=GetModuleHandle(NULL); // Initialise Direct Input Initialise(); // Start Enumeration of Attached Joysticks. Enumerate_Joysticks(); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Destroy The Direct Input Joystick Control and tidy up. // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CDIJoystick::~CDIJoystick() { Shutdown(); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Initialise Direct Input // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool CDIJoystick::Initialise() { HRESULT hr; hr = DirectInputCreateEx(m_hInstance, DIRECTINPUT_VERSION, IID_IDirectInput7, (void**)&m_lpDI, NULL); if FAILED(hr) { // DirectInput not available; // take appropriate action OutputDebugString("Failed To Initialise Direct Input 7 in CDIJoystick::Initialise\n"); OutputDebugString(GetDIError(hr)); return false; } m_hwnd=NULL; if FAILED(hr) { OutputDebugString(GetDIError(hr)); Shutdown(); return false; } m_Initialised=true; return true; // Successfully Created Direct Input 7 Object } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Shutdown the Direct input object and release it. // // Basically clean up any memory allocated to this object // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CDIJoystick::Shutdown() { ClearFriendlyButtonNames(); // Remove Joystick Information if(!m_DIJoystickList.IsEmpty()) { POSITION pos=m_DIJoystickList.GetHeadPosition(); LPVOID del=NULL; while(pos) { del=static_cast<LPVOID>(m_DIJoystickList.GetNext(pos)); if(del) { delete del; } } m_DIJoystickList.RemoveAll(); } // Shutdown Direct Input! if (m_lpDI) { if (m_lpDIDevice) { // Always unacquire device before calling Release(). try { Acquire(false); m_lpDIDevice->Release(); m_lpDIDevice = NULL; } catch(...) { OutputDebugString("Failed to Release Pointer in CDIJoystick::Shutdown\n"); } } try { m_lpDI->Release(); m_lpDI = NULL; } catch(...) { OutputDebugString("Failed to Release DI7 Pointer in CDIJoystick::Shutdown\n"); } } m_Initialised=false; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Start the Enumeration Of Attached Joystick Devices. // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool CDIJoystick::Enumerate_Joysticks() { HRESULT hr=NULL; if(!m_Initialised) Initialise(); if(!m_lpDI) // Has a Direct Input Interface Already Been Initialised? { hr = DirectInputCreateEx(m_hInstance, DIRECTINPUT_VERSION, IID_IDirectInput7, (void**)&m_lpDI, NULL); if FAILED(hr) { OutputDebugString("Error in CDIJoystick::Enumerate_Joysticks()\n"); OutputDebugString(GetDIError(hr)); return false; } } if(m_lpDI) hr=m_lpDI->EnumDevices(DIDEVTYPE_JOYSTICK ,EnumDevicesProc,this,DIEDFL_ATTACHEDONLY); if FAILED(hr) { OutputDebugString("Error in CDIJoystick::Enumerate_Joysticks()\n"); OutputDebugString(GetDIError(hr)); return false; } OutputDebugString("Enumerating Joystick Devices\n"); return true; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Add Enumerated Devices To A Link List Object // Continue Enumeration Of The Device // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// BOOL CDIJoystick::EnumDevicesProc(LPCDIDEVICEINSTANCE lpddi, LPVOID pvRef) { CDIJoystick *obj=(CDIJoystick*)(pvRef); obj->AddDeviceInfo(lpddi); return DIENUM_CONTINUE; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Add Device Info To The List Of Pointers Held in m_DIJoystickList // // return true = Successfully Added // false = Failed To Add // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool CDIJoystick::AddDeviceInfo(LPCDIDEVICEINSTANCE lpddi) { m_EnumerationStarted=true; LPCDIDEVICEINSTANCE lpdi2=new DIDEVICEINSTANCE; if(lpdi2) { memcpy((void*)lpdi2,lpddi,sizeof(DIDEVICEINSTANCE)); if(m_DIJoystickList.AddHead((void*)lpdi2))return true; OutputDebugString("Failed To Add Device Info in CDIJoystick::AddDeviceInfo(LPCDIDEVICEINSTANCE lpddi)\n"); } return false; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Return First Joystick Device Data If Possible // // return NULL if Failed or No Joysticks Available // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// LPCDIDEVICEINSTANCE CDIJoystick::GetFirstJoystickID() { if(!m_EnumerationStarted) { OutputDebugString("Joystick Have Not Yet Been Enumerated Returning NULL from CDIJoystick::GetFirstJoystickID()\n"); return NULL; } if(m_DIJoystickList.IsEmpty()) { OutputDebugString("Joysticks Have Been Enumerated However None Were Found Attached To This System\n" "Therefore I am Returning NULL from CDIJoystick::GetFirstJoystickID()\n"); return NULL; } m_DevicePOS=m_DIJoystickList.GetHeadPosition(); return GetNextJoystickID(); LPCDIDEVICEINSTANCE info=static_cast<LPCDIDEVICEINSTANCE>(m_DIJoystickList.GetNext(m_DevicePOS)); return info; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Return Next Joystick Device Data If Possible // // return NULL if Failed or No Joysticks Available // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// LPCDIDEVICEINSTANCE CDIJoystick::GetNextJoystickID() { if(!m_DevicePOS) return NULL; return static_cast<LPCDIDEVICEINSTANCE>(m_DIJoystickList.GetNext(m_DevicePOS)); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Return First Joystick Button Name Data If Possible // // return NULL if Failed or No Joysticks Available // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TCHAR* CDIJoystick::GetFirstButtonName() { if(!m_EnumerationStarted) { OutputDebugString("Joystick Have Not Yet Been Enumerated\nor None attached to this systemReturning NULL from CDIJoystick::GetFirstJoystickID()\n"); return NULL; } if(m_DIButtonNames.IsEmpty()) { OutputDebugString("Joysticks Have Been Enumerated However None Were Found Attached To This System\n" "Therefore I am Returning NULL from CDIJoystick::GetFirstButtonName()\n"); return NULL; } m_ButtonPOS=m_DIButtonNames.GetHeadPosition(); TCHAR* info=static_cast<TCHAR*>(m_DIButtonNames.GetNext(m_ButtonPOS)); return info; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Return First Joystick Button Name Data If Possible // // return NULL if Failed or No Joysticks Available // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TCHAR* CDIJoystick::GetNextButtonName() { if(!m_ButtonPOS) return NULL; return static_cast<TCHAR*>(m_DIButtonNames.GetNext(m_ButtonPOS)); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Create the Joystick Device Using GUID Passed // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool CDIJoystick::CreateDevice(GUID *guid) { HRESULT hr=NULL; // If a device already exists and is created, Release it. if (m_lpDIDevice) { // Always unacquire device before calling Release(). try { hr=m_lpDIDevice->Unacquire(); } catch(...) { } try { hr=m_lpDIDevice->Release(); if(FAILED(hr)) { OutputDebugString(GetDIError(hr)); } else m_lpDIDevice = NULL; } catch(...) { OutputDebugString("Failed to Release Pointer in CDIJoystick::CreateDevice(GUID *guid)\n"); } } // Check to see that Direct Input has been created and initialised. if(!m_lpDI) { OutputDebugString("Failed to Create DI 7 interface to device in CDIJoystick::CreateDevice(GUID *guid) m_lpDI not initialised.\n"); return false; } // Attempt to create the device based on the GUID passed to this routine hr=m_lpDI->CreateDeviceEx(*guid,IID_IDirectInputDevice7,(void**)&m_lpDIDevice,NULL); if(FAILED(hr)) { OutputDebugString("Failed to Create DI 7 interface to device in CDIJoystick::CreateDevice(GUID *guid)\n"); return false; } // We must have been successful at this point. // Therefore copy the GUID to this members instance for future reference. memcpy(&m_JoystickGUID,guid,sizeof(GUID)); return true; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Return How Many Buttons The Attached Device Has Installed // When giving the player an option of which joystick to use // You may wish to evaluate the buttons available per attached device. // Returns the number of buttons for the currently selected device. // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int CDIJoystick::HowManyButtons() { DIDEVICEOBJECTINSTANCE didoi; DWORD x; DWORD dwOfs; int count=0; HRESULT hr=NULL; ClearFriendlyButtonNames(); //if(m_lpDIDevice) if(InitDevice()) { ZeroMemory(&didoi,sizeof(DIDEVICEOBJECTINSTANCE)); didoi.dwSize = sizeof( didoi ); for ( x = 0; x < 32; x++ ) { dwOfs = DIJOFS_BUTTON( x ); hr=m_lpDIDevice->GetObjectInfo( &didoi, dwOfs, DIPH_BYOFFSET ); if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { count++; TCHAR* name=new char[sizeof(didoi.tszName)]; // Should include UNICODE support here. strcpy(name,didoi.tszName); // Add the button name to the Pointer List for future reference. m_DIButtonNames.AddTail(name); } else { OutputDebugString(GetDIError(hr)); } } } return count; // How many buttons did we find? } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Shutdown the the link list of Friendly Button Names // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CDIJoystick::ClearFriendlyButtonNames() { try { if(!m_DIButtonNames.IsEmpty()) { POSITION pos=m_DIButtonNames.GetHeadPosition(); LPVOID del=NULL; while(pos) { del=static_cast<LPVOID>(m_DIButtonNames.GetNext(pos)); if(del) { delete del; } } } m_DIButtonNames.RemoveAll(); } catch(...) { OutputDebugString("Some unforseen error occurred in CDIJoystick::ClearFriendlyButtonNames()\n"); } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Initialise The Joystick! // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool CDIJoystick::InitJoystick() { // Set range. // Note: range, deadzone, and saturation are being set for the // entire device. This could have unwanted effects on // sliders, dials, etc. DIPROPRANGE diprg; diprg.diph.dwSize = sizeof( diprg ); diprg.diph.dwHeaderSize = sizeof( diprg.diph ); diprg.diph.dwObj = 0; diprg.diph.dwHow = DIPH_DEVICE; diprg.lMin = JOYMIN; diprg.lMax = JOYMAX; if ( FAILED( m_lpDIDevice->SetProperty( DIPROP_RANGE, &diprg.diph ) ) ) return FALSE; // Set deadzone. DIPROPDWORD dipdw; dipdw.diph.dwSize = sizeof( dipdw ); dipdw.diph.dwHeaderSize = sizeof( dipdw.diph ); dipdw.diph.dwObj = 0; dipdw.diph.dwHow = DIPH_DEVICE; dipdw.dwData = JOYDEAD; if ( FAILED( m_lpDIDevice->SetProperty( DIPROP_DEADZONE, &dipdw.diph ) ) ) return FALSE; // Set saturation. dipdw.dwData = JOYSAT; if ( FAILED( m_lpDIDevice->SetProperty( DIPROP_SATURATION, &dipdw.diph ) ) ) return FALSE; // Find out if force feedback available. DIDEVCAPS didc; didc.dwSize = sizeof( DIDEVCAPS ); if ( FAILED( m_lpDIDevice->GetCapabilities( &didc ) ) ) return FALSE; m_FFAvailable = ( didc.dwFlags & DIDC_FORCEFEEDBACK ); // If it's a force feedback stick, turn off autocenter so it doesn't // get in the way of our effects. if ( m_FFAvailable ) { DIPROPDWORD DIPropAutoCenter; DIPropAutoCenter.diph.dwSize = sizeof( DIPropAutoCenter ); DIPropAutoCenter.diph.dwHeaderSize = sizeof( DIPROPHEADER ); DIPropAutoCenter.diph.dwObj = 0; DIPropAutoCenter.diph.dwHow = DIPH_DEVICE; DIPropAutoCenter.dwData = 0; m_lpDIDevice->SetProperty( DIPROP_AUTOCENTER, &DIPropAutoCenter.diph ); } return TRUE; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Initialise The Joystick Device // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool CDIJoystick::InitDevice() { HRESULT hr; DIDEVICEINSTANCE diDeviceInstance; // Just a precaution when Enumerating Devices and button Names if you create // An options Dialog before creating your main gaming window. // Then simply use the desktop window, temporarily! if(!m_hwnd)m_hwnd=::GetDesktopWindow(); // Release device if it already exists. if ( m_lpDIDevice ) { //if ( m_FFAvailable ) ReleaseEffects(); Acquire( false); hr=m_lpDIDevice->Release(); if(FAILED(hr)) { OutputDebugString("Error Releasing Interface in CDIJoystick::InitDevice()\n"); OutputDebugString(GetDIError(hr)); } else m_lpDIDevice=NULL; } // Create game device and set IDirectInputDevice7 interface in m_lpDIDevice. if(!CreateDevice( &m_JoystickGUID )) { OutputDebugString("Failed to create device in CDIJoystick::InitDevice()\n"); return false; } // Find out what type it is and set data format accordingly. diDeviceInstance.dwSize = sizeof( DIDEVICEINSTANCE ); hr=m_lpDIDevice->GetDeviceInfo( &diDeviceInstance ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { OutputDebugString("Failed to obtain device info in CDIJoystick::InitDevice()\n"); OutputDebugString(GetDIError(hr)); return false; } // Set the data format to be a Joystick hr = m_lpDIDevice->SetDataFormat( &c_dfDIJoystick2 ); if ( FAILED( hr ) ) { OutputDebugString("Failed to create device in CDIJoystick::InitDevice()\n"); OutputDebugString(GetDIError(hr)); return false; } // Set cooperative level. DWORD cl, cl1; cl = DISCL_EXCLUSIVE; // Set foreground level for release version, but use background level // for debugging so we don't keep losing the device when switching to // a debug window. //cl1 = DISCL_FOREGROUND; cl1 = DISCL_BACKGROUND; #ifdef _DEBUG cl1 = DISCL_BACKGROUND; #endif // now set the co-operation level. hr=m_lpDIDevice->SetCooperativeLevel( m_hwnd, cl | cl1 ); if ( FAILED( hr )) { OutputDebugString( "Failed to set game device cooperative level.\n" ); OutputDebugString(GetDIError(hr)); return false; } // Set up the data buffer. DIPROPDWORD dipdw = { // The header. { sizeof( DIPROPDWORD ), // diph.dwSize sizeof( DIPROPHEADER ), // diph.dwHeaderSize 0, // diph.dwObj DIPH_DEVICE, // diph.dwHow }, // Number of elements in data buffer. BUFFERSIZE // dwData }; hr=m_lpDIDevice->SetProperty( DIPROP_BUFFERSIZE, &dipdw.diph ); if(FAILED(hr)) { OutputDebugString( "Failed to set up Data Buffer property.\n" ); OutputDebugString(GetDIError(hr)); return false; } // Resest the Force Feedback Flag m_FFAvailable = FALSE; // Try and initialise the Joystick! if ( !InitJoystick() ) return FALSE; // In case you were wondering, this is not a good time to acquire the // device. For one thing, we can't acquire in foreground mode here // because the options dialog may be open. We'll acquire it when the // main window is activated. return TRUE; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Either Acquire or Unacquire the Device! // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool CDIJoystick::Acquire(bool state) { HRESULT hr; if(!m_lpDIDevice) { OutputDebugString("Error in CDIJoystick::Acquire(bool state)\nDevice Has Not Been Created.\n"); return false; } if ( !state ) // Unacquire. { hr = m_lpDIDevice->Unacquire(); } else // Acquire. { // This could take a while with FF. ::SetCursor( m_hCursorWait ); hr = m_lpDIDevice->Acquire(); if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { // Initialize effects; ignore failure and just // pretend FF not there. if ( m_FFAvailable ) // First set when device initialized. { //m_FFAvailable = InitFFEffects(); } } } if(FAILED(hr)) { OutputDebugString("Failed in CDIJoystick::Acquire(bool state)\n"); OutputDebugString(GetDIError(hr)); return false; } return true; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Set the HWND that will be used when Acquiring Devices! // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CDIJoystick::SetHWND(HWND hwnd) { //Shutdown(); m_hwnd=hwnd; //m_EnumerationStarted=false; m_hInstance=GetModuleHandle(NULL); // Initialise Direct Input //Initialise(); // Start Enumeration of Attached Joysticks. //Enumerate_Joysticks(); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Set the preferred GUID for the joystick device // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CDIJoystick::SetPreferredDevice(GUID *pguid) { memcpy(&m_JoystickGUID,pguid,sizeof(GUID)); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Re-Initialise this object, used when changing HWND or Device // Not yet implemented. // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool CDIJoystick::ReInitialise() { // m_EnumerationStarted=false; // m_hInstance=GetModuleHandle(NULL); // Enumerate_Joysticks(); return true; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Return Error Text From HRESULT // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TCHAR* CDIJoystick::GetDIError(HRESULT error) { switch(error) { case E_PENDING : return _T("E_PENDING : Data Not Available.\n"); break; case E_HANDLE : return _T("E_HANDLE : The HWND parameter is not a valid top-level window that belongs to the process.\n"); break; case DIERR_UNSUPPORTED : return _T("DIERR_UNSUPPORTED : The function called is not supported at this time. This value is equal to the E_NOTIMPL standard COM return value.\n"); break; case DIERR_UNPLUGGED : return _T("DIERR_UNPLUGGED : The operation could not be completed because the device is not plugged in.\n"); break; case DIERR_REPORTFULL : return _T("DIERR_REPORTFULL : More information was requested to be sent than can be sent to the device.\n"); break; case DIERR_READONLY : return _T("DIERR_READONLY : The specified property cannot be changed. This value is equal to the E_ACCESSDENIED standard COM return value.\n"); break; case DIERR_OUTOFMEMORY : return _T("DIERR_OUTOFMEMORY : The DirectInput subsystem could not allocate sufficient memory to complete the call. This value is equal to the E_OUTOFMEMORY standard COM return value.\n"); break; // case DIERR_OTHERAPPHASPRIO : return _T("DIERR_OTHERAPPHASPRIO : Another application has a higher priority level, preventing this call from succeeding. This value is equal to the E_ACCESSDENIED standard COM return value. This error can be returned when an application has only foreground access to a device but is attempting to acquire the device while in the background. "); // break; case DIERR_OLDDIRECTINPUTVERSION : return _T("DIERR_OLDDIRECTINPUTVERSION : The application requires a newer version of DirectInput.\n"); break; case DIERR_OBJECTNOTFOUND : return _T("DIERR_OBJECTNOTFOUND : The requested object does not exist.\n"); break; case DIERR_NOTINITIALIZED : return _T("DIERR_NOTINITIALIZED : This object has not been initialized.\n"); break; // case DIERR_NOTFOUND : return _T("DIERR_NOTFOUND : The requested object does not exist.\n"); // break; case DIERR_NOTEXCLUSIVEACQUIRED : return _T("DIERR_NOTEXCLUSIVEACQUIRED : The operation cannot be performed unless the device is acquired in DISCL_EXCLUSIVE mode.\n"); break; case DIERR_NOTDOWNLOADED : return _T("DIERR_NOTDOWNLOADED : The effect is not downloaded.\n"); break; case DIERR_NOTBUFFERED : return _T("DIERR_NOTBUFFERED : The device is not buffered. Set the DIPROP_BUFFERSIZE property to enable buffering.\n"); break; case DIERR_NOTACQUIRED : return _T("DIERR_NOTACQUIRED : The operation cannot be performed unless the device is acquired.\n"); break; case DIERR_NOINTERFACE : return _T("DIERR_NOINTERFACE : The specified interface is not supported by the object. This value is equal to the E_NOINTERFACE standard COM return value.\n"); break; case DIERR_NOAGGREGATION : return _T("DIERR_NOAGGREGATION : This object does not support aggregation.\n"); break; case DIERR_MOREDATA : return _T("DIERR_MOREDATA : Not all the requested information fit into the buffer.\n"); break; case DIERR_INVALIDPARAM : return _T("DIERR_INVALIDPARAM : An invalid parameter was passed to the returning function, or the object was not in a state that permitted the function to be called. This value is equal to the E_INVALIDARG standard COM return value.\n"); break; case DIERR_INPUTLOST : return _T("DIERR_INPUTLOST : Access to the input device has been lost. It must be reacquired.\n"); break; case DIERR_INCOMPLETEEFFECT : return _T("DIERR_INCOMPLETEEFFECT : The effect could not be downloaded because essential information is missing. For example, no axes have been associated with the effect, or no type-specific information has been supplied.\n"); break; // case DIERR_HANDLEEXISTS : return _T("DIERR_HANDLEEXISTS : The device already has an event notification associated with it. This value is equal to the E_ACCESSDENIED standard COM return value.\n"); // break; case DIERR_GENERIC : return _T("DIERR_GENERIC : An undetermined error occurred inside the DirectInput subsystem. This value is equal to the E_FAIL standard COM return value.\n"); break; case DIERR_HASEFFECTS : return _T("DIERR_HASEFFECTS : The device cannot be reinitialized because there are still effects attached to it.\n"); break; case DIERR_EFFECTPLAYING : return _T("DIERR_EFFECTPLAYING : The parameters were updated in memory but were not downloaded to the device because the device does not support updating an effect while it is still playing.\n"); break; case DIERR_DEVICENOTREG : return _T("DIERR_DEVICENOTREG : The device or device instance is not registered with DirectInput. This value is equal to the REGDB_E_CLASSNOTREG standard COM return value.\n"); break; case DIERR_DEVICEFULL : return _T("DIERR_DEVICEFULL : The device is full.\n"); break; case DIERR_BETADIRECTINPUTVERSION : return _T("DIERR_BETADIRECTINPUTVERSION : The application was written for an unsupported prerelease version of DirectInput.\n"); break; case DIERR_BADDRIVERVER : return _T("DIERR_BADDRIVERVER : The object could not be created due to an incompatible driver version or mismatched or incomplete driver components.\n"); break; case DIERR_ALREADYINITIALIZED : return _T("DIERR_ALREADYINITIALIZED : This object is already initialized\n"); break; case DIERR_ACQUIRED : return _T("DIERR_ACQUIRED : The operation cannot be performed while the device is acquired.\n"); break; case DI_TRUNCATEDANDRESTARTED : return _T("DI_TRUNCATEDANDRESTARTED : Equal to DI_EFFECTRESTARTED | DI_TRUNCATED\n"); break; case DI_TRUNCATED : return _T("DI_TRUNCATED : The parameters of the effect were successfully updated, but some of them were beyond the capabilities of the device and were truncated to the nearest supported value.\n"); break; case DI_PROPNOEFFECT : return _T("DI_PROPNOEFFECT : The change in device properties had no effect. This value is equal to the S_FALSE standard COM return value.\n"); break; case DI_POLLEDDEVICE : return _T("DI_POLLEDDEVICE : The device is a polled device. As a result, device buffering does not collect any data and event notifications is not signaled until the IDirectInputDevice7::Poll method is called.\n"); break; case DI_OK : return _T("DI_OK : The operation completed successfully. This value is equal to the S_OK standard COM return value.\n"); break; // case DI_NOTATTACHED : return _T("DI_NOTATTACHED : The device exists but is not currently attached. This value is equal to the S_FALSE standard COM return value.\n"); // break; // case DI_NOEFFECT : return _T("DI_NOEFFECT : The operation had no effect. This value is equal to the S_FALSE standard COM return value.\n"); // break; case DI_EFFECTRESTARTED : return _T("DI_EFFECTRESTARTED : The effect was stopped, the parameters were updated, and the effect was restarted.\n"); break; case DI_DOWNLOADSKIPPED : return _T("The parameters of the effect were successfully updated, but the effect could not be downloaded because the associated device was not acquired in exclusive mode.\n"); break; // case DI_BUFFEROVERFLOW : return _T("DI_BUFFEROVERFLOW : The device buffer overflowed and some input was lost. This value is equal to the S_FALSE standard COM return value.\n"); // break; default: return _T("Unknown Error Code.\n"); } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Update member variables to reflect the state of the device // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool CDIJoystick::PollDevice() { static int loopcount=0; HRESULT hr; //DIDEVICEOBJECTDATA rgdod[BUFFERSIZE]; //DWORD dwItems; ZeroMemory(&m_dijs,sizeof(m_dijs)); // Has device been initialised ? if (!m_lpDIDevice) { // Try and initialise device if(!InitDevice()) OutputDebugString("Failed To Initialise and Poll Joystick in CDIJoystick::PollDevice()\n"); return false; } hr=m_lpDIDevice->Poll(); // May be unnecessary but never hurts. if(FAILED(hr)) { OutputDebugString("Failed To Poll Joystick in CDIJoystick::PollDevice()\n"); OutputDebugString(GetDIError(hr)); } getImmediateData: if(loopcount>20) return false; // Infinite Loop Protection hr = m_lpDIDevice->GetDeviceState( sizeof( DIJOYSTATE2 ), &m_dijs ); // The data stream was interrupted. Reacquire the device and try again. if ( hr == DIERR_INPUTLOST ) { OutputDebugString("Failed To Obtain Immediate Device State in CDIJoystick::PollDevice()\n"); OutputDebugString(GetDIError(hr)); // Increment Infinite Loop Protection Counter and try again. loopcount++; // Try and acquire device and start again. if ( Acquire( true ) ) goto getImmediateData; } // We can't get the device because it has not been acquired so try and acquire it. if ( hr == DIERR_NOTACQUIRED ) { // Increment Infinite Loop Protection Counter. loopcount++; OutputDebugString("Device Not Acquired Trying Again immediate CDIJoystick::PollDevice()\n"); if(!Acquire(true)) { OutputDebugString("Unable to acquire Immediate Device in CDIJoystick::PollDevice() Quitting\n"); return false; } // Try and get buffered data if device is buffered! goto getImmediateData; } if ( FAILED(hr)) { OutputDebugString("Unable to obtain Immediate Data from Device in CDIJoystick::PollDevice() Quitting\n"); return false; } // First set immediate direction if your only interested in basic movement if ( m_dijs.lX < 0 ) m_JoyLeft=true; else m_JoyLeft=false; if ( m_dijs.lX > 0 ) m_JoyRight=true; else m_JoyRight=false; if ( m_dijs.lY < 0 ) m_JoyUp=true; else m_JoyUp=false; if ( m_dijs.lY > 0 ) m_JoyDown=true; else m_JoyDown=false; m_JoyFire1=false; #ifdef _DEBUG int firecount=0; #endif for(int i=0;i<sizeof(m_dijs.rgbButtons);i++) { if(m_dijs.rgbButtons[i]&0x80) { #ifdef _DEBUG firecount++; #endif m_JoyFire[i]=true; m_JoyFire1=true; } else m_JoyFire[i]=false; } #ifdef _DEBUG if(firecount>0) { OutputDebugString("Many Buttons Pressed\n"); } #endif return true; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Run the joystick Control Panel! // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void CDIJoystick::RunControlPanel() { if(!m_lpDI) return; m_lpDI->RunControlPanel(m_hwnd,NULL); }
<span style="white-space:pre"> </span>CWnd *jb = (CNetSDKDemoDlg *)theApp.m_pMainWnd; myJoystick1.SetHWND(jb->m_hWnd); LPCDIDEVICEINSTANCE lpddi=NULL; m_ctlButtonNames.ResetContent(); int x=m_ctlJoystickName.GetCurSel(); lpddi=(LPCDIDEVICEINSTANCE)m_ctlJoystickName.GetItemDataPtr(x); GUID myguid; if(lpddi && ((int)lpddi!=-1)) { memcpy(&myguid,&(lpddi->guidInstance),sizeof(GUID)); //bool flag=myJoystick1.CreateDevice(&myguid); myJoystick1.SetPreferredDevice(&myguid); m_Buttons=myJoystick1.HowManyButtons(); TCHAR* name=NULL; name=myJoystick1.GetFirstButtonName(); while(name) { m_ctlButtonNames.AddString(name); name=myJoystick1.GetNextButtonName(); } } m_ctlButtonNames.SetCurSel(0);3. 设置500毫秒定时器读取游戏手柄事件
void CDevCtrlDlg::OnTimer(UINT_PTR nIDEvent) { myJoystick1.PollDevice(); if(myJoystick1.IsJoystickLeft()) m_Left=true; else m_Left=false; if(myJoystick1.IsJoystickRight()) m_Right=true; else m_Right=false; if(myJoystick1.IsJoystickUp()) m_Up=true; else m_Up=false; if(myJoystick1.IsJoystickDown()) m_Down=true; else m_Down=false; if(myJoystick1.IsJoystickFire()) m_Fire=true; else m_Fire=false; LPDIJOYSTATE2 joy=myJoystick1.GetJoystickStateInfo(); m_XAxis.Format("%d",joy->lX); m_YAxis.Format("%d",joy->lY); m_ZAxis.Format("%d",joy->lZ); m_RXAxis.Format("%d",joy->lRx); m_RYAxis.Format("%d",joy->lRy); m_RZAxis.Format("%d",joy->lRz); m_FireText.Empty(); for(int i=0;i<m_Buttons;i++) { if(myJoystick1.IsJoystickFire(i)) { CString temp; temp.Format("Fire Button : %d\r\n",i); m_FireText+=temp; if(i==0){ m_btn1Press = true; } if(i==1){ m_btn2Press = true; } if(i==2){ m_btn3Press = true; } }else{ if(i==0){ m_btn1Press=false; } if(i==1){ m_btn2Press = false; } if(i==2){ m_btn3Press = false; } } } UpdateJoystickEvent(); CDialog::OnTimer(nIDEvent); }
4. 遥控手柄事件映射成摄像头云台onvif标准事件
<pre name="code" class="cpp">void CDevCtrlDlg::UpdateJoystickEvent(void) { CNetSDKDemoDlg *pNetSDKDemoDlg = (CNetSDKDemoDlg *)theApp.m_pMainWnd;//(CNetSDKDemoDlg *)GetParent(); int iP = m_ctlPanSpeed.GetCurSel() + 1; //水平 int iT = m_ctlTiltSpeed.GetCurSel() + 1;//垂直 if(m_Left){ m_text.SetWindowText("left=true"); m_lastDir =1; pNetSDKDemoDlg->PTZCtrl(PAN_LEFT, iP, iT); } if(m_Right){ m_text.SetWindowText("right=true"); m_lastDir = 2; pNetSDKDemoDlg->PTZCtrl(PAN_RIGHT, iP, iT); } if(m_Up) { m_text.SetWindowText("up=true"); m_lastDir =3; pNetSDKDemoDlg->PTZCtrl(TILT_UP, iP, iT); } if(m_Down) { m_text.SetWindowText("down=true"); m_lastDir = 4; pNetSDKDemoDlg->PTZCtrl(TILT_DOWN, iP, iT); } if(m_btn1Press){ if(m_lastDir != 5){ m_text.SetWindowText("btn1=true,cmd=ZOOM_IN"); pNetSDKDemoDlg->PTZCtrl(ZOOM_IN_VALUE, iP, iT); } m_lastDir=5; //pNetSDKDemoDlg->PTZCtrl(ZOOM_IN, iP, iT); } if(m_btn2Press){ if(m_lastDir != 6){ m_text.SetWindowText("btn2=true,cmd=ZOOM_OUT"); pNetSDKDemoDlg->PTZCtrl(ZOOM_OUT_VALUE, iP, iT); } m_lastDir=6; //pNetSDKDemoDlg->PTZCtrl(ZOOM_OUT, iP, iT); } if(m_btn3Press){ if(m_lastDir != 7){ m_text.SetWindowText("btn3=true,cmd=PAN_AUTO"); pNetSDKDemoDlg->PTZCtrl(PAN_AUTO, iP, iT); } m_lastDir=7; } switch(m_lastDir){ case 1: if(!m_Left){ m_text.SetWindowText("left=false"); pNetSDKDemoDlg->PTZCtrl(STOPACTION, 0, 0); m_lastDir =0; } break; case 2: if(!m_Right){ m_text.SetWindowText("right=false"); pNetSDKDemoDlg->PTZCtrl(STOPACTION, 0, 0); m_lastDir =0; } break; case 3: if(!m_Up){ m_text.SetWindowText("up=false"); pNetSDKDemoDlg->PTZCtrl(STOPACTION, 0, 0); m_lastDir =0; } break; case 4: if(!m_Down){ m_text.SetWindowText("down=false"); pNetSDKDemoDlg->PTZCtrl(STOPACTION, 0, 0); m_lastDir =0; } break; case 5: if(!m_btn1Press){ m_text.SetWindowText("btn1=false"); pNetSDKDemoDlg->PTZCtrl(STOPACTION, 0, 0); m_lastDir =0; } break; case 6: if(!m_btn2Press){ m_text.SetWindowText("btn2=false"); pNetSDKDemoDlg->PTZCtrl(STOPACTION, 0, 0); m_lastDir =0; } break; case 7: if(!m_btn3Press){ m_text.SetWindowText("btn3=false"); pNetSDKDemoDlg->PTZCtrl(STOPACTION, 0, 0); m_lastDir =0; } break; default: break; } }