

笔记本买来装着一个LINUX,查看了一下硬盘空间,用命令df -lh,十几个G,估计还有没用上的;在网上下载了一个windows7x64安装完成时候要激活,搜了几个激活码都已经不能用了,听说淘宝上有卖的,就花了5¥买了一个,成功激活!系统安装完成!


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yes sir!立马开工!

google上搜索了一下扩展windows7系统分区increase windows 7 system capacity




也可以在这个页面下载 http://www.partitionwizard.com/free-partition-manager.html,点击DownloadNow下载




Extend Windows 7 system partition扩展windows7系统分区

· Most computer users, I believe, are not likely to perform operations to system partition, because system partition stores a large number of system files and supporting files. Once these important files are lost by accident when we manage system partition, our operating system may crash and some important data may be lost. I believe nobody is willing to see this condition. However, we have to resize system partition sometimes. Well then, is there a way to extend system partition without influencing data? Yes, of course. In fact, Windows 7 built-in disk management tool can help us extend Windows 7 system partition without damaging data. 

Extend Windows 7 system partition with system built-in disk management tool用系统自带磁盘管理工具扩展windows7系统分区
Users who know Windows 7 built-in disk management tool know this newly released tool introduces the function ofshrinking partition,extending partition and other commonly used partition management functions. To know these new functions, we should follow these steps: Start-Computer-Computer Management-Disk Management.



The above picture is the screenshot of this disk management tool. It shows us all partition conditions. After we right click Windows 7 system partition, there will appear a shortcut menu which shows allpartition management functions of this disk management tool.



Among these partition management functions, we can see "Extend Volume…" function button clearly. At this time, some people may ask why this function is not activated. The reason is that there is no unallocated space adjacent to Windows 7 system partition. Although there is unallocated space on the hard disk, it still can not be used to extend Windows 7 system partition as long as it is nonadjacent to the system partition. Therefore, the function "Extend Volume…" is not activated, and we can not extend Windows 7 system partition successfully. Actually, to solve this problem, we can seek for better solutions. For example, the third party partition magic is a good choice. As the partition we operate is system partition which requires extremely high safety, I suggest MiniTool Partition Wizard, professional partition magic with excellent data protection.
在这些分区管理功能中,我们可以清楚的看到“扩展卷…”功能按钮,现在可能有人会问为什么这个功能是灰色不可用的呢?原因是windows7的系统分区没有相邻的未分配磁盘空间,尽管硬盘上有free space可用的空间,还是不能用来扩展到系统分区,它和系统分区不挨着嘛!所以“扩展卷……”功能不可用,我们无法扩展windows7系统分区。事实上,为了解决这个问题,我们可以寻找更好的办法。比如,第三方工具分区魔术师就是一个很好的选择。由于我们要操作的分区是系统分区所以需要极高的安全性,我建议使用MiniTool Partition Wizard,专业分区魔术师拥有极好的数据保护能力。

Extend Windows 7 system partition with MiniTool Partition Wizard使用MiniTool Partition Wizard扩展Windows7系统分区
To use this professional partition magic, we must own it first. If we do not have, we can download it from its official websitehttp://www.partitionwizard.com/. Next, run it, and we can see the following main interface: 左边这个网址可以下载到这个工具,运行后会看到如下界面。

The above interface shows us all partition condition. From Windows 7 built-in disk management tool, we have seen there is an unallocated space nonadjacent to the system partition, so we should move this unallocated space to the place neighboring to the system partition. At this time, select the partition located between Windows 7 system partition and the unallocated space (here, the desired partition is Partition F:), and then click "Move/Resize" button, as the following interface shows:


After clicking "Move/Resize" button, we enter the following interface:点击"Move/Resize"之后,我们进入如下图的界面


In the above interface, drag the partition handle which represents partition size and partition location rightwards, and then click "OK" button. After doing this operation, Partition F: will interchange position with the unallocated space, as the following interface shows:



In the above interface, we can see F partition and the unallocated space have been interchanged, and the unallocated space is adjacent to the system partition. Now, please select Windows 7 system partition and click "Move/Resize" to extend Windows 7 system partition.


In the popup partition resizing interface, drag the right triangle rightwards, and then click "OK" to get the following interface:



From the above main interface, we can see Windows 7 system partition has been extended, but this is just a preview. To realize real extension, we still need to click "Apply" to perform all previous operations.

Many users who have used or are using Windows 7 may feel Windows 7 system partition becomes much smaller and is often out of space. Under this situation, if there is no unallocated space adjacent to the Windows 7 system partition, we can not accomplish system partition extension. However, from the above demonstration, we can see MiniTool Partition Wizard, the powerful and professional partition magic, can help us create conditions for extending Windows 7 system partition and then extend Windows 7 system partition safely and quickly. If you want to extend Windows 7 system partition, please hurry to download thispartition magic and try it.

许多用过或正在用Windows7的用户可能感到Windows7系统分区变的越来越小甚至要超出系统分区大小。在这种情况下,如果没有和Windows7系统分区相邻的未分配空间,我们就不能完成系统分区的扩展。然而,从上面的介绍中我们可以看到MiniTool Partition Wizard,强大专业的分区魔术师,可以帮助我们创造扩展Windows7系统分区的条件然后快速安全的扩展Windows7系统分区。如果你正需要扩展Windows7系统分区,那就赶快去下载partition magic然后试试吧。







----------------------------------------------------------the end-------------------------------------------------------------------------




完了应该没问题了 ,你应该获得最大权限了。
