Can not deploy web module to applications of weblogic in eclipse.

There is a file called ".mymetadata",the content as below:

the web pages are in the src/web,not the default WebRoot.

so eclipse can not find the sources to copy.okay, change it,the web module will be deployed successful.


  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  2. <project-module
  3.   type="WEB"
  4.   name="test"
  5.   id="myeclipse.1225948468964"
  6.   context-root="/test"
  7.   j2ee-spec="1.4"
  8.   archive="test.war">
  9.   <attributes>
  10.     <attribute name="webrootdir" value="src/web" />
  11.   </attributes>
  12. </project-module>
