linux下用opendir(), readdir(), lstat(), S_ISDIR(), closedir(),
windows下用_findfirst(), _findnext(), _findclose(), _chdir(), _getcwd(),和宏_A_SUBDIR
#include "stdafx.h" #include <direct.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <io.h> //use _findfirst() and findnext() function #include<string.h> #include <windows.h> int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { // change to the directory where you will look for files. char* dirname = "e:\\abc\\"; _chdir(dirname); if(_access(dirname, 6) != 0) { printf("directory %s does not exist\n", dirname); return 0; } char subdir[50]; long handle; long subhandle; char* filetype = NULL; struct _finddata_t file; char subname[50]; // printf("%d\n", sizeof(needdirnames)/sizeof(char*)); if((handle = _findfirst("*", &file)) == -1) { printf("some error happens\n"); } else { do { if((file.attrib & _A_SUBDIR) && !(strcmp(, ".") == 0) && !(strcmp(, "..") == 0)) { strcpy_s(subdir, dirname); strcat_s(subdir,; strcpy_s(subname,; _chdir(subdir); if(_access(subdir, 6) != 0) { printf("directory %s does not exist\n", dirname); continue; } if((subhandle = _findfirst("*", &file)) == -1) { continue; } printf("%s\n", subname); do { if(!(file.attrib & _A_SUBDIR)) { printf("%s\n",; } }while(_findnext(subhandle,&file) == 0); _findclose(subhandle); _chdir(dirname); } }while(_findnext(handle,&file) == 0); _findclose(handle); } system("pause"); return 0; }