Fast Start MTTR




  The Oracle Documentationnotes: The Target MTTR Oracle metric is the effective mean time to recover (MTTR) target in seconds. Usually, it should be equal to the value of the FAST_START_MTTR_TARGETinitialization parameter.

  If FAST_START_MTTR_TARGETis set to such a small value that it is impossible to do a recovery within its time frame, then the TARGET_MTTRfield contains the effective MTTR target, which is larger than FAST_START_MTTR_TARGET. If FAST_START_MTTR_TARGETis set to such a high value that even in the worst-case (the whole buffer cache is dirty) recovery would not take that long, then the TARGET_MTTRfield contains the estimated MTTR in the worst-case scenario. This field is 0 if FAST_START_MTTR_TARGETis not specified.

  This, and many other Oracle performance metrics are discussed in my book "Oracle Tuning"by Rampant TechPress. You can buy it directly from the publisher and save 30% at this link:


