dense sift即直接指定关键点位置和描述子采样区域,计算sift特征。一些介绍:
1,用一个patch在图像上以一定步长step滑动,代码中step=1,这个patch就是描述子采样区域,patch size是4bins*4bins,bin size可以自己指定,代码中是3pixels*3pixels。这里说的bin对应到《sift特征提取》中的第4步就是指子区域area。图中的bounding box是sift特征点的范围。
2,计算每个像素点的梯度(同sparse sift),统计每个bin内的像素点在8个方向上的梯度直方图,这样就生成了4*4*8维的sift特征。
function [ SIFTFeatureVector, locationX, locationY ] = DenseSIFT( image, nPatchSize, nGridSpacing ) image = double( image ); image = mean( image, 3 ); image = image / max( image( : ) ); % parameters nAngleNums = 8; nBinNums = 4; nSampleNums = nBinNums * nBinNums; alpha = 9; %% parameter for attenuation of angles (must be odd) if nargin < 5 sigmaGuassian = 1; end angleStep = 2 * pi / nAngleNums; angles = 0 : angleStep : 2 * pi; angles( nAngleNums + 1 ) = [ ]; % bin centers [ nRow nCol ] = size( image ); [ gaussianX, gaussianY ] = genDeltaGaussian( sigmaGuassian ); imageVerticalEdges = filter2( gaussianX, image, 'same' ); % vertical edges imageHorizontalEdges = filter2( gaussianY, image, 'same' ); % horizontal edges imageGradientMagnitude = sqrt( imageVerticalEdges.^2 + imageHorizontalEdges.^2 ); % gradient magnitude imageTheta = atan2( imageHorizontalEdges, imageVerticalEdges ); imageTheta( isnan( imageTheta ) ) = 0; % replace illegal result with 0 % descriptor locations locationX = nPatchSize / 2 : nGridSpacing : nCol - nPatchSize / 2 + 1; locationY = nPatchSize / 2 : nGridSpacing : nRow - nPatchSize / 2 + 1; % make orientation images imageOrientation = zeros( [ nRow, nCol, nAngleNums ], 'single' ); % for each histogram angle imageCos = cos( imageTheta ); imageSin = sin( imageTheta ); for index = 1 : nAngleNums % compute each orientation channel tmp = ( imageCos * cos( angles( index ) ) + imageSin * sin( angles( index ) ) ).^ alpha; tmp = tmp .* ( tmp > 0 ); % weight by magnitude imageOrientation( :, :, index ) = tmp .* imageGradientMagnitude; end % Convolution formulation: nHalfPatchSize = nPatchSize / 2; nHalfPatchSizeMinusDotFive = nHalfPatchSize - 0.5; sampleResolution = nPatchSize / nBinNums; weightX = abs( ( 1 : nPatchSize ) - nHalfPatchSizeMinusDotFive ) / sampleResolution; weightX = ( 1 - weightX ) .* ( weightX <= 1 ); for index = 1 : nAngleNums imageOrientation( :, :, index ) = conv2( weightX, weightX', imageOrientation( :, :, index ), 'same' ); end % Sample SIFT bins at valid locations (without boundary artifacts) % find coordinates of sample points (bin centers) [ samplePosX, samplePosY ] = meshgrid( linspace( 1, nPatchSize + 1, nBinNums + 1 ) ); samplePosX = samplePosX( 1 : nBinNums, 1 : nBinNums ); samplePosX = samplePosX( : ) - nPatchSize / 2; samplePosY = samplePosY( 1 : nBinNums, 1 : nBinNums ); samplePosY = samplePosY( : ) - nPatchSize / 2; SIFTFeatureVector = zeros( [ length( locationY ) length( locationX ) nAngleNums * nSampleNums ] , 'single' ); nOffset = 0; for n = 1 : nBinNums * nBinNums SIFTFeatureVector( :, :, nOffset + 1 : nOffset + nAngleNums ) = imageOrientation( locationY + samplePosY(n), locationX + samplePosX(n), : ); nOffset = nOffset + nAngleNums; end clear imageOrientation % Outputs: [ locationX, locationY ] = meshgrid( locationX, locationY ); [ nrows, ncols, cols ] = size( SIFTFeatureVector ); % normalize SIFT descriptors SIFTFeatureVector = reshape( SIFTFeatureVector, [nrows * ncols nAngleNums * nSampleNums ] ); SIFTFeatureVector = SIFTNormalization( SIFTFeatureVector ); SIFTFeatureVector = reshape( SIFTFeatureVector, [ nrows ncols nAngleNums * nSampleNums] ); function [ GX, GY ] = genDeltaGaussian( sigma ) % laplacian of size sigma G = genGaussian(sigma); [ GX, GY ] = gradient( G ); GX = GX * 2 ./ sum( sum( abs( GX ) ) ); GY = GY * 2 ./ sum( sum( abs( GY ) ) ); function G = genGaussian( sigma ) if all( size( sigma ) == [ 1, 1 ] ) % isotropic gaussian filterWindow = 4 * ceil( sigma ) + 1; G = fspecial( 'gaussian', filterWindow, sigma ); else % anisotropic gaussian filterWindowX = 2 * ceil( sigma( 1 ) ) + 1; filterWindowY = 2 * ceil( sigma( 2 ) ) + 1; GaussianX = normpdf( -filterWindowX: filterWindowX, 0, sigma( 1 ) ); GaussianY = normpdf( -filterWindowY: filterWindowY, 0, sigma( 2 ) ); G = GaussianY' * GaussianX; end function SIFTFeatureVector = SIFTNormalization( SIFTFeatureVector ) % normalize SIFT descriptors (after Lowe) % find indices of descriptors to be normalized (those whose norm is larger than 1) tmp = sqrt( sum( SIFTFeatureVector.^2, 2 ) ); normalizeIndex = find( tmp > 1 ); SiftFeatureVectorNormed = SIFTFeatureVector( normalizeIndex, : ); SiftFeatureVectorNormed = SiftFeatureVectorNormed ./ repmat( tmp( normalizeIndex, : ), [ 1 size( SIFTFeatureVector, 2 ) ] ); % suppress large gradients SiftFeatureVectorNormed( SiftFeatureVectorNormed > 0.2 ) = 0.2; % finally, renormalize to unit length tmp = sqrt( sum( SiftFeatureVectorNormed.^2, 2 ) ); SiftFeatureVectorNormed = SiftFeatureVectorNormed ./ repmat( tmp, [ 1 size( SIFTFeatureVector, 2 ) ] ); SIFTFeatureVector( normalizeIndex, : ) = SiftFeatureVectorNormed;