AllJoyn C# Unity API Reference Manual Version 3.2.0 (2)






AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.InterfaceDescription.Member Class Reference

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

bool  GetAnnotation (string name, ref string value)
  Get the value of an annotation.
Dictionary< string, string >  GetAnnotations ()
  Get a Dictionary containing the names and values of all annotations associated with this member.


InterfaceDescription  Iface [get]
  Interface that this member belongs to.
Message.Type  MemberType [get]
  Member type
string  Name [get]
  Member name
string  Signature [get]
  Method call IN arguments (NULL for signals)
string  ReturnSignature [get]
  Signal or method call OUT arguments.
string  ArgNames [get]
  Comma separated list of argument names - can be NULL.

Member Function Documentation

bool AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.InterfaceDescription.Member.GetAnnotation ( string  name,
    ref string  value 
  )   [inline]

Get the value of an annotation.

name Name of annotation.
value Returned value of the annotation
  • true if annotation found.
  • false if annotation not found
Dictionary<string, string> AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.InterfaceDescription.Member.GetAnnotations (   ) [inline]

Get a Dictionary containing the names and values of all annotations associated with this member.

Dictionary containing the names and values of all annotations associated with this member
The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
  • InterfaceDescription.cs






AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.Message Class Reference

Message is a reference counted (managed) version of _Message.More...

List of all members.

Public Types

enum   Type {
  Invalid = 0,MethodCall = 1, MethodReturn = 2, Error = 3,
  Signal = 4
  Message types.More...

Public Member Functions

  Message (BusAttachment bus)
  Constructor for a message.
MsgArg  GetArg (int index)
  Return a specific argument.
string  GetSender ()
  Accessor function to get the sender for this message.
void  Dispose ()
  Dispose the Message.

Protected Member Functions

virtual void  Dispose (bool disposing)
  Dispose the Message.


MsgArg  this[int i] [get]
  Return a specific argument.
bool  IsBroadcastSignal [get]
bool  IsGlobalBroadcast [get]
bool  IsSessionless [get]

Detailed Description

Message is a reference counted (managed) version of _Message.

Member Enumeration Documentation

enum AllJoynUnity::AllJoyn::Message::Type

Message types.


an invalid message type


a method call message type


a method return message type


an error message type


a signal message type

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.Message.Message ( BusAttachment  bus ) [inline]

Constructor for a message.

bus The bus that this message is sent or received on.

Member Function Documentation

virtual void AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.Message.Dispose ( bool  disposing ) [inline, protected, virtual]

Dispose the Message.

disposing describes if its activly being disposed
MsgArgAllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.Message.GetArg ( int  index ) [inline]

Return a specific argument.

index The index of the argument to get.
  • The argument
  • NULL if unmarshal failed or there is not such argument.
string AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.Message.GetSender (   ) [inline]

Accessor function to get the sender for this message.

  • The senders well-known name string stored in the AllJoyn header field.
  • An empty string if the message did not specify a sender.

Property Documentation

MsgArg AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.Message.this[int i] [get]

Return a specific argument.

index The index of the argument to get.
  • The argument
  • NULL if unmarshal failed or there is not such argument.
The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
  • Message.cs







AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.MsgArg Class Reference

Class definition for a message arg. More...

List of all members.


struct   IntConverter
struct   LongConverter
struct   ShortConverter

Public Member Functions

QStatus  Set (object value)
  Set value of a message arg from a value.
void  Dispose ()
  Dispose the MsgArg.

Static Public Member Functions

static implicit  operator MsgArg (byte y)
  Gets a new MsgArg containing the byte arg value.
static implicit  operator MsgArg (short n)
  Gets a new MsgArg containing the short arg value.
static implicit  operator MsgArg (ushort q)
  Gets a new MsgArg containing the ushort arg value.
static implicit  operator MsgArg (int i)
  Gets a new MsgArg containing the int arg value.
static implicit  operator MsgArg (uint u)
  Gets a new MsgArg containing the uint arg value.
static implicit  operator MsgArg (bool b)
  Gets a new MsgArg containing the bool arg value.
static implicit  operator MsgArg (long x)
  Gets a new MsgArg containing the long arg value.
static implicit  operator MsgArg (ulong t)
  Gets a new MsgArg containing the ulong arg value.
static implicit  operator MsgArg (double d)
  Gets a new MsgArg containing the double arg value.
static implicit  operator MsgArg (string arg)
  Gets a new MsgArg containing the string arg value.
static implicit  operator MsgArg (byte[] ay)
  Gets a new MsgArg containing the byte[] arg value.
static implicit  operator MsgArg (bool[] ab)
  Gets a new MsgArg containing the bool[] arg value.
static implicit  operator MsgArg (short[] an)
  Gets a new MsgArg containing the short[] arg value.
static implicit  operator MsgArg (ushort[] aq)
  Gets a new MsgArg containing the ushort[] arg value.
static implicit  operator MsgArg (int[] ai)
  Gets a new MsgArg containing the int[] arg value.
static implicit  operator MsgArg (uint[] au)
  Gets a new MsgArg containing the uint[] arg value.
static implicit  operator MsgArg (long[] ax)
  Gets a new MsgArg containing the long[] arg value.
static implicit  operator MsgArg (ulong[] at)
  Gets a new MsgArg containing the ulong[] arg value.
static implicit  operator MsgArg (double[] ad)
  Gets a new MsgArg containing the double[] arg value.
static implicit  operator MsgArg (string[] sa)
  Gets a new MsgArg containing the string[] arg value.
static implicit  operator byte (MsgArg arg)
  Gets the byte value of a MsgArg Object.
static implicit  operator bool (MsgArg arg)
  Gets the bool value of a MsgArg Object.
static implicit  operator short (MsgArg arg)
  Gets the short value of a MsgArg Object.
static implicit  operator ushort (MsgArg arg)
  Gets the ushort value of a MsgArg Object.
static implicit  operator int (MsgArg arg)
  Gets the int value of a MsgArg Object.
static implicit  operator uint (MsgArg arg)
  Gets the uint value of a MsgArg Object.
static implicit  operator long (MsgArg arg)
  Gets the long value of a MsgArg Object.
static implicit  operator ulong (MsgArg arg)
  Gets the ulong value of a MsgArg Object.
static implicit  operator float (MsgArg arg)
  Gets the float value of a MsgArg Object.
static implicit  operator double (MsgArg arg)
  Gets the double value of a MsgArg Object.
static implicit  operator string (MsgArg arg)
  Gets the string value of a MsgArg Object.
static implicit  operator byte[] (MsgArg arg)
  Gets the byte array of a MsgArg Object.
static implicit  operator bool[] (MsgArg arg)
  Gets bool array value from a MsgArg Object.
static implicit  operator short[] (MsgArg arg)
  Gets short array value from a MsgArg Object.
static implicit  operator ushort[] (MsgArg arg)
  Gets ushort array value from a MsgArg Object.
static implicit  operator int[] (MsgArg arg)
  Gets int array value from a MsgArg Object.
static implicit  operator uint[] (MsgArg arg)
  Gets uint array value from a MsgArg Object.
static implicit  operator long[] (MsgArg arg)
  Gets a long array value from a MsgArg Object.
static implicit  operator ulong[] (MsgArg arg)
  Gets a ulong array value from a MsgArg Object.
static implicit  operator double[] (MsgArg arg)
  Gets a double array value from a MsgArg Object.
static implicit  operator string[] (MsgArg arg)
  Gets string array value from a MsgArg Object.

Protected Member Functions

virtual void  Dispose (bool disposing)
  Dispose the MsgArg.


string  ObjectPath [get, set]
  Gets or Sets the value of the ObjectPath.
MsgArg  Variant [get]
  Gets the value of the Variant.

Detailed Description

Class definition for a message arg.

This class deals with the message bus types and the operations on them

MsgArg's are designed to be light-weight. AMsgArg will normally hold references to the data (strings etc.) it wraps and will only copy that data if theMsgArg is assigned. For example no additional memory is allocated for an ALLJOYN_STRING that references an existing const char*. If aMsgArg is assigned the destination receives a copy of the contents of the source. The Stabilize() methods can also be called to explicitly force contents of theMsgArg to be copied.

Member Function Documentation

virtual void AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.MsgArg.Dispose ( bool  disposing ) [inline, protected, virtual]

Dispose the MsgArg.

disposing describes if its activly being disposed
static implicit AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.MsgArg.operator bool ( MsgArg  arg ) [inline, static]

Gets the bool value of a MsgArg Object.

arg MsgArg used to access value from
bool value of a MsgArg Object
static implicit AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.MsgArg.operator bool[] ( MsgArg  arg ) [inline, static]

Gets bool array value from a MsgArg Object.

arg MsgArg used to access value from
bool array value from the MsgArg Object
static implicit AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.MsgArg.operator byte ( MsgArg  arg ) [inline, static]

Gets the byte value of a MsgArg Object.

arg MsgArg used to access value from
byte value of the MsgArg Object
static implicit AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.MsgArg.operator byte[] ( MsgArg  arg ) [inline, static]

Gets the byte array of a MsgArg Object.

arg MsgArg used to access value from
byte array of a MsgArg Object Gets byte array value from a MsgArg Object
arg MsgArg used to access value from
byte array value from the MsgArg Object
static implicit AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.MsgArg.operator double ( MsgArg  arg ) [inline, static]

Gets the double value of a MsgArg Object.

arg MsgArg used to access value from
double value of a MsgArg Object
static implicit AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.MsgArg.operator double[] ( MsgArg  arg ) [inline, static]

Gets a double array value from a MsgArg Object.

arg MsgArg used to access value from
double array value from the MsgArg Object
static implicit AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.MsgArg.operator float ( MsgArg  arg ) [inline, static]

Gets the float value of a MsgArg Object.

AllJoyn can not marshal data of type float. Any float obtained from AllJoyn is cast from a double so using type fload may result in data loss through truncation.

arg MsgArg used to access value from
float value of a MsgArg Object
static implicit AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.MsgArg.operator int ( MsgArg  arg ) [inline, static]

Gets the int value of a MsgArg Object.

arg MsgArg used to access value from
int value of a MsgArg Object
static implicit AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.MsgArg.operator int[] ( MsgArg  arg ) [inline, static]

Gets int array value from a MsgArg Object.

arg MsgArg used to access value from
int array value from the MsgArg Object
static implicit AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.MsgArg.operator long ( MsgArg  arg ) [inline, static]

Gets the long value of a MsgArg Object.

arg MsgArg used to access value from
long value of a MsgArg Object
static implicit AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.MsgArg.operator long[] ( MsgArg  arg ) [inline, static]

Gets a long array value from a MsgArg Object.

arg MsgArg used to access value from
long array value from the MsgArg Object
static implicit AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.MsgArg.operator MsgArg ( byte  y ) [inline, static]

Gets a new MsgArg containing the byte arg value.

y byte to assign to the MsgArg object
a new MsgArg object
static implicit AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.MsgArg.operator MsgArg ( short  n ) [inline, static]

Gets a new MsgArg containing the short arg value.

n short to assign to the MsgArg object
a new MsgArg object
static implicit AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.MsgArg.operator MsgArg ( ushort  q ) [inline, static]

Gets a new MsgArg containing the ushort arg value.

q ushort to assign to the MsgArg object
a new MsgArg object
static implicit AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.MsgArg.operator MsgArg ( int  i ) [inline, static]

Gets a new MsgArg containing the int arg value.

i int to assign to the MsgArg object
a new MsgArg object
static implicit AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.MsgArg.operator MsgArg ( uint  u ) [inline, static]

Gets a new MsgArg containing the uint arg value.

u uint to assign to the MsgArg object
a new MsgArg object
static implicit AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.MsgArg.operator MsgArg ( bool  b ) [inline, static]

Gets a new MsgArg containing the bool arg value.

b bool to assign to the MsgArg object
a new MsgArg object
static implicit AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.MsgArg.operator MsgArg ( long  x ) [inline, static]

Gets a new MsgArg containing the long arg value.

x long to assign to the MsgArg object
a new MsgArg object
static implicit AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.MsgArg.operator MsgArg ( ulong  t ) [inline, static]

Gets a new MsgArg containing the ulong arg value.

t ulong to assign to the MsgArg object
a new MsgArg object
static implicit AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.MsgArg.operator MsgArg ( double  d ) [inline, static]

Gets a new MsgArg containing the double arg value.

d double to assign to the MsgArg object
a new MsgArg object
static implicit AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.MsgArg.operator MsgArg ( string  arg ) [inline, static]

Gets a new MsgArg containing the string arg value.

arg string to assign to the MsgArg object
a new MsgArg object
static implicit AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.MsgArg.operator MsgArg ( byte[]  ay ) [inline, static]

Gets a new MsgArg containing the byte[] arg value.

ay byte array to assign to the MsgArg object
a new MsgArg object
static implicit AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.MsgArg.operator MsgArg ( bool[]  ab ) [inline, static]

Gets a new MsgArg containing the bool[] arg value.

ab bool array to assign to the MsgArg object
a new MsgArg object
static implicit AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.MsgArg.operator MsgArg ( short[]  an ) [inline, static]

Gets a new MsgArg containing the short[] arg value.

an short array to assign to the MsgArg object
a new MsgArg object
static implicit AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.MsgArg.operator MsgArg ( ushort[]  aq ) [inline, static]

Gets a new MsgArg containing the ushort[] arg value.

aq ushort to assign to the MsgArg object
a new MsgArg object
static implicit AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.MsgArg.operator MsgArg ( int[]  ai ) [inline, static]

Gets a new MsgArg containing the int[] arg value.

ai int to assign to the MsgArg object
a new MsgArg object
static implicit AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.MsgArg.operator MsgArg ( uint[]  au ) [inline, static]

Gets a new MsgArg containing the uint[] arg value.

au uint array to assign to the MsgArg object
a new MsgArg object
static implicit AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.MsgArg.operator MsgArg ( long[]  ax ) [inline, static]

Gets a new MsgArg containing the long[] arg value.

ax long array to assign to the MsgArg object
a new MsgArg object
static implicit AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.MsgArg.operator MsgArg ( ulong[]  at ) [inline, static]

Gets a new MsgArg containing the ulong[] arg value.

at ulong array to assign to the MsgArg object
a new MsgArg object
static implicit AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.MsgArg.operator MsgArg ( double[]  ad ) [inline, static]

Gets a new MsgArg containing the double[] arg value.

ad double array to assign to the MsgArg object
a new MsgArg object
static implicit AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.MsgArg.operator MsgArg ( string[]  sa ) [inline, static]

Gets a new MsgArg containing the string[] arg value.

sa string array to assign to the MsgArg object
a new MsgArg object
static implicit AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.MsgArg.operator short ( MsgArg  arg ) [inline, static]

Gets the short value of a MsgArg Object.

arg MsgArg used to access value from
short value of a MsgArg Object
static implicit AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.MsgArg.operator short[] ( MsgArg  arg ) [inline, static]

Gets short array value from a MsgArg Object.

arg MsgArg used to access value from
short array value from the MsgArg Object
static implicit AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.MsgArg.operator string ( MsgArg  arg ) [inline, static]

Gets the string value of a MsgArg Object.

arg MsgArg used to access value from
string value of a MsgArg Object
static implicit AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.MsgArg.operator string[] ( MsgArg  arg ) [inline, static]

Gets string array value from a MsgArg Object.

arg MsgArg used to access value from
string array value from the MsgArg Object
static implicit AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.MsgArg.operator uint ( MsgArg  arg ) [inline, static]

Gets the uint value of a MsgArg Object.

arg MsgArg used to access value from
uint value of a MsgArg Object
static implicit AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.MsgArg.operator uint[] ( MsgArg  arg ) [inline, static]

Gets uint array value from a MsgArg Object.

arg MsgArg used to access value from
uint array value from the MsgArg Object
static implicit AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.MsgArg.operator ulong ( MsgArg  arg ) [inline, static]

Gets the ulong value of a MsgArg Object.

arg MsgArg used to access value from
ulong value of a MsgArg Object
static implicit AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.MsgArg.operator ulong[] ( MsgArg  arg ) [inline, static]

Gets a ulong array value from a MsgArg Object.

arg MsgArg used to access value from
ulong array value from the MsgArg Object
static implicit AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.MsgArg.operator ushort ( MsgArg  arg ) [inline, static]

Gets the ushort value of a MsgArg Object.

arg MsgArg used to access value from
ushort value of a MsgArg Object
static implicit AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.MsgArg.operator ushort[] ( MsgArg  arg ) [inline, static]

Gets ushort array value from a MsgArg Object.

arg MsgArg used to access value from
ushort array value from the MsgArg Object
QStatusAllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.MsgArg.Set ( object  value ) [inline]

Set value of a message arg from a value.

Note that any values or MsgArg pointers passed in must remain valid until this MsgArg is freed.

  • 'a' The array length followed by:
    • If the element type is a basic type a pointer to an array of values of that type.
    • If the element type is string a pointer to array of const char*, if array length is non-zero, and the char* pointer is NULL, the NULL must be followed by a pointer to an array of const qcc.String.
    • If the element type is an ALLJOYN_ARRAY "ARRAY", ALLJOYN_STRUCT "STRUCT", ALLJOYN_DICT_ENTRY "DICT_ENTRY" or ALLJOYN_VARIANT "VARIANT" a pointer to an array ofMsgArgs where each MsgArg has the signature specified by the element type.
    • If the element type is specified using the wildcard character '*', a pointer to an array ofMsgArgs. The array element type is determined from the type of the first MsgArg in the array, all the elements must have the same type.
  • 'b' A bool value
  • 'd' A double (64 bits)
  • 'g' A pointer to a NUL terminated string (pointer must remain valid for lifetime of theMsgArg)
  • 'h' A qcc.SocketFd
  • 'i' An int (32 bits)
  • 'n' An int (16 bits)
  • 'o' A pointer to a NUL terminated string (pointer must remain valid for lifetime of theMsgArg)
  • 'q' A uint (16 bits)
  • 's' A pointer to a NUL terminated string (pointer must remain valid for lifetime of theMsgArg)
  • 't' A uint (64 bits)
  • 'u' A uint (32 bits)
  • 'v' Not allowed, the actual type must be provided.
  • 'x' An int (64 bits)
  • 'y' A byte (8 bits)
  • '(' and ')' The list of values that appear between the parentheses using the notation above
  • '{' and '}' A pair values using the notation above.
  • '*' A pointer to a MsgArg.


An array of strings

     string fruits[3] =  { "apple", "banana", "orange" };
     MsgArg bowl;
value The value for MsgArg value
  • QStatus.OK if theMsgArg was successfully set
  • An error status otherwise
The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
  • MsgArg.cs






AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.MsgArgs Class Reference

Class definition for message args. More...

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

  MsgArgs (uint numArgs)
  Constructor for MsgArgs.
void  Dispose ()
  Dispose the MsgArgs.

Protected Member Functions

virtual void  Dispose (bool disposing)
  Dispose the MsgArgs.


int  Length [get]
  Gets the number of MsgArg that are contained in this MsgArgs Object.
MsgArg  this[int i] [get, set]
  Gets or Sets the value of a specific MsgArg at index i.

Detailed Description

Class definition for message args.

This class deals with the message bus types and the operations on them

MsgArg's are designed to be light-weight. AMsgArg will normally hold references to the data (strings etc.) it wraps and will only copy that data if theMsgArg is assigned. For example no additional memory is allocated for an ALLJOYN_STRING that references an existing const char*. If aMsgArg is assigned the destination receives a copy of the contents of the source. The Stabilize() methods can also be called to explicitly force contents of theMsgArg to be copied.

Member Function Documentation

virtual void AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.MsgArgs.Dispose ( bool  disposing ) [inline, protected, virtual]

Dispose the MsgArgs.

disposing describes if its activly being disposed
The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
  • MsgArgs.cs





AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.InterfaceDescription.Property Class Reference

Structure representing properties of the Interface. More...

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

bool  GetAnnotation (string name, ref string value)
  Get the value of an annotation.
Dictionary< string, string >  GetAnnotations ()
  Get a Dictionary containing the names and values of all annotations associated with this property.


string  Name [get]
  Property name
string  Signature [get]
  Property type
AccessFlags  Access [get]
  Access is Read, Write, or ReadWrite.

Detailed Description

Structure representing properties of the Interface.

Member Function Documentation

bool AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.InterfaceDescription.Property.GetAnnotation ( string  name,
    ref string  value 
  )   [inline]

Get the value of an annotation.

name Name of annotation.
value Returned value of the annotation
  • true if annotation found.
  • false if annotation not found
Dictionary<string, string> AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.InterfaceDescription.Property.GetAnnotations (   ) [inline]

Get a Dictionary containing the names and values of all annotations associated with this property.

Dictionary containing the names and values of all annotations associated with this property
The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
  • InterfaceDescription.cs






AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.ProxyBusObject Class Reference

Each ProxyBusObject instance represents a single DBus/AllJoyn object registered somewhere on the bus.More...

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

  ProxyBusObject (BusAttachment bus, string service, string path, uint sessionId)
  Create an empty proxy object that refers to an object at given remote service name.
QStatus  AddInterface (InterfaceDescription iface)
  Add an interface to this ProxyBusObject.
QStatus  MethodCallSynch (string ifaceName, string methodName,MsgArgs args, Message replyMsg, uint timeout, byte flags)
  Make a synchronous method call from this object.
void  Dispose ()
  Dispose the ProxyBusObject.

Protected Member Functions

virtual void  Dispose (bool disposing)
  Dispose the ProxyBusObject.

Detailed Description

Each ProxyBusObject instance represents a single DBus/AllJoyn object registered somewhere on the bus.

ProxyBusObjects are used to make method calls on these remotely located DBus objects.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.ProxyBusObject.ProxyBusObject ( BusAttachment  bus,
    string  service,
    string  path,
    uint  sessionId 
  )   [inline]

Create an empty proxy object that refers to an object at given remote service name.

Note that the created proxy object does not contain information about the interfaces that the actual remote object implements with the exception that org.freedesktop.DBus.Peer interface is special-cased (per theDBus spec) and can always be called on any object. Nor does it contain information about the child objects that the actual remote object might contain.

To fill in this object with the interfaces and child object names that the actual remote object describes in its introspection data, call IntrospectRemoteObject() or IntrospectRemoteObjectAsync().

bus The bus.
service The remote service name (well-known or unique).
path The absolute (non-relative) object path for the remote object.
sessionId The session id the be used for communicating with remote object.

Member Function Documentation

QStatusAllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.ProxyBusObject.AddInterface ( InterfaceDescription  iface ) [inline]

Add an interface to this ProxyBusObject.

Occasionally, AllJoyn library user may wish to call a method on a ProxyBusObject that was not reported during introspection of the remote object. When this happens, theInterfaceDescription will have to be registered with the Bus manually and the interface will have to be added to the ProxyBusObject using this method.

The interface added via this call must have been previously registered with the Bus. (i.e. it must have come from a call to Bus.GetInterface()).
iface The interface to add to this object. Must come from Bus.GetInterface().
  • QStatus.OK if successful.
  • An error status otherwise
virtual void AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.ProxyBusObject.Dispose ( bool  disposing ) [inline, protected, virtual]

Dispose the ProxyBusObject.

disposing describes if its activly being disposed
QStatusAllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.ProxyBusObject.MethodCallSynch ( string  ifaceName,
    string  methodName,
    MsgArgs  args,
    Message  replyMsg,
    uint  timeout,
    byte  flags 
  )   [inline]

Make a synchronous method call from this object.

ifaceName Name of the interface being used.
methodName Method being invoked.
args The arguments for the method call (can be NULL)
replyMsg The reply message received for the method call
timeout Timeout specified in milliseconds to wait for a reply
flags Logical OR of the message flags for this method call. The following flags apply to method calls:
  • If ALLJOYN_FLAG_ENCRYPTED is set the message is authenticated and the payload if any is encrypted.
  • If ALLJOYN_FLAG_COMPRESSED is set the header is compressed for destinations that can handle header compression.
  • If ALLJOYN_FLAG_AUTO_START is set the bus will attempt to start a service if it is not running.
  • QStatus.OK if the method call succeeded and the reply message type is MESSAGE_METHOD_RET
  • QStatus.BUS_REPLY_IS_ERROR_MESSAGE if the reply message type is MESSAGE_ERROR
The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
  • ProxyBusObject.cs






AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.QStatus Class Reference

Enumerated list of values QStatus can return. More...

Collaboration diagram for AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.QStatus:

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

override bool  Equals (object o)
  Compares two QStatus objects.
override int  GetHashCode ()
  Gets the numeric error code.
override string  ToString ()
  Gets a string representing the QStatus value.

Static Public Member Functions

static implicit  operator QStatus (int x)
  Static constructor.
static implicit  operator int (QStatus x)
  Gets the int value of the QStatus object.
static bool  operator true (QStatus x)
  Shortcut to determine if a QStatus is an OK status.
static bool  operator false (QStatus x)
  Shortcut to determine if a QStatus is not an OK status.
static bool  operator== (QStatus x, QStatus y)
  Compares the status value of two QStatus objects.
static implicit  operator string (QStatus x)
  Gets the string representation of the QStatus value.
static bool  operator!= (QStatus x, QStatus y)
  Checks if two QStatus objects are not equal.
static bool  operator! (QStatus x)
  checks if the QStatus object does not equal OK

Static Public Attributes

static readonlyQStatus  OK = newQStatus(0x0)
static readonlyQStatus  FAIL = newQStatus(0x1)
  Generic failure.
static readonlyQStatus  UTF_CONVERSION_FAILED = newQStatus(0x2)
  Conversion between UTF bases failed.
static readonlyQStatus  BUFFER_TOO_SMALL = newQStatus(0x3)
  Not enough space in buffer for operation.
static readonlyQStatus  OS_ERROR = newQStatus(0x4)
  Underlying OS has indicated an error.
static readonlyQStatus  OUT_OF_MEMORY = newQStatus(0x5)
  Failed to allocate memory.
static readonlyQStatus  SOCKET_BIND_ERROR = newQStatus(0x6)
  Bind to IP address failed.
static readonlyQStatus  INIT_FAILED = newQStatus(0x7)
  Initialization failed.
static readonlyQStatus  WOULDBLOCK = newQStatus(0x8)
  An I/O attempt on non-blocking resource would block.
static readonlyQStatus  NOT_IMPLEMENTED = newQStatus(0x9)
  Feature not implemented.
static readonlyQStatus  TIMEOUT = newQStatus(0xa)
  Operation timed out.
static readonlyQStatus  SOCK_OTHER_END_CLOSED = newQStatus(0xb)
  Other end closed the socket.
static readonlyQStatus  BAD_ARG_1 = newQStatus(0xc)
  Function call argument 1 is invalid.
static readonlyQStatus  BAD_ARG_2 = newQStatus(0xd)
  Function call argument 2 is invalid.
static readonlyQStatus  BAD_ARG_3 = newQStatus(0xe)
  Function call argument 3 is invalid.
static readonlyQStatus  BAD_ARG_4 = newQStatus(0xf)
  Function call argument 4 is invalid.
static readonlyQStatus  BAD_ARG_5 = newQStatus(0x10)
  Function call argument 5 is invalid.
static readonlyQStatus  BAD_ARG_6 = newQStatus(0x11)
  Function call argument 6 is invalid.
static readonlyQStatus  BAD_ARG_7 = newQStatus(0x12)
  Function call argument 7 is invalid.
static readonlyQStatus  BAD_ARG_8 = newQStatus(0x13)
  Function call argument 8 is invalid.
static readonlyQStatus  INVALID_ADDRESS = newQStatus(0x14)
  Address is NULL or invalid.
static readonlyQStatus  INVALID_DATA = newQStatus(0x15)
  Generic invalid data error.
static readonlyQStatus  READ_ERROR = newQStatus(0x16)
  Generic read error.
static readonlyQStatus  WRITE_ERROR = newQStatus(0x17)
  Generic write error.
static readonlyQStatus  OPEN_FAILED = newQStatus(0x18)
  Generic open failure.
static readonlyQStatus  PARSE_ERROR = newQStatus(0x19)
  Generic parse failure.
static readonlyQStatus  END_OF_DATA = newQStatus(0x1A)
  Generic EOD/EOF error.
static readonlyQStatus  CONN_REFUSED = newQStatus(0x1B)
  Connection was refused because no one is listening.
static readonlyQStatus  BAD_ARG_COUNT = newQStatus(0x1C)
  Incorrect number of arguments given to function call.
static readonlyQStatus  WARNING = newQStatus(0x1D)
  Generic warning.
static readonlyQStatus  COMMON_ERRORS = newQStatus(0x1000)
  Error code block for the Common subsystem.
static readonlyQStatus  STOPPING_THREAD = newQStatus(0x1001)
  Operation interrupted by ERThread stop signal.
static readonlyQStatus  ALERTED_THREAD = newQStatus(0x1002)
  Operation interrupted by ERThread alert signal.
static readonlyQStatus  XML_MALFORMED = newQStatus(0x1003)
  Cannot parse malformed XML.
static readonlyQStatus  AUTH_FAIL = newQStatus(0x1004)
  Authentication failed.
static readonlyQStatus  AUTH_USER_REJECT = newQStatus(0x1005)
  Authentication was rejected by user.
static readonlyQStatus  NO_SUCH_ALARM = newQStatus(0x1006)
  Attempt to reference non-existent timer alarm.
static readonlyQStatus  TIMER_FALLBEHIND = newQStatus(0x1007)
  A timer thread is missing scheduled alarm times.
static readonlyQStatus  SSL_ERRORS = newQStatus(0x1008)
  Error code block for SSL subsystem.
static readonlyQStatus  SSL_INIT = newQStatus(0x1009)
  SSL initialization failed.
static readonlyQStatus  SSL_CONNECT = newQStatus(0x100a)
  Failed to connect to remote host using SSL.
static readonlyQStatus  SSL_VERIFY = newQStatus(0x100b)
  Failed to verify identity of SSL destination.
static readonlyQStatus  EXTERNAL_THREAD = newQStatus(0x100c)
  Operation not supported on external thread wrapper.
static readonlyQStatus  CRYPTO_ERROR = newQStatus(0x100d)
  Non-specific error in the crypto subsystem.
static readonlyQStatus  CRYPTO_TRUNCATED = newQStatus(0x100e)
  Not enough room for key.
static readonlyQStatus  CRYPTO_KEY_UNAVAILABLE = newQStatus(0x100f)
  No key to return.
static readonlyQStatus  BAD_HOSTNAME = newQStatus(0x1010)
  Cannot lookup hostname.
static readonlyQStatus  CRYPTO_KEY_UNUSABLE = newQStatus(0x1011)
  Key cannot be used.
static readonlyQStatus  EMPTY_KEY_BLOB = newQStatus(0x1012)
  Key blob is empty.
static readonlyQStatus  CORRUPT_KEYBLOB = newQStatus(0x1013)
  Key blob is corrupted.
static readonlyQStatus  INVALID_KEY_ENCODING = newQStatus(0x1014)
  Encoded key is not valid.
static readonlyQStatus  DEAD_THREAD = newQStatus(0x1015)
  Operation not allowed thread is dead.
static readonlyQStatus  THREAD_RUNNING = newQStatus(0x1016)
  Cannot start a thread that is already running.
static readonlyQStatus  THREAD_STOPPING = newQStatus(0x1017)
  Cannot start a thread that is already stopping.
static readonlyQStatus  BAD_STRING_ENCODING = newQStatus(0x1018)
  Encoded string did not have the expected format or contents.
static readonlyQStatus  CRYPTO_INSUFFICIENT_SECURITY = newQStatus(0x1019)
  Crypto algorithm parameters do not provide sufficient security.
static readonlyQStatus  CRYPTO_ILLEGAL_PARAMETERS = newQStatus(0x101a)
  Crypto algorithm parameter value is illegal.
static readonlyQStatus  CRYPTO_HASH_UNINITIALIZED = newQStatus(0x101b)
  Cryptographic hash function must be initialized.
static readonlyQStatus  THREAD_NO_WAIT = newQStatus(0x101c)
  Thread cannot be blocked by a WAIT or SLEEP call.
static readonlyQStatus  TIMER_EXITING = newQStatus(0x101d)
  Cannot add an alarm to a timer that is exiting.
static readonlyQStatus  INVALID_GUID = newQStatus(0x101e)
  String is not a hex encoded GUID string.
static readonlyQStatus  THREADPOOL_EXHAUSTED = newQStatus(0x101f)
  A thread pool has reached its specified concurrency.
static readonlyQStatus  THREADPOOL_STOPPING = newQStatus(0x1020)
  Cannot execute a closure on a stopping thread pool.
static readonlyQStatus  NONE = newQStatus(0xffff)
  No error code to report.
static readonlyQStatus  BUS_ERRORS = newQStatus(0x9000)
  Error code block for ALLJOYN wire protocol.
static readonlyQStatus  BUS_READ_ERROR = newQStatus(0x9001)
  Error attempting to read.
static readonlyQStatus  BUS_WRITE_ERROR = newQStatus(0x9002)
  Error attempting to write.
static readonlyQStatus  BUS_BAD_VALUE_TYPE = newQStatus(0x9003)
  Read an invalid value type.
static readonlyQStatus  BUS_BAD_HEADER_FIELD = newQStatus(0x9004)
  Read an invalid header field.
static readonlyQStatus  BUS_BAD_SIGNATURE = newQStatus(0x9005)
  Signature was badly formed.
static readonlyQStatus  BUS_BAD_OBJ_PATH = newQStatus(0x9006)
  Object path contained an illegal character.
static readonlyQStatus  BUS_BAD_MEMBER_NAME = newQStatus(0x9007)
  A member name contained an illegal character.
static readonlyQStatus  BUS_BAD_INTERFACE_NAME = newQStatus(0x9008)
  An interface name contained an illegal character.
static readonlyQStatus  BUS_BAD_ERROR_NAME = newQStatus(0x9009)
  An error name contained an illegal character.
static readonlyQStatus  BUS_BAD_BUS_NAME = newQStatus(0x900a)
  A bus name contained an illegal character.
static readonlyQStatus  BUS_NAME_TOO_LONG = newQStatus(0x900b)
  A name exceeded the permitted length.
static readonlyQStatus  BUS_BAD_LENGTH = newQStatus(0x900c)
  Length of an array was not a multiple of the array element size.
static readonlyQStatus  BUS_BAD_VALUE = newQStatus(0x900d)
  Parsed value in a message was invalid (for example: boolean > 1)
static readonlyQStatus  BUS_BAD_HDR_FLAGS = newQStatus(0x900e)
  Unknown header flags.
static readonlyQStatus  BUS_BAD_BODY_LEN = newQStatus(0x900f)
  Body length was to long or too short.
static readonlyQStatus  BUS_BAD_HEADER_LEN = newQStatus(0x9010)
  Header length was to long or too short.
static readonlyQStatus  BUS_UNKNOWN_SERIAL = newQStatus(0x9011)
  Serial number in a method response was unknown.
static readonlyQStatus  BUS_UNKNOWN_PATH = newQStatus(0x9012)
  Path in a method call or signal was unknown.
static readonlyQStatus  BUS_UNKNOWN_INTERFACE = newQStatus(0x9013)
  Interface in a method call or signal was unknown.
static readonlyQStatus  BUS_ESTABLISH_FAILED = newQStatus(0x9014)
  Failed to establish a connection.
static readonlyQStatus  BUS_UNEXPECTED_SIGNATURE = newQStatus(0x9015)
  Signature in message was not what was expected.
static readonlyQStatus  BUS_INTERFACE_MISSING = newQStatus(0x9016)
  Interface header field is missing.
static readonlyQStatus  BUS_PATH_MISSING = newQStatus(0x9017)
  Object path header field is missing.
static readonlyQStatus  BUS_MEMBER_MISSING = newQStatus(0x9018)
  Member header field is missing.
static readonlyQStatus  BUS_REPLY_SERIAL_MISSING = newQStatus(0x9019)
  Reply-Serial header field is missing.
static readonlyQStatus  BUS_ERROR_NAME_MISSING = newQStatus(0x901a)
  Error Name header field is missing.
static readonlyQStatus  BUS_INTERFACE_NO_SUCH_MEMBER = newQStatus(0x901b)
  Interface does not have the requested member.
static readonlyQStatus  BUS_NO_SUCH_OBJECT = newQStatus(0x901c)
  Object does not exist.
static readonlyQStatus  BUS_OBJECT_NO_SUCH_MEMBER = newQStatus(0x901d)
  Object does not have the requested member (on any interface)
static readonlyQStatus  BUS_OBJECT_NO_SUCH_INTERFACE = newQStatus(0x901e)
  Object does not have the requested interface.
static readonlyQStatus  BUS_NO_SUCH_INTERFACE = newQStatus(0x901f)
  Requested interface does not exist.
static readonlyQStatus  BUS_MEMBER_NO_SUCH_SIGNATURE = newQStatus(0x9020)
  Member exists but does not have the requested signature.
static readonlyQStatus  BUS_NOT_NUL_TERMINATED = newQStatus(0x9021)
  A string or signature was not NUL terminated.
static readonlyQStatus  BUS_NO_SUCH_PROPERTY = newQStatus(0x9022)
  No such property for a GET or SET operation.
static readonlyQStatus  BUS_SET_WRONG_SIGNATURE = newQStatus(0x9023)
  Attempt to set a property value with the wrong signature.
static readonlyQStatus  BUS_PROPERTY_VALUE_NOT_SET = newQStatus(0x9024)
  Attempt to get a property whose value has not been set.
static readonlyQStatus  BUS_PROPERTY_ACCESS_DENIED = newQStatus(0x9025)
  Attempt to set or get a property failed due to access rights.
static readonlyQStatus  BUS_NO_TRANSPORTS = newQStatus(0x9026)
  No physical message transports were specified.
static readonlyQStatus  BUS_BAD_TRANSPORT_ARGS = newQStatus(0x9027)
  Missing or badly formatted transports args specified.
static readonlyQStatus  BUS_NO_ROUTE = newQStatus(0x9028)
  Message cannot be routed to destination.
static readonlyQStatus  BUS_NO_ENDPOINT = newQStatus(0x9029)
  An endpoint with given name cannot be found.
static readonlyQStatus  BUS_BAD_SEND_PARAMETER = newQStatus(0x902a)
  Bad parameter in send message call.
static readonlyQStatus  BUS_UNMATCHED_REPLY_SERIAL = newQStatus(0x902b)
  Serial number in method call reply message did not match any method calls.
static readonlyQStatus  BUS_BAD_SENDER_ID = newQStatus(0x902c)
  Sender identifier is invalid.
static readonlyQStatus  BUS_TRANSPORT_NOT_STARTED = newQStatus(0x902d)
  Attempt to send on a transport that has not been started.
static readonlyQStatus  BUS_EMPTY_MESSAGE = newQStatus(0x902e)
  Attempt to deliver an empty message.
static readonlyQStatus  BUS_NOT_OWNER = newQStatus(0x902f)
  A bus name operation was not permitted because sender does not own name.
static readonlyQStatus  BUS_SET_PROPERTY_REJECTED = newQStatus(0x9030)
  Application rejected a request to set a property.
static readonlyQStatus  BUS_CONNECT_FAILED = newQStatus(0x9031)
  Connection failed.
static readonlyQStatus  BUS_REPLY_IS_ERROR_MESSAGE = newQStatus(0x9032)
  Response from a method call was an ERROR message.
static readonlyQStatus  BUS_NOT_AUTHENTICATING = newQStatus(0x9033)
  Not in an authentication conversation.
static readonlyQStatus  BUS_NO_LISTENER = newQStatus(0x9034)
  A listener is required to implement the requested function.
static readonlyQStatus  BUS_BT_TRANSPORT_ERROR = newQStatus(0x9035)
  The Bluetooth transport reported an error.
static readonlyQStatus  BUS_NOT_ALLOWED = newQStatus(0x9036)
  The operation attempted is not allowed.
static readonlyQStatus  BUS_WRITE_QUEUE_FULL = newQStatus(0x9037)
  Write failed because write queue is full.
static readonlyQStatus  BUS_ENDPOINT_CLOSING = newQStatus(0x9038)
  Operation not permitted on endpoint in process of closing.
static readonlyQStatus  BUS_INTERFACE_MISMATCH = newQStatus(0x9039)
  Received two conflicting definitions for the same interface.
static readonlyQStatus  BUS_MEMBER_ALREADY_EXISTS = newQStatus(0x903a)
  Attempt to add a member to an interface that already exists.
static readonlyQStatus  BUS_PROPERTY_ALREADY_EXISTS = newQStatus(0x903b)
  Attempt to add a property to an interface that already exists.
static readonlyQStatus  BUS_IFACE_ALREADY_EXISTS = newQStatus(0x903c)
  Attempt to add an interface to an object that already exists.
static readonlyQStatus  BUS_ERROR_RESPONSE = newQStatus(0x903d)
  Received an error response to a method call.
static readonlyQStatus  BUS_BAD_XML = newQStatus(0x903e)
  XML data is improperly formatted.
static readonlyQStatus  BUS_BAD_CHILD_PATH = newQStatus(0x903f)
  The path of a child object is incorrect given it's parent's path.
static readonlyQStatus  BUS_OBJ_ALREADY_EXISTS = newQStatus(0x9040)
  Attempt to add a RemoteObject child that already exists.
static readonlyQStatus  BUS_OBJ_NOT_FOUND = newQStatus(0x9041)
  Object with given path does not exist.
static readonlyQStatus  BUS_CANNOT_EXPAND_MESSAGE = newQStatus(0x9042)
  Expansion information for a compressed message is not available.
static readonlyQStatus  BUS_NOT_COMPRESSED = newQStatus(0x9043)
  Attempt to expand a message that is not compressed.
static readonlyQStatus  BUS_ALREADY_CONNECTED = newQStatus(0x9044)
  Attempt to connect to a bus which is already connected.
static readonlyQStatus  BUS_NOT_CONNECTED = newQStatus(0x9045)
  Attempt to use a bus attachment that is not connected to a bus daemon.
static readonlyQStatus  BUS_ALREADY_LISTENING = newQStatus(0x9046)
  Attempt to listen on a bus address which is already being listened on.
static readonlyQStatus  BUS_KEY_UNAVAILABLE = newQStatus(0x9047)
  The request key is not available.
static readonlyQStatus  BUS_TRUNCATED = newQStatus(0x9048)
  Insufficient memory to copy data.
static readonlyQStatus  BUS_KEY_STORE_NOT_LOADED = newQStatus(0x9049)
  Accessing the key store before it is loaded.
static readonlyQStatus  BUS_NO_AUTHENTICATION_MECHANISM = newQStatus(0x904a)
  There is no authentication mechanism.
static readonlyQStatus  BUS_BUS_ALREADY_STARTED = newQStatus(0x904b)
  Bus has already been started.
static readonlyQStatus  BUS_BUS_NOT_STARTED = newQStatus(0x904c)
  Bus has not yet been started.
static readonlyQStatus  BUS_KEYBLOB_OP_INVALID = newQStatus(0x904d)
  The operation requested cannot be performed using this key blob.
static readonlyQStatus  BUS_INVALID_HEADER_CHECKSUM = newQStatus(0x904e)
  Invalid header checksum in an encrypted message.
static readonlyQStatus  BUS_MESSAGE_NOT_ENCRYPTED = newQStatus(0x904f)
  Security policy requires the message to be encrypted.
static readonlyQStatus  BUS_INVALID_HEADER_SERIAL = newQStatus(0x9050)
  Serial number in message header is invalid.
static readonlyQStatus  BUS_TIME_TO_LIVE_EXPIRED = newQStatus(0x9051)
  Message time-to-live has expired.
static readonlyQStatus  BUS_HDR_EXPANSION_INVALID = newQStatus(0x9052)
  Something is wrong with a header expansion.
static readonlyQStatus  BUS_MISSING_COMPRESSION_TOKEN = newQStatus(0x9053)
  Compressed headers require a compression token.
static readonlyQStatus  BUS_NO_PEER_GUID = newQStatus(0x9054)
  There is no GUID for this peer.
static readonlyQStatus  BUS_MESSAGE_DECRYPTION_FAILED = newQStatus(0x9055)
  Message decryption failed.
static readonlyQStatus  BUS_SECURITY_FATAL = newQStatus(0x9056)
  A fatal security failure.
static readonlyQStatus  BUS_KEY_EXPIRED = newQStatus(0x9057)
  An encryption key has expired.
static readonlyQStatus  BUS_CORRUPT_KEYSTORE = newQStatus(0x9058)
  Key store is corrupt.
static readonlyQStatus  BUS_NO_CALL_FOR_REPLY = newQStatus(0x9059)
  A reply only allowed in response to a method call.
static readonlyQStatus  BUS_NOT_A_COMPLETE_TYPE = newQStatus(0x905a)
  Signature must be a single complete type.
static readonlyQStatus  BUS_POLICY_VIOLATION = newQStatus(0x905b)
  Message does not meet policy restrictions.
static readonlyQStatus  BUS_NO_SUCH_SERVICE = newQStatus(0x905c)
  Service name is unknown.
static readonlyQStatus  BUS_TRANSPORT_NOT_AVAILABLE = newQStatus(0x905d)
  Transport cannot be used due to underlying mechanism disabled by OS.
static readonlyQStatus  BUS_INVALID_AUTH_MECHANISM = newQStatus(0x905e)
  Authentication mechanism is not valid.
static readonlyQStatus  BUS_KEYSTORE_VERSION_MISMATCH = newQStatus(0x905f)
  Key store has wrong version number.
static readonlyQStatus  BUS_BLOCKING_CALL_NOT_ALLOWED = newQStatus(0x9060)
  A synchronous method call from within handler is not permitted.
static readonlyQStatus  BUS_SIGNATURE_MISMATCH = newQStatus(0x9061)
  MsgArg(s) do not match signature.
static readonlyQStatus  BUS_STOPPING = newQStatus(0x9062)
  The bus is stopping.
static readonlyQStatus  BUS_METHOD_CALL_ABORTED = newQStatus(0x9063)
  The method call was aborted.
static readonlyQStatus  BUS_CANNOT_ADD_INTERFACE = newQStatus(0x9064)
  An interface cannot be added to an object that is already registered.
static readonlyQStatus  BUS_CANNOT_ADD_HANDLER = newQStatus(0x9065)
  A method handler cannot be added to an object that is already registered.
static readonlyQStatus  BUS_KEYSTORE_NOT_LOADED = newQStatus(0x9066)
  Key store has not been loaded.
static readonlyQStatus  BUS_NO_SUCH_HANDLE = newQStatus(0x906b)
  Handle is not in the handle table.
static readonlyQStatus  BUS_HANDLES_NOT_ENABLED = newQStatus(0x906c)
  Passing of handles is not enabled for this connection.
static readonlyQStatus  BUS_HANDLES_MISMATCH = newQStatus(0x906d)
  Message had more handles than expected.
static readonlyQStatus  BT_MAX_CONNECTIONS_USED = newQStatus(0x906e)
  Maximum Bluetooth connections already in use.
static readonlyQStatus  BUS_NO_SESSION = newQStatus(0x906f)
  Session id is not valid.
static readonlyQStatus  BUS_ELEMENT_NOT_FOUND = newQStatus(0x9070)
  Dictionary element was not found.
static readonlyQStatus  BUS_NOT_A_DICTIONARY = newQStatus(0x9071)
  MsgArg was not an array of dictionary elements.
static readonlyQStatus  BUS_WAIT_FAILED = newQStatus(0x9072)
  Wait failed.
static readonlyQStatus  BUS_BAD_SESSION_OPTS = newQStatus(0x9074)
  Session options are bad or incompatible.
static readonlyQStatus  BUS_CONNECTION_REJECTED = newQStatus(0x9075)
  Incoming connection rejected.
static readonlyQStatus  DBUS_REQUEST_NAME_REPLY_PRIMARY_OWNER = newQStatus(0x9076)
  RequestName reply: Name was successfully obtained.
static readonlyQStatus  DBUS_REQUEST_NAME_REPLY_IN_QUEUE = newQStatus(0x9077)
  RequestName reply: Name is already owned, request for name has been queued.
static readonlyQStatus  DBUS_REQUEST_NAME_REPLY_EXISTS = newQStatus(0x9078)
  RequestName reply: Name is already owned and DO_NOT_QUEUE was specified in request.
static readonlyQStatus  DBUS_REQUEST_NAME_REPLY_ALREADY_OWNER = newQStatus(0x9079)
  RequestName reply: Name is already owned by this endpoint.
static readonlyQStatus  DBUS_RELEASE_NAME_REPLY_RELEASED = newQStatus(0x907a)
  ReleaseName reply: Name was released.
static readonlyQStatus  DBUS_RELEASE_NAME_REPLY_NON_EXISTENT = newQStatus(0x907b)
  ReleaseName reply: Name does not exist.
static readonlyQStatus  DBUS_RELEASE_NAME_REPLY_NOT_OWNER = newQStatus(0x907c)
  ReleaseName reply: Request to release name that is not owned by this endpoint.
static readonlyQStatus  DBUS_START_REPLY_ALREADY_RUNNING = newQStatus(0x907e)
  StartServiceByName reply: Service is already running.
static readonlyQStatus  ALLJOYN_BINDSESSIONPORT_REPLY_ALREADY_EXISTS = newQStatus(0x9080)
  BindSessionPort reply: SessionPort already exists.
static readonlyQStatus  ALLJOYN_BINDSESSIONPORT_REPLY_FAILED = newQStatus(0x9081)
  BindSessionPort reply: Failed.
static readonlyQStatus  ALLJOYN_JOINSESSION_REPLY_NO_SESSION = newQStatus(0x9083)
  JoinSession reply: Session with given name does not exist.
static readonlyQStatus  ALLJOYN_JOINSESSION_REPLY_UNREACHABLE = newQStatus(0x9084)
  JoinSession reply: Failed to find suitable transport.
static readonlyQStatus  ALLJOYN_JOINSESSION_REPLY_CONNECT_FAILED = newQStatus(0x9085)
  JoinSession reply: Connect to advertised address.
static readonlyQStatus  ALLJOYN_JOINSESSION_REPLY_REJECTED = newQStatus(0x9086)
  JoinSession reply: The session creator rejected the join req.
static readonlyQStatus  ALLJOYN_JOINSESSION_REPLY_BAD_SESSION_OPTS = newQStatus(0x9087)
  JoinSession reply: Failed due to session option incompatibilities.
static readonlyQStatus  ALLJOYN_JOINSESSION_REPLY_FAILED = newQStatus(0x9088)
  JoinSession reply: Failed for unknown reason.
static readonlyQStatus  ALLJOYN_LEAVESESSION_REPLY_NO_SESSION = newQStatus(0x908a)
  LeaveSession reply: Session with given name does not exist.
static readonlyQStatus  ALLJOYN_LEAVESESSION_REPLY_FAILED = newQStatus(0x908b)
  LeaveSession reply: Failed for unspecified reason.
  AdvertiseName reply: This endpoint is already advertising this name.
static readonlyQStatus  ALLJOYN_ADVERTISENAME_REPLY_FAILED = newQStatus(0x908e)
  AdvertiseName reply: Advertise failed.
static readonlyQStatus  ALLJOYN_CANCELADVERTISENAME_REPLY_FAILED = newQStatus(0x9090)
  CancelAdvertiseName reply: Advertise failed.
  FindAdvertisedName reply: This endpoint is already discovering this name.
static readonlyQStatus  ALLJOYN_FINDADVERTISEDNAME_REPLY_FAILED = newQStatus(0x9093)
  FindAdvertisedName reply: Failed.
  CancelFindAdvertisedName reply: Failed.
static readonlyQStatus  BUS_UNEXPECTED_DISPOSITION = newQStatus(0x9096)
  An unexpected disposition was returned and has been treated as an error.
static readonlyQStatus  BUS_INTERFACE_ACTIVATED = newQStatus(0x9097)
  An InterfaceDescription cannot be modified once activated.
static readonlyQStatus  ALLJOYN_UNBINDSESSIONPORT_REPLY_BAD_PORT = newQStatus(0x9098)
  UnbindSessionPort reply: SessionPort does not exist.
static readonlyQStatus  ALLJOYN_UNBINDSESSIONPORT_REPLY_FAILED = newQStatus(0x9099)
  UnbindSessionPort reply: Failed.
static readonlyQStatus  ALLJOYN_BINDSESSIONPORT_REPLY_INVALID_OPTS = newQStatus(0x909a)
  BindSessionPort reply: SessionOpts are invalid.
static readonlyQStatus  ALLJOYN_JOINSESSION_REPLY_ALREADY_JOINED = newQStatus(0x909b)
  JoinSession reply: Caller has already joined the session.
static readonlyQStatus  BUS_SELF_CONNECT = newQStatus(0x909c)
  Received BusHello from self.
static readonlyQStatus  BUS_SECURITY_NOT_ENABLED = newQStatus(0x909d)
  Security is not enabled for this bus attachment.
static readonlyQStatus  BUS_LISTENER_ALREADY_SET = newQStatus(0x909e)
  A listener has already been set.
static readonlyQStatus  BUS_PEER_AUTH_VERSION_MISMATCH = newQStatus(0x909f)
  Incompatible peer authentication version numbers.
static readonlyQStatus  ALLJOYN_SETLINKTIMEOUT_REPLY_NOT_SUPPORTED = newQStatus(0x90a0)
  Local daemon does not support SetLinkTimeout.
static readonlyQStatus  ALLJOYN_SETLINKTIMEOUT_REPLY_NO_DEST_SUPPORT = newQStatus(0x90a1)
  SetLinkTimeout not supported by destination.
static readonlyQStatus  ALLJOYN_SETLINKTIMEOUT_REPLY_FAILED = newQStatus(0x90a2)
  SetLinkTimeout failed.
static readonlyQStatus  ALLJOYN_ACCESS_PERMISSION_WARNING = newQStatus(0x90a3)
  No permission to use Wifi/Bluetooth.
static readonlyQStatus  ALLJOYN_ACCESS_PERMISSION_ERROR = newQStatus(0x90a4)
  No permission to access peer service.
static readonlyQStatus  BUS_DESTINATION_NOT_AUTHENTICATED = newQStatus(0x90a5)
  Cannot send a signal to a destination that is not authenticated.
static readonlyQStatus  BUS_ENDPOINT_REDIRECTED = newQStatus(0x90a6)
  Endpoint was redirected to another address.
static readonlyQStatus  BUS_AUTHENTICATION_PENDING = newQStatus(0x90a7)
  Authentication of remote peer is pending.
static readonlyQStatus  BUS_NOT_AUTHORIZED = newQStatus(0x90a8)
  Operation was not authorized.
static readonlyQStatus  PACKET_BUS_NO_SUCH_CHANNEL = newQStatus(0x90a9)
  Received packet for unknown channel.
static readonlyQStatus  PACKET_BAD_FORMAT = newQStatus(0x90aa)
  Received packet with incorrect header information.
static readonlyQStatus  PACKET_CONNECT_TIMEOUT = newQStatus(0x90ab)
  Timed out waiting for connect response.
static readonlyQStatus  PACKET_CHANNEL_FAIL = newQStatus(0x90ac)
  Failed to create new comm channel.
static readonlyQStatus  PACKET_TOO_LARGE = newQStatus(0x90ad)
  Message too large for use with packet based transport.
static readonlyQStatus  PACKET_BAD_PARAMETER = newQStatus(0x90ae)
  Invalid PacketEngine control packet received.
static readonlyQStatus  PACKET_BAD_CRC = newQStatus(0x90af)
  Packet has invalid CRC.
static readonlyQStatus  STUN_ATTR_SIZE_MISMATCH = newQStatus(0x90b0)
  STUN attribute size does not match size parsed.
static readonlyQStatus  STUN_AUTH_CHALLENGE = newQStatus(0x90b1)
  STUN server has denied request, issued Challenge.
static readonlyQStatus  STUN_SOCKET_NOT_OPEN = newQStatus(0x90b2)
  Underlying socket not open for operation.
static readonlyQStatus  STUN_SOCKET_OPEN = newQStatus(0x90b3)
  Underlying socket alread open.
static readonlyQStatus  STUN_FAILED_TO_SEND_MSG = newQStatus(0x90b4)
  Failed to send STUN message.
static readonlyQStatus  STUN_FRAMING_ERROR = newQStatus(0x90b5)
  Application specified invalid TCP framing.
static readonlyQStatus  STUN_INVALID_ERROR_CODE = newQStatus(0x90b6)
  Invalid STUN error code.
static readonlyQStatus  STUN_INVALID_FINGERPRINT = newQStatus(0x90b7)
  Fingerprint CRC does not match.
static readonlyQStatus  STUN_INVALID_ADDR_FAMILY = newQStatus(0x90b8)
  Invalid address family value in STUN 'address' attribute.
static readonlyQStatus  STUN_INVALID_MESSAGE_INTEGRITY = newQStatus(0x90b9)
  SHA1-HMAC message integrity value does not match. When passed to upper layer, indicates unauthorized response, message must be ignored.
static readonlyQStatus  STUN_INVALID_MSG_TYPE = newQStatus(0x90ba)
  Invalid STUN message type.
static readonlyQStatus  STUN_INVALID_ATTR_TYPE = newQStatus(0x90bb)
  Invalid STUN message attribute type.
static readonlyQStatus  STUN_RESPONSE_WITH_USERNAME = newQStatus(0x90bc)
  STUN response message included a USERNAME attribute.
static readonlyQStatus  STUN_ERR400_BAD_REQUEST = newQStatus(0x90bd)
  Received bad STUN request, upper layer must send error code 400.
static readonlyQStatus  STUN_BAD_INDICATION = newQStatus(0x90be)
  Received bad STUN indication, upper layer must ignore message.
static readonlyQStatus  STUN_ERR401_UNAUTHORIZED_REQUEST = newQStatus(0x90bf)
  Received STUN request with invalid USERNAME or invalid MESSAGE-INTEGRITY, upper layer must send error code 401.
static readonlyQStatus  STUN_TOO_MANY_ATTRIBUTES = newQStatus(0x90c0)
  Too many attributes in STUN message or unknown attributes list.
static readonlyQStatus  STUN_DUPLICATE_ATTRIBUTE = newQStatus(0x90c1)
  STUN message attribute must only be added once.
static readonlyQStatus  STUN_UNAUTHORIZED_INDICATION = newQStatus(0x90c2)
  Receive STUN indication with invalid USERNAME or invalid MESSAGE-INTEGRITY, upper layer must ignore message.
static readonlyQStatus  ICE_ALLOCATING_MEMORY = newQStatus(0x90c3)
  Unable to allocate heap from ICE.
static readonlyQStatus  ICE_CHECKS_INCOMPLETE = newQStatus(0x90c4)
  ICE Checks have not completed.
static readonlyQStatus  ICE_ALLOCATE_REJECTED_NO_RESOURCES = newQStatus(0x90c5)
  TURN server rejected ALLOCATE request.
static readonlyQStatus  ICE_ALLOCATION_QUOTA_REACHED = newQStatus(0x90c6)
  TURN server rejected with 486.
static readonlyQStatus  ICE_ALLOCATION_MISMATCH = newQStatus(0x90c7)
  TURN server has expired the allocation.
static readonlyQStatus  ICE_STUN_ERROR = newQStatus(0x90c8)
  Generic ICE error.
static readonlyQStatus  ICE_INVALID_STATE = newQStatus(0x90c9)
  ICE Agent is not in proper state to perform request.
static readonlyQStatus  ICE_UNKNOWN_COMPONENT_ID = newQStatus(0x90ca)
  ICE Component type is not recognized.
static readonlyQStatus  RENDEZVOUS_SERVER_DEACTIVATED_USER = newQStatus(0x90cb)
  Rendezvous Server has deactivated the current user. Register with the Rendezvous Server to continue.
static readonlyQStatus  RENDEZVOUS_SERVER_UNKNOWN_USER = newQStatus(0x90cc)
  Rendezvous Server does not recognize the current user. Register with the Rendezvous Server to continue.
static readonlyQStatus  UNABLE_TO_CONNECT_TO_RENDEZVOUS_SERVER = newQStatus(0x90cd)
  Unable to connect to the Rendezvous Server.
static readonlyQStatus  NOT_CONNECTED_TO_RENDEZVOUS_SERVER = newQStatus(0x90ce)
  Not connected to the Rendezvous Server.
static readonlyQStatus  UNABLE_TO_SEND_MESSAGE_TO_RENDEZVOUS_SERVER = newQStatus(0x90cf)
  Unable to send message to the Rendezvous Server.
static readonlyQStatus  INVALID_RENDEZVOUS_SERVER_INTERFACE_MESSAGE = newQStatus(0x90d0)
  Invalid Rendezvous Server interface message.
  Invalid message response received over the Persistent connection with the Rendezvous Server.
static readonlyQStatus  INVALID_ON_DEMAND_CONNECTION_MESSAGE_RESPONSE = newQStatus(0x90d2)
  Invalid message response received over the On Demand connection with the Rendezvous Server.
  Invalid HTTP method type used for Rendezvous Server interface message.
static readonlyQStatus  RENDEZVOUS_SERVER_ERR500_INTERNAL_ERROR = newQStatus(0x90d4)
  Received a HTTP 500 status code from the Rendezvous Server. This indicates an internal error in the Server.
static readonlyQStatus  RENDEZVOUS_SERVER_ERR503_STATUS_UNAVAILABLE = newQStatus(0x90d5)
  Received a HTTP 503 status code from the Rendezvous Server. This indicates unavailability of the Server error state.
static readonlyQStatus  RENDEZVOUS_SERVER_ERR401_UNAUTHORIZED_REQUEST = newQStatus(0x90d6)
  Received a HTTP 401 status code from the Rendezvous Server. This indicates that the client is unauthorized to send a request to the Server. The Client login procedure must be initiated.
static readonlyQStatus  RENDEZVOUS_SERVER_UNRECOVERABLE_ERROR = newQStatus(0x90d7)
  Received a HTTP status code indicating unrecoverable error from the Rendezvous Server. The connection with the Server should be re-established.
  Rendezvous Server root ceritificate uninitialized.
static readonlyQStatus  BUS_NO_SUCH_ANNOTATION = newQStatus(0x90d9)
  No such annotation for a GET or SET operation.
static readonlyQStatus  BUS_ANNOTATION_ALREADY_EXISTS = newQStatus(0x90da)
  Attempt to add an annotation to an interface or property that already exists.
static readonlyQStatus  SOCK_CLOSING = newQStatus(0x90db)
  Socket close in progress.
static readonlyQStatus  NO_SUCH_DEVICE = newQStatus(0x90dc)
  A referenced device cannot be located.
static readonlyQStatus  P2P = newQStatus(0x90dd)
  An error occurred in a Wi-Fi Direct helper method call.
static readonlyQStatus  P2P_TIMEOUT = newQStatus(0x90de)
  A timeout occurred in a Wi-Fi Direct helper method call.
static readonlyQStatus  P2P_NOT_CONNECTED = newQStatus(0x90df)
  A required Wi-Fi Direct network connection does not exist.
static readonlyQStatus  BAD_TRANSPORT_MASK = newQStatus(0x90e0)
  Exactly one mask bit was not set in the provided TransportMask.
static readonlyQStatus  PROXIMITY_CONNECTION_ESTABLISH_FAIL = newQStatus(0x90e1)
  Fail to establish P2P proximity connection.
static readonlyQStatus  PROXIMITY_NO_PEERS_FOUND = newQStatus(0x90e2)
  Cannot find proximity P2P peers.
static readonlyQStatus  BUS_OBJECT_NOT_REGISTERED = newQStatus(0x90e3)
  Operation not permitted on unregistered bus object.
static readonlyQStatus  P2P_DISABLED = newQStatus(0x90e4)
  Wi-Fi Direct is disabled on the device.
static readonlyQStatus  P2P_BUSY = newQStatus(0x90e5)
  Wi-Fi Direct resources are in busy state.
static readonlyQStatus  BUS_INCOMPATIBLE_DAEMON = newQStatus(0x90e6)
  The daemon version is too old to be used by this client.
static readonlyQStatus  P2P_NO_GO = newQStatus(0x90e7)
  Attempt to execute a Wi-Fi Direct GO-related operation while STA.
static readonlyQStatus  P2P_NO_STA = newQStatus(0x90e8)
  Attempt to execute a Wi-Fi Direct STA-related operation while GO.
static readonlyQStatus  P2P_FORBIDDEN = newQStatus(0x90e9)
  Attempt to execute a forbidden Wi-Fi Direct operation.

Detailed Description

Enumerated list of values QStatus can return.

Member Function Documentation

override bool AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.QStatus.Equals ( object  o ) [inline]

Compares two QStatus objects.

o object to compare against this QStatus
true if two QStatus objects are equals
override int AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.QStatus.GetHashCode (   ) [inline]

Gets the numeric error code.

the numeric error code
static bool AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.QStatus.operator false ( QStatus  x ) [inline, static]

Shortcut to determine if a QStatus is not an OK status.

x QStatus object to check status
true if the status != OK
static implicit AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.QStatus.operator int ( QStatus  x ) [inline, static]

Gets the int value of the QStatus object.

x QStatus object to check status
the int value of the QStatus object
static implicit AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.QStatus.operator QStatus ( int  x ) [inline, static]

Static constructor.

x status to set for QStatus object
a new QStatus object
static implicit AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.QStatus.operator string ( QStatus  x ) [inline, static]

Gets the string representation of the QStatus value.

x QStatus object to get value from
the string representation of the QStatus value
static bool AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.QStatus.operator true ( QStatus  x ) [inline, static]

Shortcut to determine if a QStatus is an OK status.

x QStatus object to check status
true if the status == OK
static bool AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.QStatus.operator! ( QStatus  x ) [inline, static]

checks if the QStatus object does not equal OK

x QStatus object to compare against
true if the QStatus object does not equal OK
static bool AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.QStatus.operator!= ( QStatus  x,
    QStatus  y 
  )   [inline, static]

Checks if two QStatus objects are not equal.

x QStatus object to compare with
y QStatus object to compare against
true if two QStatus objects are not equal
static bool AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.QStatus.operator== ( QStatus  x,
    QStatus  y 
  )   [inline, static]

Compares the status value of two QStatus objects.

x QStatus object to compare with
y QStatus object to compare against
true if the status values are equal
override string AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.QStatus.ToString (   ) [inline]

Gets a string representing the QStatus value.

a string representing the QStatus value
The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
  • Status.cs





AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.SessionListener Class Reference

Abstract base class implemented by AllJoyn users and called by AllJoyn to inform users of session related events. More...

List of all members.


struct   SessionListenerCallbacks

Public Member Functions

  SessionListener ()
  Constructor for a SessionListener.
IntPtr  getAddr ()
  Request the raw pointer of the AllJoyn C SessionListener.
void  Dispose ()
  Dispose the SessionListener.

Protected Member Functions

virtual void  SessionLost (uint sessionId)
  Called by the bus when an existing session becomes disconnected.
virtual void  SessionMemberAdded (uint sessionId, string uniqueName)
  Called by the bus when a member of a multipoint session is added.
virtual void  SessionMemberRemoved (uint sessionId, string uniqueName)
  Called by the bus when a member of a multipoint session is removed.
virtual void  Dispose (bool disposing)
  Dispose the SessionListener.

Detailed Description

Abstract base class implemented by AllJoyn users and called by AllJoyn to inform users of session related events.

Member Function Documentation

virtual void AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.SessionListener.Dispose ( bool  disposing ) [inline, protected, virtual]

Dispose the SessionListener.

disposing describes if its activly being disposed
IntPtr AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.SessionListener.getAddr (   ) [inline]

Request the raw pointer of the AllJoyn C SessionListener.

the raw pointer of the AllJoyn C SessionListener
virtual void AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.SessionListener.SessionLost ( uint  sessionId ) [inline, protected, virtual]

Called by the bus when an existing session becomes disconnected.

sessionId Id of session that was lost.
virtual void AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.SessionListener.SessionMemberAdded ( uint  sessionId,
    string  uniqueName 
  )   [inline, protected, virtual]

Called by the bus when a member of a multipoint session is added.

sessionId Id of session whose member(s) changed.
uniqueName Unique name of member who was added.
virtual void AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.SessionListener.SessionMemberRemoved ( uint  sessionId,
    string  uniqueName 
  )   [inline, protected, virtual]

Called by the bus when a member of a multipoint session is removed.

sessionId Id of session whose member(s) changed.
uniqueName Unique name of member who was removed.
The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
  • SessionListener.cs





AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.SessionOpts Class Reference

SessionOpts contains a set of parameters that define a Session's characteristics. More...

List of all members.

Public Types

enum   TrafficType {Messages = 0x01, RawUnreliable = 0x02, RawReliable = 0x04 }
  Traffic type. More...
enum   ProximityType {Any = 0xFF, Physical = 0x01, Network = 0x02 }
  Proximity type.

Public Member Functions

  SessionOpts (TrafficType trafficType, bool isMultipoint, ProximityType proximity, TransportMask transports)
  Construct a SessionOpts with specific parameters.
bool  IsCompatible (SessionOpts other)
  Determine whether this SessionOpts is compatible with the SessionOpts offered by other.
void  Dispose ()
  Dispose the SessionOpts.

Static Public Member Functions

static int  Compare (SessionOpts one, SessionOpts other)
  Compare SessionOpts.

Protected Member Functions

virtual void  Dispose (bool disposing)
  Dispose the SessionOpts.


TrafficType  Traffic [get]
  < holds the Traffic type for this SessionOpt
bool  IsMultipoint [get]
  Multi-point session capable.
ProximityType  Proximity [get]
  Defines the proximity of the Session as Physical, Network, or Any.
TransportMask  Transports [get]
  Allowed Transports.

Detailed Description

SessionOpts contains a set of parameters that define a Session's characteristics.

Member Enumeration Documentation

enum AllJoynUnity::AllJoyn::SessionOpts::TrafficType

Traffic type.


Session carries message traffic.


Session carries an unreliable (lossy) byte stream.


Session carries a reliable byte stream.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.SessionOpts.SessionOpts ( TrafficType  trafficType,
    bool  isMultipoint,
    ProximityType  proximity,
    TransportMask  transports 
  )   [inline]

Construct a SessionOpts with specific parameters.

trafficType Type of traffic.
isMultipoint true iff session supports multipoint (greater than two endpoints).
proximity Proximity constraint bitmask.
transports Allowed transport types bitmask.

Member Function Documentation

static int AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.SessionOpts.Compare ( SessionOpts  one,
    SessionOpts  other 
  )   [inline, static]

Compare SessionOpts.

one the SessionOpts being compared to
other the SessionOpts being compared against
true if all of the SessionOpts parameters are the same
virtual void AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.SessionOpts.Dispose ( bool  disposing ) [inline, protected, virtual]

Dispose the SessionOpts.

disposing describes if its activly being disposed
bool AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.SessionOpts.IsCompatible ( SessionOpts  other ) [inline]

Determine whether this SessionOpts is compatible with the SessionOpts offered by other.

other Options to be compared against this one.
true iff this SessionOpts can use the option set offered by other.

Property Documentation

bool AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.SessionOpts.IsMultipoint [get]

Multi-point session capable.

A session is multi-point if it can be joined multiple times to form a single session with multi (greater than 2) endpoints. When false, each join attempt creates a new point-to-point session.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
  • SessionOpts.cs





AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.SessionPortListener Class Reference

Abstract base class implemented by AllJoyn users and called by AllJoyn to inform users of session related events. More...

List of all members.


struct   SessionPortListenerCallbacks

Public Member Functions

  SessionPortListener ()
  Constructor for SessionPortListener.
void  Dispose ()
  Dispose the SessionPortListener.

Protected Member Functions

virtual bool  AcceptSessionJoiner (ushort sessionPort, string joiner,SessionOpts opts)
  Accept or reject an incoming JoinSession request.
virtual void  SessionJoined (ushort sessionPort, uint sessionId, string joiner)
  Called by the bus when a session has been successfully joined.
virtual void  Dispose (bool disposing)
  Dispose the SessionPortListener.

Detailed Description

Abstract base class implemented by AllJoyn users and called by AllJoyn to inform users of session related events.

Member Function Documentation

virtual bool AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.SessionPortListener.AcceptSessionJoiner ( ushort  sessionPort,
    string  joiner,
    SessionOpts  opts 
  )   [inline, protected, virtual]

Accept or reject an incoming JoinSession request.

The session does not exist until this after this function returns.

This callback is only used by session creators. Therefore it is only called on listeners passed toBusAttachment.BindSessionPort.

sessionPort Session port that was joined.
joiner Unique name of potential joiner.
opts Session options requested by the joiner.
Return true if JoinSession request is accepted. false if rejected.
virtual void AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.SessionPortListener.Dispose ( bool  disposing ) [inline, protected, virtual]

Dispose the SessionPortListener.

disposing describes if its activly being disposed
virtual void AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.SessionPortListener.SessionJoined ( ushort  sessionPort,
    uint  sessionId,
    string  joiner 
  )   [inline, protected, virtual]

Called by the bus when a session has been successfully joined.

The session is now fully up.

This callback is only used by session creators. Therefore it is only called on listeners passed toBusAttachment.BindSessionPort.

sessionPort Session port that was joined.
sessionId Id of session.
joiner Unique name of the joiner.
The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
  • SessionPortListener.cs



-------------------------------------   End  ---------------------------------------


AllJoyn C# Unity API Reference Manual Version 3.2.0 (Thu Jan 17 2013 11:36:31)
Copyright © 2011-2013 Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc.
This document is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License; provided,
that (i) any source code incorporated in this document is licensed under the Apache License version 2.0
Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License





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