Data Structures, Fall 2007

Data Structures, Fall 2007


Course Information
Instructor Iris Hui-Ru Jiang ([email protected]) ext. 31211, ED540
Lecture Time Mondays B, Thursdays EF@EC016
(from Oct. 1st, 2007)

Text: E. Horowitz, S. Sahni, and D. P. Mehta, Fundamentals of Data Structures in C++, 2nd Ed., Silicon Press, 2007. ISBN: 0929306376.

Reference 1 H. Deitel and P. Deitel, C++ How to Program, 5th Ed., Prentice Hall, 2005. ISBN: 0131971093.
Reference 2 T. H. Cormen, C. E. Leiserson, R. L. Rivest, and C. Stein, Introduction to
Algorithms, 2nd Ed., MIT Press/McGraw Hill, 2001. ISBN: 0-262-03293-7/0-07-
Reference 3 J. Kleinberg and E. Tardos, Algorithm Design, Pearson, 2006. ISBN: 0-321-
TA Wan-Yu Lee and Liang-Gi Chang ([email protected]) ext. 54236, ED518
Grading Information Final status: grading (2008/02/02)


1. Final grading (2008/02/02)
2. Happy Chinese New Year!


Syllabus syllabus (2007/09/10)
Administrative Matters lec0 (2007/09/18)
Article �ڤ����D-���a�P (2007/07/30 �p��) (2007/09/18)
Article Why universities require CS students to take math? (2007/09/18)


Steve Jobs' commencement address at Stanford, June 2005 (2008/01/03)



Chapter 1 lec1 (2007/09/19, pp. 16-25 slightly modified, pp. 26-40 added)
Chapter 2 lec2 (2007/10/05, pp. 17, 18, 23, 24 updated)
Chapter 3 lec3 (2007/10/24, pp. 29-37 added)
Chapter 4 lec4 (2007/11/04, pp. 39~ added)
Chapter 5 lec5 (2008/01/14, pp. 27, 30, 58 updaed)
Chapter 6 lec6 (2008/01/14, pp. 23, 36 updated)
Chapter 7 lec7 (2007/12/28, pp. 12, 13, 20, 21 updated)
Chapter 8 lec8 (2008/01/01, pp. 8 updated)


Homework 1

hw1 (2007/09/20) readme (2007/09/27) ex1 (2007/09/28) solution (2007/11/05)

Homework 2

hw2 (2007/10/05) readme (2007/10/18) solution (2007/11/05)

Homework 3

hw3 (2007/10/25) readme (2007/10/29) solution (2007/11/12)

Program 2

prog2 (2007/11/05, updated in BLUE) due 11:59pm, Nov. 11. Late submission open! (2007/11/15)

Homework 4

hw4 (2007/11/05) solution (2007/11/12, 10% bonus)

Program 3

prog3 (2007/11/23) test cases (2007/12/01) readme (2007/12/06)

Homework 5

hw5 (2007/12/14) solution (2008/01/08)

Program 4

prog4 (2008/01/01, modification is highlighted in red) test cases (2007/12/21) example (2008/01/03, pp. 4 updated) demo (2008/01/07)

Homework 6

hw6 (2007/12/28) solution (2008/01/08)





1. MIT's OpenCourseWare - free online course materials for self learners.
2. Algorithms - Prof. Y.-W. Chang, NTU GIEE, Fall 2006
3. Communications of the ACM
4. IEEE Spectrum
5. STL consists of numerous implementations for data structures, graph algorithms, etc.
6. LEDA also consists of numerous implementations for data structures, graph algorithms, etc.
7. Microsoft Developer Network has nice documents.
8. Source codes for the textbook.
9. Microsoft Developer Network has nice documents.

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