

DISCLAIMER: The views expressed here are my own and don't necessarily represent my employer Emulex's positions, strategies or opinions.

In the last blog  http://bit.ly/u5PqEx , I described how I installed a 6 node Swift cluster on a set of EC2 machines. I mentioned that Swift is the only production-ready open-source software available to build your own S3 like cloud storage (there are other alternative technologies that merit observation such as CEPH to see how they mature). So it is only logical that we try putting S3 APIs on top of the Swift cluster. The reason I am such a big fan of S3 APIs is that the API is a de-facto standard for cloud storage. Numerous applications utilize the S3 API and creating a storage system that exposes this API provides instant interoperability with those applications.

Fortunately, the Diablo version of OpenStack Swift comes with optional S3 APIs that can be enabled. Let's enable and then test-drive the S3 APIs.

Read also:  http://docs.openstack.org/diablo/openstack-object-storage/admin/content/configuring-openstack-object-storage-with-s3_api.html

Server Operations

1. Log into the proxy server. Modify proxy-server.conf file in /etc/swift as follows. Changes in bold:

[pipeline:main] pipeline = healthcheck cache swift3 swauth proxy-server
use = egg:swift#swift3

2. Restart the proxy server:

sudo swift-init proxy restart

That's it, we're done on the server side!

Access Swift with S3 APIs from Windows

3.  Now we go back to our client machine. Let's first try accessing our S3 cloud storage cluster from Windows. Fire up CyberDuck and use this step (substitute with your hostname) to access:

CyberDuck Accessing S3 APIs on top of Swift
Access Swift with S3 APIs from Linux

4. Now let's try accessing our S3 cluster from a Linux machine. First let's try using s3curl. First install S3curl from  http://aws.amazon.com/code/128  onto your Linux client machine.

5.  Modify s3curl.pl with your hostname similar to follows:

my @endpoints = ( 'ec2-184-73-4-50.compute-1.amazonaws.com' );

6. Let's access our storage system using s3curl. Substitute with your hostname:

# Get a listing of buckets
./s3curl.pl --id 'test:tester' --key 'testing' --get -- -k -v -s  https://ec2-184-73-4-50.compute-1.amazonaws.com

# Get a listing of myfiles bucket
/s3curl.pl --id 'test:tester' --key 'testing' --get -- -k -v -s  https://ec2-184-73-4-50.compute-1.amazonaws.com/myfiles

# Get an object from the myfiles bucket
./s3curl.pl --id 'test:tester' --key 'testing' --get -- -k -v -s  https://ec2-184-73-4-50.compute-1.amazonaws.com/myfiles/anotherexample.txt

# Create a new bucket
./s3curl.pl --id 'test:tester' --key 'testing' --put /dev/null -- -k -v -s  https://ec2-184-73-4-50.compute-1.amazonaws.com/AnotherBucket

# Add an object in the new bucket
./s3curl.pl --id 'test:tester' --key 'testing' --put ./s3curl.pl -- -k -v -s  https://ec2-184-73-4-50.compute-1.amazonaws.com/AnotherBucket/s3curl.pl

# Get the object back with a new name
./s3curl.pl --id 'test:tester' --key 'testing' --get -- -k -v -s https://ec2-184-73-4-50.compute-1.amazonaws.com/AnotherBucket/s3curl.pl > s3curl.pl.copy

# Delete the newly created object
./s3curl.pl --id 'test:tester' --key 'testing' --del -- -k -v -s https://ec2-184-73-4-50.compute-1.amazonaws.com/AnotherBucket/s3curl.pl

# Check to see that the object is indeed deleted
./s3curl.pl --id 'test:tester' --key 'testing' --get -- -k -v -s https://ec2-184-73-4-50.compute-1.amazonaws.com/AnotherBucket

# Delete the newly created bucket
./s3curl.pl --id 'test:tester' --key 'testing' --del -- -k -v -s https://ec2-184-73-4-50.compute-1.amazonaws.com/AnotherBucket

# Check to see that the bucket is indeed deleted
./s3curl.pl --id 'test:tester' --key 'testing' --get -- -k -v -s https://ec2-184-73-4-50.compute-1.amazonaws.com

7. Now let's try using the Python boto library. First install the library from  http://code.google.com/p/boto/downloads/detail?name=boto-2.1.0.tar.gz&can=2&q= .

8. Let's try it out. Replace the hostname with your hostname:

akapadia@ubuntu:~/boto-2.1.0$ python

from boto.s3.connection import S3Connection
from boto.s3.key import Key
import sys
from boto.s3.connection import OrdinaryCallingFormat
from boto.s3.prefix import Prefix
conn = S3Connection(aws_access_key_id='test:tester',aws_secret_access_key='testing',host='ec2-184-73-4-50.compute-1.amazonaws.com',calling_format=OrdinaryCallingFormat())
bucket = conn.get_bucket('myfiles')

# List all buckets
rs = conn.get_all_buckets()
for b in rs:
     print b.name

# Get a listing of myfiles bucket
bucket = conn.get_bucket('myfiles')
rs = bucket.list()
for key in rs:
     print key.name

# Create a new bucket - backup

bucket = conn.create_bucket('backup')

# List all buckets to make sure it got created
rs = conn.get_all_buckets()
for b in rs:
     print b.name

# Create an object in the new bucket backup

k = Key(bucket)
k.key = 'tobject'
k.set_contents_from_string('This is a test of S3')

# Get the object back
b = conn.get_bucket('backup')
k = Key(b)
k.key = 'tobject'

That's all for now. Pretty amazing, with Swift we can now build our own Amazon S3 like Storage!
