open flash chart2使用详解






  "open-flash-chart.swf", "my_chart",
  "600", "350", "9.0.0", "expressInstall.swf",
参数分别是  swf 文件的路径,图表容器的id,长、宽,data-file为提供数据的文件的路径,;loading用于自定义等待图表加载时的显示文字


include 'php-ofc-library/open-flash-chart.php';

$title = new title( "广告点击" );
$title->set_style( "{font-size: 20px; font-weight: bold; color: #172229; text-align: center;}" );

$vals = array();
$x_labels = array();

$x_labels[] = '海尔'; $vals[] = 500;
$x_labels[] = '360buy'; $vals[] = 350;
$x_labels[] = '卓越'; $vals[] = 400;
$x_labels[] = 'baidu'; $vals[] = 700;
$x_labels[] = 'google'; $vals[] = 200;

$d = new hollow_dot();

$line = new line();
$line->set_values( $vals );

$chart = new open_flash_chart();
$chart->set_title( $title );
$chart->add_element( $line );

$y_legend = new y_legend( '活动计划' );
$y_legend->set_style( '{font-size: 22px; color: #778877}' );
$chart->set_y_legend( $y_legend );

$bar = new bar_filled( '#E2D66A', '#577261' );
$bar->set_values( array(200,500,800,450,650) );
$chart->add_element( $bar );

$bar1 = new bar_filled( '#BF3B69', '#577261' );
$bar1->set_values( array(230,580,800,230,150) );
$chart->add_element( $bar1 );
// create a Y Axis object
$y = new y_axis_right();
// these number crash the chart :-(
//$y->set_range( 35000000, 52000000, 1000000 );
$y->set_range( 0, 2000, 1 );
$y->set_stroke( 3 );
$y->set_colour( '#3D5C56' );
$y->set_tick_length( 12 );
$y->set_steps( 200 );
//$y->set_labels( array('Zero','One','Two','Three','Four','Five','Six','Seven','Eight') );

// Add the Y Axis object to the chart:
$chart->set_y_axis_right( $y );

$x = new x_axis();
$chart->set_x_axis( $x );

echo $chart->toPrettyString();
open flash chart2使用详解_第1张图片


  /* 图表标题 */
  "title" : 
    "text" : "Many data lines", 		/* 标题文本 */
    "style" : "{font-size: 30px;}"	/* CSS样式 */

   "is_decimal_separator_comma": 0,		/* (0/1),是否用逗号替换小数点 */
   "is_fixed_num_decimals_forced": 1,	/* (0/1),是否强制小数点后面的位数 */
   "num_decimals":3,		/* 精度,即小数点后面的位数,需要配合上面参数一起使用 */
   "is_thousand_separator_disabled": 0,		/* (0/1),是否使用千位分隔符 */

  /* X轴标题(X轴下方) */
  "x_legend" : 
    "text" : "x_legend",				/* 标题文本 */
    "style" : "{font-size: 12px; color:#736AFF;}"		/* CSS样式 */

  /* Y轴标题(Y轴左方) */
  "y_legend" : 
    "text" : "y_legend",				/* 标题文本 */
    "style" : "{font-size: 12px; color:#2F55FF;}"		/* CSS样式 */

	/* 右Y轴标题(Y轴右方) */
   "y2_legend" : 
    "text" : "右Y轴",				/* 标题文本 */
    "style" : "{font-size: 12px; color:#2F55FF;}"		/* CSS样式 */
	/* X轴 */ 
	"x_axis" : 
	  "stroke" : 2, /* X轴的粗细 */
	  "tick-height" : 15, /* X轴刻度的长度 */
	  "colour" : "#df0fd0", /* 颜色 */ 
	  "grid-colour": "#00ff00",/* 网格线的颜色 */
	  "offset" : 1,/* (0/1), 是否根据数据图形和标签的宽度进行延展 */
	  "3d" : 0, /* 显示3D */
	  "steps" : 0.5, /* 刻度间隔 */
				"rotate": "vertical", /* 垂直方向显示标签 */
				"size":13, /* 字体大小 */
				"steps": 2, /* 整数,标签间隔 */
				"visible-steps": 3, /* 可见标签间隔,会覆盖上面参数 */
				"align":"center", /* 旋转的标签居中对齐,默认是较高的一端对其到刻度上 */ 
							{"text":"February", "visible":true, "colour":"ff0000", "rotate":-60}, 
	/* Y轴 */ 
		"stroke": 4, 
		"tick-length": 3, 
		"colour": "#d000d0",
		 "grid-colour": "#00ff00", 
		"offset": 0, 
		"max": 20
	 /* 右Y轴 */
		"stroke":      4,
		"tick-length": 3,
		"colour":      "#d000d0",
		"grid-colour": "#00ff00",
		"offset":      0,
		"max":         20
	/* 数据元素 */ 
			"type": "bar", /* 关于柱图类型参考“bar-all-onlick.json” (从官网下载ofc2完整包的话可以找到这个文件)*/ 
			"alpha": 0.5, 
			"colour": "#9933CC", 
			"text": "Page views", 
			"font-size": 10, 
			"on-show": { /* 展现样式 */ 
							 "type": "pop", /* 弹出方式, 此外还有 drop 和 grow-up */ 
							 "cascade":1, /* 不通柱子之间的间隔时间为 1 */ 
							 "delay":0.5 /* 延迟时间 */ 
			"values" : [9,6,7,9,5,
			"type": "line", /* 展示类型 —— 折线图 */ 
			"colour": "#9933CC", /* 线条颜色 */ 
			"width": 2, /* 线条粗细 */ 
			"text": "Page views", /* 数据标题(Y轴上方) */ 
			"font-size": 10, /* 数据标题字体大小 */ 
			"dot-size": 6, 
			"values" : [15,18,19,14,17,18,15,18,17] 
	/* 鼠标提示信息 */ 
		"shadow":true, /* 提示框影子 */ 
		"mouse":2, /* 1 - 滑动样式,2 - 非滑动样式,折线图不支持*/ 
		"stroke":5, /* 边框粗细 */ 
		"rounded": 12, /* 边角圆滑程度 */ 
		"colour":"#00d000", /* 边框颜色 */ 
		"background":"#d0d0ff", /* 背景颜色 */ 
		"title":"{font-size: 14px; color: #905050;}", /* 标题样式 */ 
		"body":"{font-size: 10px; font-weight: bold; color: #9090ff;}" /* 本体样式 */ 

    /* 图表标题 */
	[title] => Array
            [text] => Many data lines /* 标题文本 */
            [style] => {font-size: 30px;} /* CSS样式 */  

    [is_decimal_separator_comma] => 0  /* (0/1),是否用逗号替换小数点 */ 
    [is_fixed_num_decimals_forced] => 1 /* (0/1),是否强制小数点后面的位数 */ 
    [num_decimals] => 3 /* 精度,即小数点后面的位数,需要配合上面参数一起使用 */ 
    [is_thousand_separator_disabled] => 0 /* (0/1),是否使用千位分隔符 */  
   /* X轴标题(X轴下方) */     
   [x_legend] => Array
            [text] => x_legend   /* 标题文本 */
            [style] => {font-size: 12px; color:#736AFF;} /* CSS样式 */ 
	 /* Y轴标题(Y轴左方) */
    [y_legend] => Array
            [text] => y_legend 
            [style] => {font-size: 12px; color:#2F55FF;}
	/* 右Y轴标题(右Y轴右方) */
    [y2_legend] => Array
            [text] => y_legend 
            [style] => {font-size: 12px; color:#2F55FF;}
	/* X轴 */ 
    [x_axis] => Array
            [stroke] => 2 /* X轴的粗细 */ 
            [tick-height] => 15 /* X轴刻度的长度 */
            [colour] => #df0fd0 /* 颜色 */
            [grid-colour] => #00ff00  /* 网格线的颜色 */
            [offset] => 1 /* (0/1), 是否根据数据图形和标签的宽度进行延展 */
            [3d] => 0 /* 显示3D */ 
            [steps] => 0.5 /* 刻度间隔 */
            [min] => 0 
            [max] => 8 
            [labels] => Array
                    [rotate] => vertical /* 垂直方向显示标签 */ 
                    [size] => 13  /* 字体大小 */ 
                    [steps] => 2   /* 整数,标签间隔 */
                    [visible-steps] => 3  /* 可见标签间隔,会覆盖上面参数 */
                    [align] => center  /* 旋转的标签居中对齐,默认是较高的一端对其到刻度上 */ 
                    [labels] => Array
                            [0] => January
                            [1] => Array
                                    [text] => February
                                    [visible] => 1
                                    [colour] => ff0000
                                    [rotate] => -60

                            [2] => March
                            [3] => Array
                                    [text] => April
                                    [colour] => #00D000

                            [4] => May
                            [5] => June
                            [6] => July
                            [7] => August
                            [8] => September


	/* Y轴 */  
    [y_axis] => Array
            [stroke] => 4
            [tick-length] => 3
            [colour] => #d000d0
            [grid-colour] => #00ff00
            [offset] => 0
            [max] => 20
	/* 右Y轴 */  
    [y_axis_right] => Array
            [stroke] => 4
            [tick-length] => 3
            [colour] => #d000d0
            [grid-colour] => #00ff00
            [offset] => 0
            [max] => 20
	/* 数据元素 */ 
    [elements] => Array
            [0] => Array
                    [type] => bar  /* 关于柱图类型参考“bar-all-onlick.json” (从官网下载ofc2完整包的话可以找到这个文件)*/
                    [alpha] => 0.5 //透明度
                    [colour] => #9933CC
                    [text] => Page views
                    [font-size] => 10
                    [on-show] => Array
                            [type] => pop  /* 展现样式 */ 
                            [cascade] => 1 /* 弹出方式, 此外还有 drop 和 grow-up */
                            [delay] => 0.5 /* 延迟时间 */ 

                    [values] => Array
                            [0] => 9
                            [1] => 6
                            [2] => 7
                            [3] => 9
                            [4] => 5
                            [5] => Array
                                    [top] => 7
                                    [bottom] => 2
                                    [colour] => #A03030
                                    [tip] => #top#<br>hello/n#val#
                                    [on-click] => #

                            [6] => 6
                            [7] => 
                            [8] => 7


            [1] => Array
                    [type] => line  /* 展示类型 —— 折线图 */
                    [colour] => #9933CC
                    [width] => 2
                    [text] => Page views  /* 数据标题(Y轴上方) */
                    [font-size] => 10  /* 数据标题字体大小 */
                    [dot-size] => 6
                    [values] => Array
                            [0] => 15
                            [1] => 18
                            [2] => 19
                            [3] => 14
                            [4] => 17
                            [5] => 18
                            [6] => 15
                            [7] => 18
                            [8] => 17


	/* 鼠标提示信息 */
    [tooltip] => Array
            [shadow] => 1 /* 提示框影子 */
            [mouse] => 2  /* 1 - 滑动样式,2 - 非滑动样式,折线图不支持*/
            [stroke] => 5 /* 边框粗细 */ 
            [rounded] => 12 /* 边角圆滑程度 */ 
            [colour] => #00d000 /* 边框颜色 */
            [background] => #d0d0ff /* 背景颜色 */
            [title] => {font-size: 14px; color: #905050;} /* 标题样式 */
            [body] => {font-size: 10px; font-weight: bold; color: #9090ff;} /* 本体样式 */ 



<script type="text/javascript" src="../js/json/json2.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/swfobject.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
swfobject.embedSWF("open-flash-chart.swf", "my_chart", "350", "200", "9.0.0");
<script type="text/javascript">
function ofc_ready()
function open_flash_chart_data()
    alert( 'reading data' );
    return JSON.stringify(data);

function findSWF(movieName) {
  if (navigator.appName.indexOf("Microsoft")!= -1) {
    return window[movieName];
  } else {
    return document[movieName];
var data = “我们准备的json数据”;

<p>Hello World</p>
<div id="my_chart"></div>

<script type="text/javascript" src="js/json/json2.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/swfobject.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
swfobject.embedSWF("open-flash-chart.swf", "my_chart", "350", "200", "9.0.0");

<script type="text/javascript">

function ofc_ready()

function open_flash_chart_data()
    alert( 'reading data' );
    return JSON.stringify(data_1);

function load_1()
  tmp = findSWF("my_chart");
  x = tmp.load( JSON.stringify(data_1) );

function load_2()
  alert("loading data_2");
  tmp = findSWF("my_chart");
  x = tmp.load( JSON.stringify(data_2) );

function findSWF(movieName) {
  if (navigator.appName.indexOf("Microsoft")!= -1) {
    return window[movieName];
  } else {
    return document[movieName];
var data_1 = <?php echo $chart_1->toPrettyString(); ?>;
var data_2 = <?php echo $chart_2->toPrettyString(); ?>;



<p>Open Flash Chart</p>

<div id="my_chart"></div>
<a href="javascript:load_1()">display data_1</a> || <a href="javascript:load_2()">display data_2</a>
Don't forget to 'view source' to see how the Javascript JSON data is loaded.


你可能感兴趣的:(open flash chart2使用详解)