DataTable.AcceptChanges 方法

提交自上次调用 AcceptChanges 以来对该表进行的所有更改。

调用 AcceptChanges 时,任何仍处于编辑模式的 DataRow 对象将成功结束其编辑。DataRowState 也发生更改:所有Added 和 Modified 行成为 UnchangedDeleted 行被移除。

private void AcceptOrReject(DataTable table) { // If there are errors, try to reconcile. if(!table.HasErrors) { if(Reconcile(table)) { // Fixed all errors. table.AcceptChanges(); } else { // Couldn'table fix all errors. table.RejectChanges(); } } else // If no errors, AcceptChanges. table.AcceptChanges(); } private bool Reconcile(DataTable thisTable) { foreach(DataRow row in thisTable.Rows) { //Insert code to try to reconcile error. // If there are still errors return immediately // since the caller rejects all changes upon error. if(row.HasErrors) return false; } return true; }  

