Python OpenCV 2.1 Ubuntu packages


Python OpenCV 2.1 Ubuntu packages

注解:Ubuntu下安装python-opencv比较容易,但在默认源apt-get获取的版本是1.0版本的,此版本的python-opencv的demo不全,而且里面有很多重要的函数没有实现,如极为重要的ROI设置函数cvSetImageROI等。 这个python-openv 2.1在网上有Referrence,需要参照这里。cvSetImageROI也得到了实现。具体安装见下文:


Yesterday OpenCV 2.1 was released. There are not many new features, this is more a stability update. Last week I did an update of my OpenCV 2.0 Ubuntu packages so they include the new Python API. I'm happy I did this, since now the packaging is OpenCV 2.1 ready. I've made packages for 2.1 and put them in my PPA.

I've made some small changes:

  • libcv4, libhighgui4 and libcvaux4 are replaced by one opencv library packagelibopencv0.
  • This is the same for libcv-dev, libhighgui-dev and libcvaux-dev, they are replaced by libopencv-dev.
  • Python API can use Numpy, this is enabled. This means the Python package depends on python-numpy.
  • There is a new package named opencv which contains the training binaries. This package depends on the libraries, so it also acts as a sort of meta package.
  • All documentation is in the opencv-doc package and is installed in/usr/share/doc/opencv.
Now go to the  PPA and install them!. Instructions are on the PPA website. let me know if there are some problems with these packages, but please don't e-mail me about OpenCV related questions. Use the  OpenCV user group for this.
Original From Here

