使用Microsoft CryptoAPI进行加密、解密、签名及验证

一、    程序概况
a)    开发平台:Visual Studio 2005
b)    开发语言:C/C++
c)    使用密码库:CryptoAPI
二、    主要函数
a)    主函数
void main(void)
b)    加密文件
BOOL EncryptFile(PCHAR szSource, PCHAR szDestination, PCHAR szPassword);
c)    解密文件
BOOL DecryptFile(PCHAR szSource, PCHAR szDestination, PCHAR szPassword);
d)    签名文件
BOOL SignFile (PCHAR szSource, PCHAR szDestination);
e)    验证签名
BOOL VerifyFile (PCHAR szSource, PCHAR szDestination);
f)     错误处理
void HandleError(char *s);
三、    加密文件
a)    打开源文件
hSource = fopen(szSource,"rb")
b)    取得密钥容器(CSP)句柄
c)    根据用户输入的密码创建一个会话密钥(即对称密钥,用于对原文件加密)
CryptCreateHash(hCryptProv,CALG_MD5, 0, 0, &hHash)
CryptHashData(hHash, (BYTE *)szPassword, strlen(szPassword), 0)
CryptDeriveKey(hCryptProv, ENCRYPT_ALGORITHM,hHash, KEYLENGTH, &hKey))
d)    加密数据文件
hKey,               // 密钥
0,                    // 如果数据同时进行散列和加密,这里传入一个散列对象
feof(hSource), // 如果是最后一个被加密的块,输入 TRUE. 如果不是输
// FALSE 这里通过判断是否到文件尾来决定是否为最后一块
0,                    // 保留
pbBuffer,          // 输入被加密数据,输出加密后的数据
&dwCount,       // 输入被加密数据实际长度,输出加密后数据长度
dwBufferLen)    //pbBuffer 的大小
e)    清理工作,如释放Buffer空间、密钥句柄、CSP句柄等。
CryptReleaseContext(hCryptProv, 0);
四、    解密文件
a)    打开加密文件(同上)
b)    取得密钥容器(CSP)句柄(同上)
c)    根据用户输入的密码创建一个会话密钥(即对称密钥,用于对原文件解密)(同上)
d)    解密数据文件
hKey,               // 密钥
0,                    // 如果数据同时进行散列和加密,这里传入一个散列对象
feof(hSource), // 如果是最后一个被加密的块,输入 TRUE. 如果不是输 .
// FALSE 这里通过判断是否到文件尾来决定是否为最后一块。
0,                    // 保留
pbBuffer,          // 输入被加密数据,输出加密后的数据
&dwCount))           // 输入被加密数据实际长度,输出加密后数据长度
e)    清理工作,如释放Buffer空间、密钥句柄、CSP句柄等。(同上)
五、    签名文件
a)    打开源文件(同上)
b)    取得密钥容器(CSP)句柄(同上)
c)    取得签名用的密钥句柄(非对称RSA密钥)
hCryptProv,               // 我们已经得到的 CSP 句柄
AT_SIGNATURE,            // 这里想得到 signature key pair
&hKey))                       // 返回密钥句柄
d)    导出签名用密钥对的公钥,保存在pbKeyBlob中
CryptExportKey(hKey, NULL,PUBLICKEYBLOB, 0, pbKeyBlob,&dwBlobLen)
e)    计算数据文件的Hash值,保存在Hash对象hHash中
f)     对数据文件的Hash值进行签名,数字签名保存在pbSignature中
CryptSignHash(hHash, AT_SIGNATURE, NULL, 0, pbSignature, &dwSigLen)
g)    清理工作,如释放Buffer空间、密钥句柄、CSP句柄等。(同上)
六、    验证签名
a)    打开文件(同上)
b)    取得密钥容器(CSP)句柄(同上)
c)    导入 pbKeyBlob 公钥
CryptImportKey(hCryptProv, pbKeyBlob, dwBlobLen, 0, 0, &hPubKey)
d)    计算数据文件的Hash值,保存在Hash对象hHash中。(同上)
e)    验证数字签名
CryptVerifySignature(hHash, pbSignature, dwSigLen,hPubKey,NULL, 0)
f)     清理工作,如释放Buffer空间、密钥句柄、CSP句柄等。(同上)
七、    实验结果
// 加密文件
Encrypt a file.
Enter the name of the file to be encrypted: 1.txt
Enter the name of the output file: 2.txt
Enter the password:123456
The source plaintext file, 1.txt, is open.
Destination file 2.txt is open.
A cryptographic provider has been acquired.
A hash object has been created.
The password has been added to the hash.
An encryption key is derived from the password hash.
Memory has been allocated for the buffer.
Encryption of the file 1.txt was a success.
The encrypted data is in file 2.txt.
// 解密文件
Decrypt a file.
Enter the name of the file to be decrypted: 2.txt
Enter the name of the output file: 3.txt
Enter the password:123456
The source plaintext file, 2.txt, is open.
Destination file 3.txt is open.
A cryptographic provider has been acquired.
A hash object has been created.
The password has been added to the hash.
An encryption key is derived from the password hash.
Memory has been allocated for the buffer.
Decryption of the file 2.txt was a success.
The decrypted data is in file 3.txt.
// 数字签名
Sign a file.
Enter the name of the file to be signed: 1.txt
Enter the name of the signature file: 11
The source plaintext file, 1.txt, is open.
Memory has been allocated for the buffer.
Destination file 11 is open.
A cryptographic provider has been acquired.
A signature key is available.
Size of the BLOB for the public key determined.
Memory has been allocated for the BLOB.
Contents have been written to the BLOB.
Hash object created.
The data buffer has been hashed.
Signature length 128 found.
Memory allocated for the signature.
pbSignature is the hash signature.
The hash object has been destroyed.
The signing phase of this program is completed.
Signature of the file 1.txt was a success.
The signature data is in file 11.
// 验证签名
Verify a file and its signature.
Enter the name of the file to be verified: 1.txt
Enter the name of the signature file: 11
The source plaintext file, 1.txt, is open.
Memory has been allocated for the buffer.
A cryptographic provider has been acquired.
The key has been imported.
The hash object has been recreated.
The new has been created.
The signature has been verified.
Verification of the file 1.txt was a success.
八、    参考资料
1)      Microsoft CryptoAPI加密技术
2)      MSDN

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