

[lingyun@localhostlinux-3.0]$ vt100

[lingyun@localhostlinux-3.0]$ make menuconfig

Filesystems  --->

[*]Miscellaneous filesystems  --->

<*>   Journalling Flash File System v2 (JFFS2)support

(0)     JFFS2 debugging verbosity (0 = quiet, 2 =noisy)

[*]     JFFS2 write-buffering support

[ ]       Verify JFFS2 write-buffer reads

[ ]     JFFS2 summary support (EXPERIMENTAL)

[ ]     JFFS2 XATTR support (EXPERIMENTAL)

[ ]     Advanced compression options for JFFS2

[lingyun@localhostlinux-3.0]$ sudo make

[lingyun@localhostlinux-3.0]$ cp uImage-s3c2440.gz/tftp/yz_jfs2uImage-2440.gz



[lingyun@localhostyangzheng]$ mkdir mtd-utiles

[lingyun@localhostyangzheng]$ cd mtd-utiles/

[lingyun@localhostmtd-utiles]$ vim build.sh




#|Description:  This shellscript used to download lzo,zlib,mtd-utils source code

#|              and crosscompile it for ARM Linux, all is static cross compile.

#|     Author:  yangzheng <yz2012ww@gmail.com>

#|  ChangeLog:

#|           1, Initialize 1.0.0on 2011.04.12










function decompress_packet()



   echo "|  Decompress $1 now" 




    case "$ftype" in

       "$1: Ziparchive"*)

           unzip"$1" ;;

       "$1: gzip compressed"*)

           if [ `expr"$1" : ".*.tar.*" ` ] ; then

               tar -xzf $1


               gzip -d"$1"

           fi ;;

       "$1: bzip2compressed"*)

           if [ `expr"$1" : ".*.tar.*" ` ] ; then

               tar -xjf $1



           fi ;;

       "$1: POSIX tararchive"*)

           tar -xf"$1" ;;


          echo "$1 isunknow compress format";;




# Download lzo source code packet

if [ ! -s $LZO.tar.gz ] ; then




# Decompress lzo source code packet

if [ ! -d $LZO ] ; then




# Cross compile lzo


cd  $LZO

if [ ! -s src/.libs/liblzo*.a ] ; then

    unset LDFLAGS

    ./configure  --enable-static --disable-shared



cd  -



echo "+----------------------------------------+"

echo "|  Cross compile$ZLIB now " 

echo "| Crosstool: $CROSS"

echo "+----------------------------------------+"


# Download zlib source code packet

if [ ! -s $ZLIB.tar* ] ; then

#wget http://www.zlib.net/$ZLIB.tar.gz


   #wget http://down1.chinaunix.net/distfiles/$ZLIB.tar.bz2

wget http://pkgs.fedoraproject.org/repo/pkgs/zlib/zlib-1.2.5.tar.bz2/be1e89810e66150f5b0327984d8625a0/$ZLIB.tar.bz2



# Decompress zlib source code packet

if [ ! -d $ZLIB ] ; then




#Cross compile zlib


cd  $ZLIB

if [ ! -s libz.a ] ; then

    unset LDFLAGS

    ./configure  --static



cd  -



echo "+----------------------------------------+"

echo "|  Cross compilee2fsprogsV$e2fsprogs_ver now " 

echo "| Crosstool: $CROSS"

echo "+----------------------------------------+"

#e2fsprogs is for UBIFS, download e2fsprogs source code packet

if [ ! -s e2fsprogs-$e2fsprogs_ver.tar.gz ] ; then




# Decompress e2fsprogs source code packet

if [ ! -d e2fsprogs-$e2fsprogs_ver ] ; then




cd e2fsprogs-$e2fsprogs_ver

if [ ! -s lib/libuuid.a ] ; then




cd -


echo "+----------------------------------------+"

echo "|  Cross compilemtd-utils now " 

echo "| Crosstool: $CROSS"

echo "+----------------------------------------+"


if [ ! -s ${mtd}.tar.bz2 ] ; then



decompress_packet ${mtd}.tar.bz2


# download mtd-utils source code

#if [ ! -d  mtd-utils* ] ;then

   #git clonegit://git.infradead.org/mtd-utils.git




cd ${mtd}

#Add the CROSS tool in file common.mk


line=`sed -n '/CFLAGS ?= -O2 -g/=' common.mk `

if [ ! -z $line ] ; then

    sed -i -e${line}s"|.*|CFLAGS ?= -O2 -g --static|" common.mk




unset CFLAGS


set -x

export CFLAGS="-DWITHOUT_XATTR -I$PRJ_PATH/$ZLIB-I$PRJ_PATH/$LZO/include -I$PRJ_PATH/e2fsprogs-$e2fsprogs_ver/lib"


export LZOLDFLAGS=-L$PRJ_PATH/$LZO/src/.libs/

export LDFLAGS="-static -L $PRJ_PATH/e2fsprogs-$e2fsprogs_ver/lib$ZLIBLDFLAGS $LZOLDFLAGS"



set -x

#strip nandwrite flash_erase nanddump

#sudo cp nandwrite $INST_PATH/.nandwrite

#sudo cp flash_erase $INST_PATH/.flash_erase

#sudo cp nanddump $INST_PATH/.nanddump

[lingyun@localhostmtd-utiles]$ sh build.sh

[lingyun@localhostmtd-utiles]$ ls

build.sh        e2fsprogs-1.42.tar.gz  lzo-2.04.tar.gz  mtd-utils-1.4.9.tar.bz2  zlib-1.2.7.tar.gz

e2fsprogs-1.42  lzo-2.04               mtd-utils-1.4.9  zlib-1.2.7

[lingyun@localhostmtd-utils-1.4.9]$ file mkfs.jffs2

mkfs.jffs2:ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (GNU/Linux), statically linked,not stripped

[lingyun@localhostmtd-utils-1.4.9]$ sudo cp mkfs.jffs2 /usr/local/bin/



[lingyun@localhostyangzheng]$ sudo mkfs.jffs2 -n -s 2048 -e 128KiB -d rootfs -o rootfs.jffs2--pad=0x1400000

[lingyun@localhostyangzheng]$ ls

busybox-1.20.2          linux-3.0          mkimage  mtd-utiles rootfs         rootfs.jffs2

busybox-1.20.2.tar.bz2  linux-3.0.tar.bz2  mnt     ramdisk.gz  rootfs.cramfs

[lingyun@localhostyangzheng]$ du -h rootfs.jffs2

20M     rootfs.jffs2

[lingyun@localhostyangzheng]$ cp rootfs.jffs2 /tftp/

(1)-r :指定根文件系统目录.
(2)-o : 指定输出的根文件系统名.
(3)-s : 指定flash每一页的大小;
(3)-e : 指定flash的檫除块的大小,預設是64KB.
要注意,不同的flash, 其page size和block size會不一樣.,如果是K9F2G08U0M,在它的datasheet上有说明:


1 Page = (2K+64)Bytes
1 Block = (2K+64)Bytes = (128K+4K) Bytes
1 Device = (2K+64)B * 64Pages * 2048 Blocks = 2112 Mbits
所以上面指定:"s 2048 -e 128KiB"。




则上面指定: "s512 -e 16KiB"
(5)如果挂载后会出现类似:CLEANMARKERnode found at 0x0042c000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0  的警告,则加上 -n 就会消失。

(5) -n 指明不添加清除标记(nandflash 有自己的校检块,存放相关的信息。)
       CLEANMARKER node found at0x0042c000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0


[lingyun@localhost yangzheng]$ uname -a

Linux localhost.localdomain 2.6.32-279.el6.x86_64#1 SMP Fri Jun 22 12:19:21 UTC 2012 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

[lingyun@localhost yangzheng]]$ modprobemtdblock

FATAL: Error inserting mtdblock(/lib/modules/2.6.32-279.el6.x86_64/kernel/drivers/mtd/mtdblock.ko):Operation not permitted

[lingyun@localhost yangzheng]$ sudomodprobe mtdblock

[lingyun@localhost yangzheng]$ sudomodprobe mtdram total_size=20480 erase_size=128

[lingyun@localhost yangzheng]$ ls/dev/mtdblock0 -l

brw-rw---- 1 root disk 31, 0 Apr 28 13:25/dev/mtdblock0

[lingyun@localhost yangzheng]$ sudo ddif=rootfs.jffs2 of=/dev/mtdblock0

40960+0 records in

40960+0 records out

20971520 bytes (21 MB) copied, 0.120246 s,174 MB/s

[lingyun@localhost yangzheng]$ ls

buildroot-2011.11  busybox-1.20.2   dropbear-0.53.1.tar.bz2  mtd        pub         rootfs         rootfs.jffs2

buildroot-2012.08  dropbear-0.53.1  mnt                      mtd-utiles  ramdisk.gz rootfs.cramfs  rootfs_tree

[lingyun@localhost yangzheng]$ mkdir mtd

[lingyun@localhost yangzheng]$ ls mtd/

[lingyun@localhost yangzheng]$ sudo mount-t jffs2 /dev/mtdblock0 mtd/

[lingyun@localhost yangzheng]$ ls mtd/

apps bin  data  dev etc  info  init lib  lingyun  linuxrc mnt  proc  root sbin  sys  tmp usr  var

[lingyun@localhost yangzheng]$ cd mtd

[lingyun@localhost mtd]$ sudo touchlingyun=emb

[lingyun@localhost mtd]$ ls

apps bin  data  dev etc  info  init lib  lingyun  lingyun=emb linuxrc  mnt  proc root  sbin  sys tmp  usr  var

[lingyun@localhost mtd]$ cd ../

[lingyun@localhost yangzheng]$ sudo umount/dev/mtdblock0

[lingyun@localhost yangzheng]$ ls mtd/

[lingyun@localhost yangzheng]$ cprootfs.jffs2 /tftp/


CLEANMARKER node found at 0x01380000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0
CLEANMARKER node found at 0x013a0000 has totlen 0xc != normal 0x0




[ s3c2440@ yangzheng ]#  set bjffs2 'tftp 30008000 rootfs.jffs2;nanderase 1e00000 1400000;nand write.jffs2 30008000 1e00000 1400000'

[ s3c2440@ yangzheng ]# set bootargs_jffs2'noinitrd root=/dev/mtdblock4 rootfstype=jffs2 init=/linuxrcconsole=ttyS0,115200'

[ s3c2440@ yangzheng ]# set bootargs'noinitrd root=/dev/mtdblock4 rootfstype=jffs2 init=/linuxrcconsole=ttyS0,115200'

[ s3c2440@ yangzheng ]# set bootcmd 'runbootcmd_jffs2'

[ s3c2440@ yangzheng ]# set bkr 'tftp30008000 yz_jfs2uImage-2440.gz;nand erase 100000 27c1ac;nandwrite 30008000 100000 27c1ac'

[ s3c2440@ yangzheng ]# set bootcmd_jffs2'nand read 30008000 100000 27c1ac;bootm 30008000'

[ s3c2440@ yangzheng ]# sa



[ s3c2440@ yangzheng ]# boot


NANDread: device 0 offset 0x100000, size 0x27c800

 2607104 bytes read: OK

##Booting kernel from Legacy Image at 30008000 ...

   Image Name:  Linux Kernel

   Created:     2013-06-05   3:24:43 UTC

   Image Type:  ARM Linux Kernel Image (uncompressed)

   Data Size:   2605420 Bytes = 2.5 MiB

   Load Address: 30008000

   Entry Point: 30008040

   Verifying Checksum ... OK

   XIP Kernel Image ... OK


OS entrypoint: 30008040

Imageentry point=30008040


Startingkernel ...


UncompressingLinux... done, booting the kernel.

Linuxversion 3.0.0 (root@localhost.localdomain) (gccversion 4.5.4 (Buildroot 2012.08) ) #6 Wed Jun 5 11:24:39 CST 2013

CPU:ARM920T [41129200] revision 0 (ARMv4T), cr=c0007177

CPU: VIVTdata cache, VIVT instruction cache


Memorypolicy: ECC disabled, Data cache writeback

CPU S3C2440A(id 0x32440001)

S3C24XX Clocks, Copyright 2004 SimtecElectronics

S3C244X: core 405.000 MHz, memory 101.250MHz, peripheral 50.625 MHz

CLOCK:Slow mode (1.500 MHz), fast, MPLL on, UPLL on

Built 1zonelists in Zone order, mobility grouping on. Total pages: 16256

Kernelcommand line: noinitrd root=/dev/mtdblock4 rootfstype=jffs2 init=/linuxrcconsole=ttyS0,115200

PID hashtable entries: 256 (order: -2, 1024 bytes)

Dentrycache hash table entries: 8192 (order: 3, 32768 bytes)

Inode-cachehash table entries: 4096 (order: 2, 16384 bytes)

Memory:64MB = 64MB total

Memory:59488k/59488k available, 6048k reserved, 0K highmem

Virtualkernel memory layout:

    vector : 0xffff0000 - 0xffff1000   (   4 kB)

    fixmap : 0xfff00000 - 0xfffe0000   ( 896kB)

    DMA    : 0xffc00000 - 0xffe00000   (   2 MB)

    vmalloc : 0xc4800000 - 0xf6000000   ( 792 MB)

    lowmem : 0xc0000000 - 0xc4000000   (  64 MB)

    modules : 0xbf000000 - 0xc0000000   (  16MB)

      .init : 0xc0008000 - 0xc002e000   ( 152 kB)

      .text : 0xc002e000 - 0xc04f0000  (4872 kB)

      .data : 0xc04f0000 - 0xc051fb20  ( 191 kB)

       .bss : 0xc051fb44 - 0xc054bfa0   ( 178 kB)


irq:clearing pending ext status 00080000

irq:clearing subpending status 00000003

irq:clearing subpending status 00000002

Console:colour dummy device 80x30

console[ttyS0] enabled

Calibratingdelay loop... 201.52 BogoMIPS (lpj=503808)

pid_max:default: 32768 minimum: 301

Mount-cachehash table entries: 512

CPU:Testing write buffer coherency: ok

gpiochip_add:gpios 288..303 (GPIOK) failed to register

gpiochip_add:gpios 320..334 (GPIOL) failed to register

gpiochip_add:gpios 352..353 (GPIOM) failed to register

NET:Registered protocol family 16

S3C Power Management, Copyright 2004Simtec Electronics

S3C2440: Initialising architecture

S3C2440: IRQ Support

S3C24XX DMA Driver, Copyright 2003-2006Simtec Electronics

DMAchannel 0 at c4804000, irq 33

DMAchannel 1 at c4804040, irq 34

DMAchannel 2 at c4804080, irq 35

DMAchannel 3 at c48040c0,irq 36

S3C244X: Clock Support, DVS off

s3c-adc s3c24xx-adc: attached adc driver

bio:create slab <bio-0> at 0

SCSIsubsystem initialized

usbcore:registered new interface driver usbfs

usbcore:registered new interface driver hub

usbcore:registered new device driver usb

s3c-i2cs3c2440-i2c: slave address 0x10

s3c-i2cs3c2440-i2c: bus frequency set to 98 KHz

s3c-i2cs3c2440-i2c: i2c-0:S3C I2C adapter

AdvancedLinux Sound Architecture Driver Version 1.0.24.

cfg80211:Calling CRDA to update world regulatory domain

NET:Registered protocol family 2

IP routecache hash table entries: 1024 (order: 0, 4096 bytes)

TCPestablished hash table entries: 2048 (order: 2, 16384 bytes)

TCP bindhash table entries: 2048 (order: 1, 8192 bytes)

TCP: Hashtables configured (established 2048 bind 2048)

TCP reno registered

UDP hashtable entries: 256 (order: 0, 4096 bytes)

UDP-Litehash table entries: 256 (order: 0, 4096 bytes)

NET:Registered protocol family 1

RPC:Registered named UNIX socket transport module.

RPC:Registered udp transport module.

RPC:Registered tcp transport module.

RPC:Registered tcp NFSv4.1 backchannel transport module.

NetWinderFloating Point Emulator V0.97 (extended precision)

NTFSdriver 2.1.30 [Flags: R/W].

JFFS2version 2.2. (NAND) 漏 2001-2006 Red Hat, Inc.

msgmnihas been set to 116

ioscheduler noop registered

ioscheduler deadline registered

ioscheduler cfq registered (default)

Console:switching to colour frame buffer device 60x34

fb0: s3c2410fb frame buffer device

s3c2440-uart.0: ttyS0 at MMIO 0x50000000(irq = 70) is a S3C2440

s3c2440-uart.1: ttyS1 at MMIO 0x50004000(irq = 73) is a S3C2440

s3c2440-uart.2: ttyS2 at MMIO 0x50008000(irq = 76) is a S3C2440

brd:module loaded

loop:module loaded

at24 0-0050:65536 byte 24c512EEPROM, writable, 128 bytes/write

S3C24XX NAND Driver, (c) 2004 SimtecElectronics

s3c24xx-nand s3c2440-nand: Tacls=3, 29ns Twrph0=7 69ns, Twrph1=329ns

s3c24xx-nand s3c2440-nand: NAND soft ECC

NANDdevice: Manufacturer ID: 0xec, Chip ID: 0xda (Samsung NAND 256MiB 3,3V 8-bit)

Scanningdevice for bad blocks

Baderaseblock 421 at 0x0000034a0000

Baderaseblock 1177 at 0x000009320000

Baderaseblock 1727 at 0x00000d7e0000

Creating11 MTD partitions on "NAND":

0x000000000000-0x000000100000: "mtdblock0 u-boot 1MB"

0x000000100000-0x000000500000: "mtdblock1 kernel 4MB"

0x000000500000-0x000000f00000 : "mtdblock2 ramdisk10MB"

0x000000f00000-0x000001e00000 :"mtdblock3 cramfs 15MB"

0x000001e00000-0x000004600000: "mtdblock3 jffs2 40MB"

0x000004600000-0x000006e00000: "mtdblock4 yaffs2 40MB"

0x000006e00000-0x000009600000: "mtdblock5 ubifs 40MB"

0x000009600000-0x000009700000: "mtdblock6 info 1MB"

0x000009700000-0x00000bf00000: "mtdblock7 apps 40MB"

0x00000bf00000-0x00000e700000: "mtdblock8 data 40MB"

0x00000e700000-0x000010000000: "mtdblock9 backup 25MB"

PPPgeneric driver version 2.4.2

PPPDeflate Compression module registered

PPP BSDCompression module registered

PPP MPPECompression module registered

NET:Registered protocol family 24

dm9000Ethernet Driver, V1.31

eth0: dm9000a at c4864300,c4866304 IRQ 51 MAC:08:00:3e:26:0a:6b(chip)

usbcore:registered new interface driver rt2800usb

ohci_hcd:USB 1.1 'Open' Host Controller (OHCI) Driver

s3c2410-ohci s3c2410-ohci: S3C24XXOHCI

s3c2410-ohci s3c2410-ohci: new USB bus registered, assigned busnumber 1

s3c2410-ohci s3c2410-ohci: irq 42, io mem 0x49000000

usb usb1:New USB device found, idVendor=1d6b, idProduct=0001

usb usb1:New USB device strings: Mfr=3, Product=2, SerialNumber=1

usb usb1:Product: S3C24XXOHCI

usb usb1:Manufacturer: Linux 3.0.0 ohci_hcd

usb usb1:SerialNumber: s3c24xx

hub1-0:1.0: USB hub found

hub1-0:1.0: 2 ports detected

InitializingUSB Mass Storage driver...

usbcore:registered new interface driver usb-storage

USB MassStorage support registered.

usbcore:registered new interface driver usbserial

usbserial:USB Serial Driver core

USBSerial support registered for ch341-uart

usbcore:registered new interface driver ch341

USBSerial support registered for FTDI USB Serial Device

usbcore:registered new interface driver ftdi_sio

ftdi_sio:v1.6.0:USB FTDI Serial Converters Driver

USBSerial support registered for GSM modem (1-port)

usbcore:registered new interface driver option

option: v0.7.2:USBDriver for GSM modems

USBSerial support registered for pl2303

usbcore:registered new interface driver pl2303

pl2303:Prolific PL2303 USB to serial adaptor driver

mousedev:PS/2 mouse device common for all mice

samsung-tss3c2440-ts: driverattached, registering input device

input: S3C24XX TouchScreen as/devices/virtual/input/input0

S3C24XX RTC, (c) 2004,2006 SimtecElectronics

s3c-rtc s3c2410-rtc: rtc disabled, re-enabling

s3c-rtc s3c2410-rtc: rtc core: registered s3c as rtc0

i2c /dev entries driver

s3c-sdi s3c2440-sdi: mmc0 - using pio, sw SDIO IRQ

usbcore:registered new interface driver usbhid

usbhid:USB HID core driver

S3C24XX_UDA134X SoC Audio driver

UDA134XSoC Audio Codec

asoc:uda134x-hifi <-> s3c24xx-iismapping ok

ALSAdevice list:

  #0: S3C24XX_UDA134X

Netfiltermessages via NETLINK v0.30.

nf_conntrackversion 0.5.0 (929 buckets, 3716 max)

ctnetlinkv0.93: registering with nfnetlink.

xt_time:kernel timezone is -0000

ip_set:protocol 6

IPVS:Registered protocols (TCP, UDP, AH, ESP)

IPVS:Connection hash table configured (size=4096, memory=32Kbytes)

IPVS:Creating netns size=1008 id=0

IPVS:ipvs loaded.

IPVS:[rr] scheduler registered.

IPVS:[wrr] scheduler registered.

IPVS:[lc] scheduler registered.

IPVS:[wlc] scheduler registered.

IPVS:[lblc] scheduler registered.

IPVS: [lblcr]scheduler registered.

IPVS:[dh] scheduler registered.

IPVS:[sh] scheduler registered.

IPVS:[sed] scheduler registered.

IPVS:[nq] scheduler registered.

ip_tables:(C) 2000-2006 Netfilter Core Team

ipt_CLUSTERIP:ClusterIP Version 0.8 loaded successfully

arp_tables:(C) 2002 David S. Miller

TCP cubicregistered

NET:Registered protocol family 17

lib80211:common routines for IEEE802.11 drivers

Registeringthe dns_resolver key type

s3c-rtc s3c2410-rtc: setting system clock to 2047-03-2108:01:22 UTC (2436768082)

usb 1-1:new full speed USB device number 2 using s3c2410-ohci

usb 1-1:New USB device found, idVendor=05e3, idProduct=0606

usb 1-1:New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=0

usb 1-1:Product: USB Hub 2.0

hub1-1:1.0: USB hub found

hub1-1:1.0: 4 ports detected

VFS:Mounted root (jffs2 filesystem) on device 31:4.

Freeinginit memory: 152K

dm9000dm9000.0: eth0: link down

dm9000dm9000.0: eth0: link up, 100Mbps, full-duplex, lpa 0xCDE1


Copyright(C) 2013 yangzheng<yz2012ww@gmail.com>

rootlogin: root

>: ls

apps     data    etc      info     lib     mnt      root     sys     usr

bin      dev     haha     init     linuxrc proc     sbin     tmp     var








