Windows Live Writer(简称WLW)是博主们喜欢的博客离线发布程序,所谓工欲善其事,必先利其器。
1、Clipboard Live 实时黏贴板
Clipboard Live enhances the pasting abilities in Windows Live Writer. Copy and Paste Images, HTML pages, Web Images, Visual Studio Code, RTF pages, and much more right into Windows Live Writer. Never lose formatting or content again in your Pastes. Have you ever wanted to paste an image into Windows Live Writer? How about pasting a Microsoft Word page? Visual Studio Page? HTML Image or Fragment? Clipboard Live opens up the paste functions of your clipboard. You can paste Images as local files or pointed to their original http:// address. Paste HTML Fragments leaving the formatting and they will include images. Paste a word document with the formatting or just adjust the settings page and paste it with no formatting at all. You can paste anything and everything that is useful in your clipboard. You can adjust the settings to choose how you want your content to look on each paste. Instead of clicking Ctrl-V, just click the Clipboard Live plugin and let it do the rest. Clipboard Live is the answer to all your Pasting troubles. Find documentation and supp
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ort for Clipboard Live at http://codewordhank.com/clipboard-live/
简单说就是:支持粘贴图片、html网页、web图片、Visual Studio Code, RTF pages等等。甚至支持黏贴word文档。方便吧。
2、Adsense Coder 谷歌广告编辑
储存好设置后可方便地在日志中插入Adsense广告。—感觉还不如使用Wordpress的Mighty Adsense插件更方便,当然这个插件的优点是能随意定义广告在文章中的位置。
3,在Adsense code里保存下并命名,以后就可以在Web版式下方便的插入了。
1 插件安装
http://gallery.live.com/liveItemDetail.aspx?li=1f07e880-608e-4d26-b657-a1583de6200a&pl=8&bt=9 下载插件
2 启动LiveWriter后将在右下角看到插入代码块
3 点击插入代码界面
3 自定义显示标题示例
//这是测试内容 public override DialogResult CreateContent(IWin32Window dialogOwner, ref string content) { content = "hello plugin"; return DialogResult.OK; }
4 模版管理,针对不同的blog网站设置不同的代码模版,点击设计进行模版管理界面,新建模版。
cnblogs.com 下载 http://files.cnblogs.com/yaoshiyou/cf.SyntaxHighighter1.2.rar
微软下载 http://gallery.live.com/liveItemDetail.aspx?li=1f07e880-608e-4d26-b657-a1583de6200a&pl=8&bt=9
源代码下载 1.0http://files.cnblogs.com/yaoshiyou/CodeMarksFramework.SyntaxHighlightx.rar
源代码下载1.1 http://files.cnblogs.com/yaoshiyou/cf.SyntaxHighighter1.1.rar
4、 Insert Files 插入文件
Insert a file attachment into your blog entry. The plugin supports specifying the link caption as well as a link prefix. A perfect alternative to having to manually upload an attachment that you want to include with a post. (Tested with WordPress) 1.4 - Updated for the final release of Windows Live Writer. Some interface enhancements1.0 - Initial Release
5,SkyDrive附件 插件 - SkyDrive Attachment plugin
不错的插件,可以在windows live writer中直接上传、管理附件到SkyDrive。节省空间。
6 Tag Generator
A tool to automatically generate tags based on the content of your post. Supports Technorati, WordPress and Blogger