[Office] Customize the Page Footer

Though I have digged inside the Style of MS Office five years ago when I joining SAP, I felt strongly loss when I tried to add a customized page Footer to the document.
(1) Footer should contain the page number as well as the total amount of pages.
(2) Footer should indicate the name of latest character.
(3) Footer should be automatically updated after the content has updated.
(4) Nice to have: fashion style.
First of all, we need a Field at Footer Design Tools.
[Office] Customize the Page Footer_第1张图片
For total amount of pages, reference it like this (using Format combobox to pick up your favior style):
[Office] Customize the Page Footer_第2张图片
For reference chapaters, it is heavily depends on the style you're building you document.
[Office] Customize the Page Footer_第3张图片
It's recommended to check the "Search from the bottom of page to top".
Finally, I got my result out:
Alva Chien
